Pipeline: AWS Steps

List of issues
#337Authenticate with CodeArtifact
#336Require Jenkins 2.479.1 and Jakarta EE 9
#334s3Download Couldn't Create Parent Directories
#332Getting InvalidFileExistsBehaviorException even though fileExistsBehavior is not specified
#330Allow Removal of Stack Termination Protection
JENKINS-73650Update Pipeline: AWS Steps plugin to use AWS SDK for Java 2.x
#328Enable Jenkins Security Scan
#326Support for compression
#324Unable to upload folder to S3 compatible storage
#323Replace JSR-305 annotations with spotbugs annotations
#321AWS profile not working
#320version 1.44 referenced by update center but unavaible on get.jenkins.io/plugins/pipeline-aws/
#316Support AWS IAM Roles Anywhere
#315Using withAWS{} without credentials param, uses parent EC2 credentials correctly on plugin steps but not on a sh 'aws ...'
#314Provide ecrCreateRepository
#312Unexpected withAWS behaviour when assuming Role with useNode
#311No such DSL method 'AWS' found among steps error in jenkins pipeline
#310Multi-file Upload
#308Please add storage-class as a option for s3upload
#304s3DoesObjectExist Forbidden
#299Getting a ERROR: com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to complete transfer: Failed to load com.sun.xml.bind.StackHelper
#296feat: add option to disable parallel download
#294Allow support for assume-role-with-web-identity
#293When downloading, Should the force option always erase the path?
#291Can I use this plugin and MFA with jenkins role in input?
#290Issue #274 fix verbose param in the s3UploadStep
#289SNS Message Attributes support for additional data types
#287AWS Elastic Beanstalk update-environment
#286Exception on cfnCreateChangeSet step
#285Pipeline-aws-plugin is pulling the latest version of aws-java-sdk:1.12.69 which seems to be breaking aws assumeRole
#284Please Allow Uploading Files in s3Upload Synchronously
#283snippet generator generates faulty code (File and IncludePathPattern cannot be used together)
#282Error resolving proxy FQDN
#278Issues when saving jenkins configuration
#277s3Upload fails with duplicate class definition of com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent
#275s3Upload step remoteUploader does not support tags if a local file is a directory
JENKINS-65381Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.amazonaws.services.s3.S3CredentialsProviderChain
#274verbose = false in s3Upload doesn't suppress the upload output
#272Add Task Definition capabilities to this plugin
#271Ad a new s3 step to support the equivalent of AWS s3 sync action
#268how to use withAWS and withRun using the role attached to the instance
#265Nothing returned when calling cfnCreateChangeSet
#263S3Upload hangs in a on premisse instance
#262Document What Parameters Mean
#257s3Upload fails with exception
#256Issue #232 CreateInstances for new StackSets and UpdateInstances per parameters
#244Security issue with 'WithAws' logs
#243withAWS does not set AWS_SESSION_TOKEN when the role is set in the credentials
#238Error with S3Upload when using includePathPattern+KMS
#232[Feature] CreateStackInstances and UpdateStackInstances
#228Add ability to access encrypted templates in S3 bucket through cfnUpdate
#225s3Upload is broken!
#224s3Upload conflicts with s3-plugin
#223Upgrade aws-sdk version to >=1.11.704 to support IAM roles for Kubernetes Service Account
#215S3Download wipes C drive if target set as "/"
#211cannot support s3 acceleration
#208invokeLambda method causes Lambda to be executed four times
#198Intermittent s3 download failing with UnkownHostException
#193withAWS() requires region parameter
#188withaws runs with PrincipalID as requester email or admin
#186Feature request: awaitDeploymentCompletion to give option to run custom script for deployment status "Ready"
#176cfnUpdate Timeout
#175S3Upload ignores the 'sseAlgorithm' property when uploading a folder
#173s3Upload with Assumed Role and different region
#166[metadata] Unable to set content-disposition metadata
#162Error: profile file cannot be null
#156Feature Request: s3Upload storage class
#153enhance listAccounts to list accounts by orga unit
#152List stacks cfnList
#151withAWS() puts secret key into Jenkins log file if env vars are printed...
#144AWS Secrets (ASM)
#135S3Copy doesn't work cross region
#125s3Copy step doesn't return any errors in case of permission problems
#124s3Copy step doesn't copy metadata from the source file
#122Feature Request - Ability to write to S3 using String as data source, not a file
#121java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when using `cfnCreateChangeSet`
#118Allow bypassing proxy configuration or document behavior
#116When cfnDelete fails build freezes
#115Respect timeoutInMinutes on cfnUpdate
#114Feature Request: Return full description of ChangeSet
#113cfnCreateChangeSet and other Documentation
#110cfnUpdate trows WaiterUnrecoverableException
#105SSE-Required Bucket Policy Block S3Upload
#95Cannot connect to ceph object stroage
#83s3Upload() doesn't work if `includePathPattern` matches multiple files
#81AWS s3Upload can not upload files with a directory name as the key
#79step to deploy lambda
#75Add option for Client Side Encryption with KMSId
#65Elastic Beanstalk Support
#49When cfnUpdate fails to create a stack DELETE_COMPLETE is a valid end state
JENKINS-47753Pipeline-AWS-plugin: s3Download method doesn't really download object every second time
JENKINS-47046s3Upload with includePathPattern does not upload files
JENKINS-46664Support for Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3-Managed Encryption Keys (SSE-S3) on S3 Object Upload
JENKINS-45807Error when validating CloudFormation with a `/` in roleSessionName
JENKINS-45237com.google.inject.CreationException after resuming build in de.taimos.pipeline.aws.WithAWSStep {}
JENKINS-44097CloudFormation updated which result in a failed rollback cannot be updated using the plugin
JENKINS-43586CloudFormation stack is not deleted when creation fails
JENKINS-39815Aborting a job crashes the plugin and Jenkins has to be restarted
JENKINS-39584Add s3 sync functionality