
List of issues
JENKINS-75091Plot plugin throws null pointer exception in Pipeline if title not provided
JENKINS-72216Extend useDescr to use displayName instead of description
JENKINS-70715Customized colors for data series in plots
JENKINS-70165Icon for plot groups does not exist when multiple groups are defined
JENKINS-70050Plot plugin: ability to save plots as images and optionally send them as email
JENKINS-65619Allow plot plugin source CSV name to include environment variables
JENKINS-63469plot plugin losing csv series configuration on next project configuration edit
JENKINS-63234plot plugin should not remove points related to kept forever biulds.
JENKINS-62731add plot style with pie
JENKINS-62730the first column always was shown abnormally when plot style was set to bar or bar 3D in plot plugin
JENKINS-62729the legend name of plot plugin was shown abnormally.
JENKINS-60691javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.34.jar!/lib/form/block.jelly:32:22: <d:invokeBody> hudson/matrix/MatrixProject
JENKINS-59237Add possibility to define hight, width and hasLegend with plot command
JENKINS-58433Plot plugin doesn't display data points from previous builds in case of multiple .properties files
JENKINS-58410Plot plugin csv file not getting created in project root directory
JENKINS-56291Plot Plugin + Jenkinsfile: New plots will not be displayed in Plot section until the build succeeds
JENKINS-56086Tabs missing in configuration page after adding plot to freestyle job
JENKINS-54745Specify font size, or automatically scale it as plot size grows
JENKINS-54714Allow downloading raw CSV data for external processing
JENKINS-54307Plot plugin is not working for zero values on logaritmic scale
JENKINS-54017Plot for Color blind
JENKINS-54016Independent plot data table option
JENKINS-53992Multiple use of xml file in plots
JENKINS-53939Plot plugin configuration in pipeline script - run job on remote node - graph not shown
JENKINS-52249Parallel build led to AIOOBE in Plot.savePlotData
JENKINS-52128NullPointerException in Plot plugin (pipeline)
JENKINS-51547Plot Plugin fails with number in title of jmx step
JENKINS-51532Plot plugin extreme memory leak with matrix jobs
JENKINS-51200Plot plugin loses historical data on configuration change (Multi-configuration project)
JENKINS-50215Jenkins Plot Plugin is not plotting data.
JENKINS-49672Jenkins plot-plugin issue,graph not getting updated after every build.
JENKINS-49158Add plot plugin option "useDescrIn[Value|Dot][Tooltip|Label]"
JENKINS-48813Support non-file based plot data series
JENKINS-43708Plot data truncated after failed build
JENKINS-37550Error al visualizar pantalla configuraciĆ³n proyectos
JENKINS-34046Plots in Multi-configuration project
JENKINS-33854Send plot out using post build email notification
JENKINS-33724Display plot in Job homepage
JENKINS-32786Conditional plot possibility
JENKINS-32640Configurable diagram size
JENKINS-31457Plot Plugin can't use mvn hip:run to run on the jetty.
JENKINS-31052Yet some unnecessary SEVERE warnings in logs
JENKINS-28981Allow Plot Plugin to plot data for failed builds
JENKINS-25814NullPointerException in MatrixPlotPublisher
JENKINS-25038get JOB_NAME (Dynamically)
JENKINS-24964Plot source file with parallel execution
JENKINS-24236Support the setting of a threshold so if graph drops below you can take action
JENKINS-24235No way to clear out a plot graph without deleting it in the config page
JENKINS-24233Support changing the colors of graph lines or bars
JENKINS-24158plot doesn't work when reading CSV with Windows line termination
JENKINS-23811Link build number in X-axis to build page
JENKINS-21812Display tooltips for columns when hovering over plot
JENKINS-21811Support semicolons as CSV delimiters
JENKINS-21095Make 'Data series legend label' data source independent
JENKINS-19129Environment variables not expanded in plot configuration
JENKINS-18182Stacktrace on project save
JENKINS-15844Allow Jenkins Environment Variables in the URL
JENKINS-15359Adding a second data series and saving it results in error
JENKINS-15323Allow user to define X and Y axis
JENKINS-14724set labels,rather than build #,date on x(Horizontal) axis
JENKINS-14574Failed to parse form data
JENKINS-13539Failed to parse form data. Please report this problem as a bug
JENKINS-9880fixing of plot group, 'spaces', bug and addition of 'specify color' feature.
JENKINS-9721Plot 1.4 couldn't plot multiple data series from XML file
JENKINS-8359Plots page completely empty since 1.4
JENKINS-7422Plots plugin can not take 2 or more charts
JENKINS-6913CSV data file is corrupted if disk space/quota runs out
JENKINS-6157Supporting parsing any text-based file with RegEx to get the YVALUE
JENKINS-2841y-axis scale configs for plot plug-in
JENKINS-2573plot plugin crashes firefox with multiple plot groups under XP
JENKINS-851plot plugin should allow optional label text