Periodic Reincarnation
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
#33 | Modernize to latest versions supported by Java 8 | | |
#32 | Bump build-failure-analyzer from 1.17.2 to 1.27.1 | | |
#31 | Bump jobConfigHistory from 2.8 to 1155.v28a_46a_cc06a_5 | | |
JENKINS-62535 | Reincarnation doesn't work with failure causes | | |
JENKINS-61749 | NPE when trying to use Build Failure Analyzer support | | |
JENKINS-46419 | Hung builds | | |
JENKINS-41905 | Periodic Reincarnation plugin does not work with Pipeline job type | | |
JENKINS-39834 | Periodic Reincarnation does not work with Accelerated Build Now | | |