#90 | Improve a Plugin - update Jenkinsfile | | |
JENKINS-74209 | [ownership] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in com/synopsys/arc/jenkins/plugins/ownership/util/ui/UserSelector/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74208 | [ownership] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in com/synopsys/arc/jenkins/plugins/ownership/ItemOwnershipAction/propertyConfig.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74207 | [ownership] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/ownership/integrations/securityinspector/PermissionsForOwnerReportBuilder/configureReport.jelly | | |
JENKINS-68862 | Small icon takes up the entire page if Job and Node ownership plugin is configured | | |
#89 | [JENKINS-68842] save Node after setting ownership | | |
JENKINS-68842 | Node ownership is not persisted when not saving the node configuration | | |
#88 | Adapt icon path removal from core | | |
JENKINS-66034 | Misaligned elements when ownership is displayed on run page | | |
#86 | JENKINS-62437: Remove table tags to avoid UI breakage | | |
#85 | Exception on save Configure specific access rights | | |
#84 | Duplicate class definition for OwnershipGlobalVariableImpl | | |
JENKINS-62184 | Ownership based authorization preventing fallback authorizations from kicking in | | |
#80 | Update Jenkins Core requirement to 2.138.3, use jenkinsci/bom as a source of dependency versions | | |
JENKINS-58429 | Remove dependency on Matrix Auth from Ownership plugin | | |
JENKINS-54364 | Item specific security does not work in my case | | |
#76 | [WIP] [JENKINS-46790] Expose a RecipientProvider for ownership | | |
#75 | Ownership 1.0: Update dependencies and require Jenkins 2.60.3 | | |
JENKINS-53466 | ownership-plugin loading failure on startup | | |
JENKINS-52311 | Support JCasC in the Ownership plugin | | |
JENKINS-50792 | Overall Admin access is required to create/copy a job, which wasn't required earlier | | |
#70 | Folder specific access rights | | |
JENKINS-49744 | Users with Manage Ownership permissions are unable to change Folder ownership from CLI/REST API | | |
JENKINS-48400 | many primary owners + filter | | |
JENKINS-47595 | cannot assign item specific security to folders | | |
JENKINS-47337 | More than one PrimaryOwner | | |
JENKINS-46790 | ownership-plugin does not expose a RecipientProvider for ownership | | |
JENKINS-44946 | Crashing if configure specific access rights is done for not added owner | | |
#63 | [JENKINS-42849] add BranchProperty to assign ownership to branch jobs | | |
JENKINS-43454 | Ownership Token Macro Documentation is missing in MailExt Token reference | | |
JENKINS-42909 | OwnershipPlugin#resolveEmail() does not catch ClassCastException | | |
JENKINS-42849 | Provide a way to automatically assign ownership to branch jobs | | |
JENKINS-33585 | Improve documentation: managing Ownership via Groovy Script | | |
JENKINS-33447 | Add the "Reset ownership" action to Manage Ownership pages | | |
JENKINS-32711 | Adding Co-Owners by "Display Name" does not work | | |
JENKINS-28965 | Allow user to browse all owned items | | |
JENKINS-26973 | Support project-specific security in "Matrix based security" plugin | | |
JENKINS-26397 | Filter layouts of project-specific permissions according to Role Strategy Macro filters | | |
JENKINS-24998 | Introduce 'Make me an owner' button | | |
JENKINS-23948 | Set global default job owner | | |
JENKINS-22869 | [ownership] - Low-impact NPE in jenkins/configure due to the missing data | | |
JENKINS-21122 | Block start of nodes if Ownership is not configured | | |
JENKINS-20336 | Add a "Drop project-specific security" global action | | |
JENKINS-20182 | Add API for easy getting of ownership info from Groovy scripts | | |
JENKINS-19999 | Add ownership run condition | | |
JENKINS-19992 | Add a "has project-specific security" column and search filter | | |
JENKINS-18976 | Send e-mail notifications in case of the ownership changes | | |
JENKINS-18741 | Add support of user groups as owners and co-owners | | |