Parameterized Trigger

List of issues
JENKINS-75142Jobs run using parameterized trigger plugin generating failed Slack notifications around a month after successfully completing.
JENKINS-75109Consecutive Trigger/call builds on other projects trigger single build
JENKINS-75038Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of Parametrizedtrigger plugin
JENKINS-73569Parameterized Trigger Plugin -- not passing Predefined Parameters downstream
JENKINS-73455Make matrix-project optional dependency of parameterized trigger plugin
JENKINS-73337Jenkins build does not show the correct list of changes when one build job overtakes the other and when using the "Parameterized Trigger" plugin
JENKINS-72950Parameterized Trigger still occupy node when using dynamic job name
JENKINS-71597Not able to pass secret text variables to downstream project
JENKINS-70569two parameters items under a build list
JENKINS-70393parameterized-trigger plugin failed to fetch environment variables from upstream build on version >=2.43.1
JENKINS-66091Parameterized Trigger intermittently hangs on wait() call from
JENKINS-65711 Faced few issues in 2.277.2 LTS version
JENKINS-65255Jenkins job re-ran after configuration change
JENKINS-64591Multi-configuration project ALWAYS triggers parametrized build for ALL childs if a pipeline job in the project list to build
JENKINS-64577No information reported in status page and console log when triggered parametrized build (Post-Build Section) is a pipeline job
JENKINS-64576Missing information reported in status page when triggered parametrized build ( Build Section) is a pipeline job
JENKINS-64379Choice Parameter
JENKINS-63553String parameters with spaces issue
JENKINS-63507Unable to resolve params defined in properties inside a yaml file in the first build of job
JENKINS-62717Parameterized trigger plugin evaluates null or unset variables as their symbol name.
JENKINS-61797How to disable CSRF in Jenkins 2.222.1 to run remote parameterized builds
JENKINS-61252Few methods of DownstreamTriggerContext not working
JENKINS-60818Parameterized Remote Trigger Remote build URL ERROR
JENKINS-60765Parameterized trigger blocks executors
JENKINS-60732Node is repeated in execution
JENKINS-60668Pipeline view formatting messed up
JENKINS-60561Issue with string parameter
JENKINS-60511parameterized project triggered with empty parameters from pipeline's for loop
JENKINS-60332fist value is taken in choice parameter job when executed remotely
JENKINS-60051A blocked Project still occupies an Executor
JENKINS-59822When users are running build with parameters are not printed on console or in build home page unlike builds triggered by timers display these values in console output and in build home page
JENKINS-59431When using node label's "All Nodes for Label Factory" on single label node, it runs job on wrong node
JENKINS-57975src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/parameterizedtrigger/BinaryFileParameterFactory/help-parameterName.html is empty
JENKINS-57974If you do need to escape '$', use '$'.
JENKINS-57763trigger-parameterized-builds doesn't propagate results upstream
JENKINS-57507Parameterized Trigger node label can get stuck
JENKINS-57399Predefined parameters not passing correct
JENKINS-56965How to show the original version in build parameter page
JENKINS-56954After upgrade to 2.164.1 from 2.150.3 injecting from file with absolute path does not work
JENKINS-56668parameterizedtrigger and git-plugin have an unsatisfied dependency on promoted_builds
JENKINS-56314File parameter throw null pointer exception
JENKINS-56292Job launching parameterized build on other project fails
JENKINS-56021Parameters from properties file causes huge delay when the Build Actions ends.
JENKINS-55282Parameterized Trigger plugin not passing user created environment variables
JENKINS-54761Downstream job not displaying in logs after upstream job is promoted
JENKINS-54332New Parameters option, specifying separate parameters for each separate job
JENKINS-53444passing text file from upstream project as an input to downstream project by using parameterized trigger plugin
JENKINS-52221Support bash array parsing in Parameterized Trigger Plugin Parameters Text Area
JENKINS-51589"Trigger parameterized build on other projects" does not release the queue
JENKINS-51504Dynamic downstream projects are waiting for downstream
JENKINS-51501Parameterized Trigger Plugin Dynamic downstream projects fails "array out of bounds"
JENKINS-50934Triggered builds "for every property file" do not receive the parameters from the property files
JENKINS-50802jobdsl & hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.FileParameterFactory duplicate xml fragment
JENKINS-50032Jobs can be triggered with only Job/Read and Job/Configure
JENKINS-49755Jenkins does work with Parameterized Trigger Plugin 2.35
JENKINS-49676Downstream jobs aren't triggered when upstream jobs take long time to finish execution
JENKINS-49550Parameterized trigger plugin v2.35 is not working in Jenkins 2.73
JENKINS-48714Post-Build Action does not show links to downstream builds
JENKINS-48424job configured with conditional step to trigger another project reports error at end
JENKINS-48203Build Status Subprojects list should provide actual subproject status and links
JENKINS-48120Environment variables not available post build
JENKINS-47792Job with status "pending description" do not start
JENKINS-47547Plugin in version 2.35.2 does not start a jenkins job on Windows slave
JENKINS-47442Parameterized Trigger hangs waiting for downstream job
JENKINS-47352No indication that a FreestyleJob triggered a PipelineJob
JENKINS-47215Include/passthrough Upstream SVN Revisons doesn't work if a job is rebuild
JENKINS-46940Build pipeline plugin duplicates static linked jobs in view
JENKINS-45937ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when $VARIABLE in project list contains comma
JENKINS-45711Parmaterized Variable not passing to downstream jobs
JENKINS-45521Predifined parameters not received by non-parameterized jobs
JENKINS-45084Unable to retrieve parameters in downstream Project
JENKINS-45005wrong node chosen for downstream job if upstream job uses nodelabelparameter
JENKINS-44728Promotion Plugin with Static Jobs causing Dynamic Parameters to Invoke Multiple times
JENKINS-43673Need new trigger for Parameterized Trigger Plugin: Failed but not still failing
JENKINS-43412Being able to use a variable in "project to build" entry
JENKINS-43181Unable to use the same buildWithParameter variable webhook across different repositories
JENKINS-43139Add ParameterFactories invoke i=0...N builds replace sub parameters
JENKINS-43095Option to have Parameterized Trigger plugin report a build as failed when triggered job fails to trigger.
JENKINS-43023Provide URL of triggered job
JENKINS-42751Add option to not build already build job.
JENKINS-42723Fix form fields for active choices parameters when triggering builds via the parameterized trigger plugin
JENKINS-42516Parameterized Trigger doesn't respect project-based permissions that override folder level permissions
JENKINS-41525Predefined parameters incompatible with Maven Metadata Plugin for Jenkins CI server
JENKINS-41194Subprojects appeared as "Unresolved" if the "projects to build" is a pipeline job.
JENKINS-40677ability to delete parameter-files stuff after a build completes
JENKINS-40615Parameterised build passing to downstream build
JENKINS-40589Parameterized-trigger-plugin not working reliable
JENKINS-40449Parameters from properties files and current build parameters do not work together
JENKINS-39466Post build trigger every job instead of waiting for all matrix builds complete
JENKINS-39444Spurious "You have no permission to build" errors with inconsistent effects.
JENKINS-39274"Trigger build without parameters" checkbox cleared if tab duplicated in Chromium
JENKINS-39073Set result to unstable if remote is unstable
JENKINS-38998Cannot trigger pipeline job
JENKINS-38499Not possible to trigger from jenkins pipeline
JENKINS-38467Jenkins job POST URL with parameter does not work properly
JENKINS-37624Provide File-Parameter in parameterized-trigger-plugin
JENKINS-37428parameterized plugin getting replaced by a white space
JENKINS-37051Mark the job unstable when the Post-Build triggered job is not started
JENKINS-36549Parameterized Trigger Plugin - doesn't pass parameters after upgrating jenkins to 2.7
JENKINS-36247Environment variable is not converted for number
JENKINS-35705When re-running a build, "Buid on the same node" param is ignored
JENKINS-35146No console output from parameterized trigger when used with release build plugin
JENKINS-34954Upgrade from LTS 1.651.1 to 1.651.2 broke functionality of parameterized trigger plugin
JENKINS-34871After upgrading to Jenkins 2.3 we are unable to trigger parametrized build (SECURITY-170 / CVE-2016-3721)
JENKINS-34726Copy console output of triggered job into console of current job
JENKINS-34340Don't rename job names in TRIGGERED_JOB_NAMES
JENKINS-34319Cannot trigger multi-configuration from job
JENKINS-34112Invoke one build with all matching files
JENKINS-34009plugin doesn't perform conversion for subtypes of StringParameterDefinition
JENKINS-33991If the job is parameterized but there are no parameters defined it causes all builds to fail
JENKINS-33910java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hudson/matrix/MatrixProject
JENKINS-33834improve display of subproject builds
JENKINS-33757Parameterized Trigger plugin not finding properties files when using Parameter factories
JENKINS-33671all triggered downstream jobs blocked until all upstream jobs leave queue
JENKINS-33665Kill child jobs when parent is killed (Build Step)
JENKINS-33444Archiving artifacts are a prerequisite for testing
JENKINS-33178Build pipeline displays incorrectly when triggering the same project multiple times with different parameters
JENKINS-32934Recored build numbers for non-blocking triggered jobs.
JENKINS-32583Predefined parameters do not expand variables properly
JENKINS-32278Abort status is required above Failure status
JENKINS-31798Projects to build "can not find the project"
JENKINS-31675Allow setting a prefix for properties read from file
JENKINS-31640TRIGGERED_BUILD_RUN_COUNT doesn't properly update when you trigger many jobs with the same name
JENKINS-31561WARNING: deprecated call to Run.getEnvironment
JENKINS-31044Asynchronous wait for job completion
JENKINS-30397Not building a job on proper Node
JENKINS-30217The response of building parametered build via remote api is broken
JENKINS-30153Build with Parameters doesn't work when the job is triggered by SCM
JENKINS-29988Error while running parametrized build: javax.servlet.ServletException: Failed to parse JSON
JENKINS-29783Parameterized trigger does not reflect moving aroung declaring job between folders
JENKINS-29552Post Build Trigger Parameterized build option for ignoring offline nodes
JENKINS-29031Current Build Parameters doesn't pass custom job parameters
JENKINS-28925Job triggered on failure (when it shouldn't)
JENKINS-28699Password type parameterized fields get bogus auto-population of default value despite empty field on job save
JENKINS-28354Add Fixed build trigger
JENKINS-27714Maven Passsword Parameters
JENKINS-27679Issue when parallelizing parametrized jobs from a multi-project jobs
JENKINS-27536Add option for "back to normal" build result to trigger a build in the Parameterized Trigger Plugin
JENKINS-26984Plugin doesn't resolve variables during form validation
JENKINS-26877Manual trigger ignores properties file if the build node doesn't exists anymore
JENKINS-26646Items.fromNameList is being called with a null parameter
JENKINS-26563BlockableBuildTrigger invokes build timeout
JENKINS-25794Possibility to trigger a job with all available parameters
JENKINS-25645Plugin writes out "Triggerin projects: myproject" even if no project succeeds to be triggered.
JENKINS-24622Upstream jobs have disapeared from job main page
JENKINS-24257Guessed downstream build # in console log can be wrong in Parameterized Trigger Plugin
JENKINS-23927Parameterized trigger should be able to optionally retry failed blocked builds
JENKINS-22980be able to execute concurrent builds with separate parameters
JENKINS-22600Sub-projects appeared as "Static" and "Other executed recently" at job main page
JENKINS-22564Env variables not passed to job
JENKINS-22030Show list of 'Is Subproject of' where a job is listed in the Subprojects section of another one
JENKINS-21975Add notice about the combination of ivy plugin and parameterizrd-trigger plugin
JENKINS-21829Console output should print build number when adding a build to the queue
JENKINS-21154Usage of UpDownStreamNumberSychronizedNotify in conjunction with parameterized-trigger-plugin will lead to a non working pipeline
JENKINS-20957Add support for RunParameter to parameterized-trigger
JENKINS-20260Sequential triggering of jobs sometimes fails when the file parameter is read-only
JENKINS-19276Escape characters such as "\" for filepaths are being removed from variables loaded from properties file.
JENKINS-19255Do not silently drop build steps that fail the triggering build when removing the triggered job
JENKINS-18890On build page the subprojects are sorted randomly, instead of based on execution order
JENKINS-18536Remove downstream job from queue before new triggers
JENKINS-18486When providing multiple jobs to run, support running them one after another and not all together
JENKINS-18363macro token support
JENKINS-17279I need better documentation for how to use the SVN parameter
JENKINS-17009Parameters with newlines should be stored as TextParameterValue
JENKINS-15920Boolean parameter becomes string
JENKINS-15834It's not possible to specify multiple property files in parametrised trigger
JENKINS-15299support spaces inside parameters
JENKINS-13966Parameter Factories on Trigger parameterized build
JENKINS-12621Give the option to pass either the last changed rev or the current latest rev when triggering downstream builds.
JENKINS-12480Build step that runs multiple jobs in parallel, and blocks until all are complete
JENKINS-12479Add checkbox to add an executor when blocking
JENKINS-12290Deadlock/Lockup when using "trigger/call builds on other projects" and "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds" is used with only 1 executor
JENKINS-11280Downstream project name is not accepting env variable/build parameters
JENKINS-11257Stopping a parent job doesn't stop the triggered child jobs
JENKINS-10861Copy artifacts from downstream job run via synchronous Trigger Build step
JENKINS-10779Non-existing parameters are not empty but replaced with parameter name
JENKINS-10147Add 'poll SCM' option to build step
JENKINS-9793Use expandable text box for jobs list configuration
JENKINS-9622Add build selector to parameterized trigger
JENKINS-9105Parameterized plugin should have an option to support "block until downstream projects finish"
JENKINS-7557Overlapping parameterized builds gets confused on downstream jobs
JENKINS-6483Renaming a downstream job should update triggers referring to that job