Nested View

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  • [JENKINS-65924] Nested view plugin breaks Jenkins search #37
  • Add possibility to search via displayName and show build stats/details #38

global config for search on/of

The nested-view plugin have its own search extension, but that is focused to jobs and views. Normal search offers also other scopes, and many users missed them.

The search is on by default.
This commit is adding global setting to turn it on/off
In addition, the extended search can use -X (or -Xn where n is number 1-9) to turn off the Nested View search extension temporarily off

Original workaround of
new File(System.getProperty("user.home"),'.nestedViewsSearch').createNewFile()
was dropped

searching in builds

For enhanced search, added new set of swithces enabling searching in builds. Most noticeably, you can now search by display name

enhanced search now can also show build statistics and details

Project/build details in search: :

  • m: multiline instead of singe line
  • P: will include project details
  • Ln: will add information about last builds. Plain L c an be followed by mask of numbers 1-last,2-stable,3-green,4-yellow,5-red,6-unsuccess,7-completed
  • Bn: details about builds. N is limiting am amount of builds. Default is 10!
  • Sn: statistics (like weather, but in numbers). N is limiting am amount of builds. Default is 10!
    • S x B x L: S and B switches are iterating to the past. This may have significant performance impact! L should be fast always
  • d: will search also in DisplayName. In addition it sets -oB as OR and Build details are required for it to work. The OR is enforcing you to filter jobs first and name as second
  • D: Same as -d, but only projects with at least one matching build will be shown. -d/-D do not affect suggestions and can be acompanied by number - algorithm:
    • 1: : default, what mathced project name, is not used in displayName search. -! is weird here, not sure what to do better
    • 2 : : all yor expressions are used used in displayName search

this extended search now stores history

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Full Changelog:

NestedViewsSearch made optional

enabeled by default, can be disabled by existence of ~/.nestedViewsSearch

Small tweeks to search

more then one character and more then just .* have to be typed
next to ttl(20 attempts) also time-out (10minutes) is now used

Hopefully fixing the:
JENKINS-65924 Nested view plugin breaks Jenkins search

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What's Changed

  • fix search result urls when jenkins runs with a prefix by @thomasnemer in #30
  • Let search engine look into AbstractProject instead of FreestyleProject only by @thomasnemer in #31
  • chore: Prepare for icon removal from core by @NotMyFault in #32

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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Fixed SECURITY-2411

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Fixed SECURITY-2411

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