OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering integration With Git

List of issues
JENKINS-74456[micro-focus-performance-center-integration] Extract inline script blocks and event handler in com/microfocus/performancecenter/integration/pcgitsync/PcGitSyncBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-74455[micro-focus-performance-center-integration] Extract inline script blocks and event handlers in com/microfocus/performancecenter/integration/pctestrun/PcTestRunBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-73876Microfocus Performance Center plugin script uploads with folders fail / folders removed after upload (eg. DevWeb script with node_modules)
JENKINS-73154Failed to convert the credentialsId for LRE plugin(LoadRunner Enterprise integration with Git)
JENKINS-67001Micro Focus Application Automation Tools - LRE plugin doesnt work with latest Jenkins server 2.318
JENKINS-66910LRE 2020 integration with Jenkins
JENKINS-66012Connection Timeout Jenkins AWS & Load runner enterprise
JENKINS-65764Micro focus - Performance center - Test results are not saved in artifacts folder
JENKINS-65419Could not create/run test specifying a relative path to a YAML file
JENKINS-65198Unable to Run Build Job on LR2021 Running on AWS EC2 Instance
JENKINS-65087ALM plugin can't parse JUnit report from soapUI
JENKINS-60869Jenkins PIpeline script ALM configuration failing
JENKINS-59265MicroFocus Plug-in - Would like some changes made
JENKINS-58568Unable to run EJB scripts using LoadRunner
JENKINS-58319502 Error Authenticating with ALM
JENKINS-58044PDF Report output for Load Runner controller execution from Jenkins using Micro focus file system plugin
JENKINS-56276SEVERE: MQM Test Dispatcher thread failed with error
JENKINS-55687A problem occurred while processing the request
JENKINS-55446Unable to Execute Test in HP Performance Center 12.01