Maven Integration

List of issues
JENKINS-73925Looking at the wrong file and "Failed to parse POMs" at end of execution of maven job
JENKINS-73612Change downstream job list from comma separeted to bullet list for better readability
JENKINS-70864Provide global MAVEN_ARGS
JENKINS-70800Processing failed due to a bug in the code
JENKINS-70773maven-plugin and swarm plugin icw maven is not working due to a log4j dependency error
JENKINS-70390Null pointer exception deploying artifact to Artifactory
JENKINS-70365Run Maven project with Maven Wrapper
JENKINS-70357Maven extensions under ${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/ext are not included in the classpath
JENKINS-70339Maven job type does not support maven 4.0.0-alpha-3
JENKINS-70164Maven project intermittently requests invalid artifact url
JENKINS-70150Issue with JDK directory recognition in AWS
JENKINS-69755Jenkins instance iss missing
JENKINS-69080NullPointerException near end of failed build
JENKINS-69076parameter override for pom import not working as expected
JENKINS-68924Maven log does not show errors any more
JENKINS-68884MAVEN_OPTS node environment variable can't be disabled
JENKINS-68011Unable to build projects with maven 2 and maven-plugin 3.18
JENKINS-67200Jenkins ERROR: Failed resolved parent project on UNC repository
JENKINS-67078Maven jobs fingerprint issue
JENKINS-67029Maven module overview is out of place
JENKINS-66043After Jenkins 2.277,some plugin not working in maven project.
JENKINS-65323pipeline-maven-plugin + artifactsPublisher on S3 fail with jdk11
JENKINS-65258maven does not find compiler if jdk is same as running jre
JENKINS-65140Maven-integration-plugin not using proxy-exclusions during post-build deployment
JENKINS-65102The surefire process continues to run even after the job is ABORTED
JENKINS-65057Error for Retrieving results for CxProjectResult in MavenJobs at Jenkins startup
JENKINS-64799All tests passed, but build fails
JENKINS-64473Error injecting: public org.apache.maven.repository.internal.DefaultVersionResolver
JENKINS-63783timestamper plugin occurred file already exists exception after build a job
JENKINS-63542since jenkins version 2.242 -> defined maven profile is ignored the first time it is built on the day
JENKINS-63431No ANSI color output from Maven in console
JENKINS-63420jenkins maven pipeline does not trigger snapshot dependency for regular maven jobs and vice versa
JENKINS-63188Build file is not created as finalName
JENKINS-63118Maven Projects don't delete temp 'resource-xxx' directories from /tmp
JENKINS-62689mark parent module in upstream dependency list
JENKINS-62631NPE in hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet.buildDependencyGraph
JENKINS-62467Maven incremental build trigger does not trigger all modules after changed groupId
JENKINS-62185jenkins job publish data over HTTP
JENKINS-61984maven core extensions not working on maven-job
JENKINS-61771Local Maven repository default path not working
JENKINS-61695Maven_Opts text area squeezes into one line in Jenkins Build Configuration using browsers Chrome, Firefox, ...
JENKINS-61513in Java spring boot application the coverage is showing randomly sometime 0.0% and sometime 90%
JENKINS-61499Unable to delete maven project when scheduler and node configuration is set
JENKINS-61417maven plugin does not load .mvn config (jvm.config,maven.config)
JENKINS-61103LinkageError on agent following RemotingSystemException(InterruptedException)
JENKINS-60667Jobs hanging indefinitely on ec2 slaves
JENKINS-59635MavenLinkerPublisher "display URL" as additional option
JENKINS-59078jenkins Malformed POM Unknown attribute 'child.scm.url.inherit.append.path' for tag 'scm'
JENKINS-58742IOException: Unexpected Fingerprint type
JENKINS-58623Software caused connection abort: recv failed Error
JENKINS-57820When running a build in a Windows agent we get an FRM-92120 error
JENKINS-57384Artifactory Plugin Bug - Resolve Artifacts Not Consistant
JENKINS-56629Maven versions not selectable in "Global Tool Configuration"
JENKINS-56616i have multi module maven project which need to build individual modules when there is a change in that module
JENKINS-56549Error building MOS sp-rewrite prject
JENKINS-56522SVN changes are not passed in the right manner to the incremental build option
JENKINS-56454POM_VERSION sometimes not setted
JENKINS-56141Maven configuration is not saved to config.xml when only one maven configured in tool configuration.
JENKINS-56006Jenkins breaks when you specify a Maven root pom file with a name other than "pom.xml".
JENKINS-55490<?m2e ?> syntax in a largish pom.xml, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
JENKINS-55431"Caused by: Command Close created at" error
JENKINS-55204Maven plugin (version 3.1) is not using the libembedder corresponding to the used maven version
JENKINS-54620remove maven2 support
JENKINS-54606Make container warning more intelligent
JENKINS-54258Build stops Jenkins server and build.xml is missing
JENKINS-54182How to get maven model properties like env vars in maven plugin?
JENKINS-54145Removed dependencies are not removed from list of upstream projects
JENKINS-53949Unable to see jobs in my new Jenkins ver. 2.138.1
JENKINS-53613Plugin affected by JEP-200
JENKINS-53465ChannelClosedException in Maven channel
JENKINS-53192Blue Ocean mark failed job as success and failed on tests without error messages
JENKINS-53060ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing large pom files with M2Eclipse metadata
JENKINS-52150High CPU sys time consumption after upgrade to 2.107.3
JENKINS-52111"Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dep" trigger option useless in Multibranch Pipeline Project?
JENKINS-51938After updating jenkins....its show this warning to me..... [WARNING] Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class hudson.maven.reporters.SurefireArchiver$2; see: what can i do now?
JENKINS-51628Simultaneous Maven builds fail with bad class file: corrupted zip file while getting local dependency jar
JENKINS-50996Unable to create maven project
JENKINS-50453Maven Project - configuration screen is grey and keeps LOADING
JENKINS-49910NullPointer in Maven33Main
JENKINS-49666Error while building project
JENKINS-48919Setup Maven Environment as Build Wrapper
JENKINS-48886Maven Plugin should dismiss MavenProbeAction when reading configuration from the disk
JENKINS-48861Environment variables not available during redeploy
JENKINS-48515Mandatory field Maven version, prevents from running in different nodes
JENKINS-48355jenkins maven job run by different os nodes
JENKINS-48188Broken Symlinks with External Build Record Root Directory and Maven Modules
JENKINS-47924Free-style projects missing Module builds
JENKINS-47846Customize modules view in maven job
JENKINS-47606Postbuild Steps for 'Success' still execute when using shell step's unstable return
JENKINS-47244Please backport requireUpperBounds fixes to Maven Plugin 2.x
JENKINS-47161Maven builds hang intermittently with a remoting error
JENKINS-47021Triggering of downstream projects doesn't work in Maven Project Plugin since 2.14
JENKINS-46839Test resource(s) under a folder named 'CVS' are not copied over to test-classes (maven-surefire-plugin)
JENKINS-46710Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hudson.remoting.Launcher
JENKINS-46553Maven surefire timeout treated as successful build
JENKINS-46459Same job passes on 1 slave and fails on another
JENKINS-46323Incremental build picks deleted/moved modules
JENKINS-45931Parsing POM in Jenkins maven project taking very long time (5-6mins)
JENKINS-45889First Maven build fails with NPE after/when calculating dependency graph
JENKINS-45820DefaultMavenExecutionRequestBuilder is missing multiModuleProjectDirectory property
JENKINS-45739Intermittent ClosedByInterruptException from hudson.maven.ExecutedMojo
JENKINS-45563Jenkins Maven parsing POMs does not respect overridden versions for imports
JENKINS-45481Not able to change maven compiler source level in jenkins job level that should point to 1.8 instead default one 1.5. I have pointed JDK to 1.8
JENKINS-45286the job of maven can't achive dependencyManagement configuration of SuperPom
JENKINS-45103Need to access the Maven parameters of Configuraton from a program.
JENKINS-45060NullPointerException in Maven33Main
JENKINS-45042Can not find dependency test jar with mvn verify
JENKINS-44966CPD/PMD reports fail with EOFException since JENKINS-43446
JENKINS-44857ERROR: Aborted Maven execution for InterruptedIOException Accept timed out
JENKINS-44606Discovered a new module - Error due to bug in the code
JENKINS-44471Java Heap Space in Slave Running no heap dump generated
JENKINS-44095StackOverflow in PomParser during the call on the remote side
JENKINS-44064JENKINS-34789 doesn't always prevent to have a release build triggering another job
JENKINS-44057Option to Disable Parsing pom in jenkins during maven build.
JENKINS-43960I am trying to build a job in Jenkins, it is throwing an error as "Maven Home Null Doesn't Exist"
JENKINS-43709ERROR: Maven testing.xml is not a valid file
JENKINS-42962Jenkins not able to build the code in parallel mode in maven 3.3.
JENKINS-42612Jenkins unable to find mvn command
JENKINS-41296Use private Maven repository does not work in pre-build steps
JENKINS-40896Μaven build aborts intermittently with message Accept timed out
JENKINS-40507maven plugin : build hang when downloading some artifacts
JENKINS-40309Redeploy Artifacts fails with IllegalStateException: the settings.xml could not be supplied for the current build: null
JENKINS-40011Deploy artifacts to Maven repository ignores Global MAVEN_OPTS
JENKINS-39884Improve ERROR message issued when running maven project in JDK lower than JDK running Jenkins
JENKINS-39639Exception on save Maven project after disable build trigger
JENKINS-39480for multi module release builds module build times are calculated wrong
JENKINS-38446Jenkins console unable to detach from build
JENKINS-38222Cannot pass arguments to the "Parsing POMs" phase of a Maven build
JENKINS-37821Maven job fails with NPE when JDK is set to (System)
JENKINS-37638 Build Artifacts As Maven Repository is generating exception
JENKINS-37255hpi:run not honoring systemProperties jetty:port and hudson.udp
JENKINS-36951Deploy artifacts to Maven repository from slave
JENKINS-36662Downstream projects should not be triggered anymore after upstream project pom version is changed
JENKINS-36520MultiModule Maven Projects break after copied
JENKINS-36491Jenkins uses wrong JDK for Maven build step
JENKINS-36163Spaces in Job Name Cause Maven Test Failures for File Input
JENKINS-35321MavenModuleSetBuild swallows InterruptedIOException on doRun
JENKINS-35233Maven plugin + custom build environment, POM parsing happens outside of container
JENKINS-34949Jenkins is passing Javadoc parameters to Java after parsing the poms
JENKINS-34394Maven build fails with stack overflow
JENKINS-34233maven projects become slow after a couple of months
JENKINS-34208NullPointerException pops up randomly at different steps of a pipeline build
JENKINS-33738Builds are failing due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jvnet/hudson/maven3/listeners/MavenProjectInfo
JENKINS-33388Concurrent Maven Job Execution reporting alternate build's module status
JENKINS-33335Jenkins stuck in build loop even after solving the dependency issue
JENKINS-33172Delete Build Option on the left pane can be placed better
JENKINS-32465Recognize test results from com.smartbear:ready-api-maven-plugin
JENKINS-32185jaxb2-maven-plugin:1.4:xjc error
JENKINS-31986OS-related problems with Maven parameters (from job or from build step)
JENKINS-31966False positive JDK5 detection during maven startup
JENKINS-31857Mails with build failure reports misses content for maven job type
JENKINS-31782All Failed Tests table link not returning consistant link.
JENKINS-31623Jenkins fails to resolve properties in repository urls
JENKINS-31435Replace String.intern() by WeakHashMap in Maven Plugin to avoid memory leaks
JENKINS-31334Starting a maven build with a windows user with the norwegian letter "å" in the user name fails in jetty
JENKINS-31322Parallel maven jobs run out of order
JENKINS-31130maven plugin can't handle xml header in pom.xml
JENKINS-31036maven jdk switch should also cover javadoc
JENKINS-30905Failures when executing JUnit tests with the Maven Surefire plugin on projects that have white spaces in its names
JENKINS-30740Jenkins shows failure even after successful build
JENKINS-30696.ClassCastException: hudson.maven.MavenModule cannot be cast to hudson.model.BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers
JENKINS-30460Environment settings are different in Pre/Post-Build "Invoke top-level Maven targets" and in Maven Job main build step
JENKINS-30378Jenkins Jetty JSPC not showing error messages
JENKINS-30360jmeter-maven-plugin in hang state preventing job to finish properly
JENKINS-30341jenkins maven release not releasing , uploading only snapshots
JENKINS-30335join plugin doens't work with maven snapshot triggering
JENKINS-30154Expose maven version build parameter
JENKINS-30058Support Maven Core Extensions
JENKINS-29955Can't build source on Windows
JENKINS-29786Incremental build - only build changed modules; wrong modules calculation
JENKINS-29622Maven S3 Wagon support
JENKINS-29285Getting error CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long when tried to build maven project
JENKINS-29277Allow to deploy several JDKs and generate the JDK toolchains descriptor for Maven
JENKINS-29089Add checkbox to enable "Retain long standard output/error"
JENKINS-29087NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter
JENKINS-28968Aborting builds does not kill surefire sub-process
JENKINS-28949Problem while using jenkins build
JENKINS-28904Maven build finished success but Jenkins job mark build as unstable
JENKINS-28812NullPointerException when running Maven job parallel
JENKINS-28577Method 'afterSessionStart' of Maven 3 lifecycle extension is not called when project is started in a Maven Project
JENKINS-28451few problems when trying to install maven EventSpy when running from jenkins maven project
JENKINS-28373apache maven 3.3.3 cannot be invoked anymore on windows
JENKINS-28341NPE for First Maven Build
JENKINS-28042Erro when commit using plugin maven scm
JENKINS-27930Consider plugins's dependencies as triggers for building a maven project
JENKINS-27714Maven Passsword Parameters
JENKINS-27686Password Paramater in Maven project is sent build as stars instead real value
JENKINS-27679Issue when parallelizing parametrized jobs from a multi-project jobs
JENKINS-27656Dollar $ Sign in Path
JENKINS-27473Jobs in project fail on Maven snapshot version change
JENKINS-27372Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugin.source.SourceJarMojo
JENKINS-26947Maven job stuck when slave channel get disconnected
JENKINS-26686Jenkins ignores javaagent failure in test cases
JENKINS-26644Modules marqued as (didn't run) after succesful Build
JENKINS-26557Unable to run the build step in Jenkins slave job but works as a pre build step when i invoke top level Maven targets
JENKINS-26472Jenkins maven-project plugin doesn't support reactor module exclusion
JENKINS-26450Equivalent to blockTriggerWhenBuilding configured on downstream side
JENKINS-26305Updating maven jobs that are running causes them to think modules are not built
JENKINS-26048Jenkins no longer cleaning up child processes when build stopped - as of 1.587
JENKINS-25940NPE from EmailExtTemplateActionFactory.createFor due to MavenModuleSet.getPublishersList being null
JENKINS-25760Jenkins maven-plugin cannot deal with mavens advanced reactor options
JENKINS-25697Channel A with ProxyInput/OutputStream to another Channel B will hang and leak if Channel B is terminated
JENKINS-25672Distributed deadlock with remote classloading
JENKINS-25662IOException on AIX
JENKINS-25633maven pom analysis does not cover maven plugins' dependencies
JENKINS-25406MavenBuild$ProxyImpl.setResult illegally called after build is COMPLETED
JENKINS-25356hudson.tasks.junit.AbortException while using maven.test.skip
JENKINS-25321Build downstream project that are not downstream
JENKINS-25216Build Triggers: Option "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" does not work properly
JENKINS-24869POM_VERSION is not resetted
JENKINS-24788Cannot run program "/bin/java" on maven 3 projects
JENKINS-24701Unable to set Default versioning mode for multi-module project
JENKINS-24655Maven Job use of testFailureIgnore option should be configurable
JENKINS-24299OutOfMemoryError cause maven projects hang
JENKINS-24228maven project fails build when log claims with success.
JENKINS-24204Archiving Maven artifacts fails if jenkins-cli is used to modify job config while job is running
JENKINS-24075Build modules in parallel mode is not working at all. No error shown in logs.
JENKINS-23903NullPointeException in hudson.maven.Maven3Builder$MavenExecutionListener.sessionEnded
JENKINS-23846Jenkins Maven support doesn't handle version ranges in parent definitions
JENKINS-23831Multiline (all) job parameters passed to "Invoke top-level Maven targets" step
JENKINS-23766For "Invoke Top-Level Maven Targets" default to --batch-mode
JENKINS-23742slave complaining about log4j-configuration , namely FileNotFoundException referencing /logs/.catalina.log
JENKINS-23559Configure repository in Jenkins
JENKINS-23452Prevent downstream targets from building
JENKINS-23341At end of release build, JENKINS throws null pointer when email notifications are not configured
JENKINS-23249TokenMacro for POM_VERSION
JENKINS-23171Redeploy fails when the original build node has been removed
JENKINS-23123NPE from MavenSiteArchiver.getModulePath
JENKINS-23039[MAVEN] Connection reset
JENKINS-22858missing help items on redeploy page
JENKINS-22677Allow Post-Steps to run on failed/unstable builds
JENKINS-22659Maven project plugin does not propagte a "ERROR: Failed to parse POMs" condition as a failure
JENKINS-22534maven ignore test failures when pom declares buildExtension
JENKINS-22484Clashing URL for test results
JENKINS-22466Allow disabling of site archiving
JENKINS-22380Request parent child hierarchical sorting for Maven modules listing
JENKINS-22111ClassNotFoundException: hudson.maven.AbstractMavenProcessFactory$ConfigureOriginalJDK
JENKINS-22104Deploy to maven Repository does not update Snapshot maven-metadata.xml
JENKINS-21991Can't create new job(maven2/3 project) and Copy Maven Project. ERROR:
JENKINS-21940Maven tasks are unaffected by "Run the build in a RVM-managed environment"
JENKINS-21753"mvn --version" does not work with maven 3
JENKINS-21710Maven3: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory$6 at maven3-interceptor-commons-1.4.jar
JENKINS-21568 error=13, The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
JENKINS-21555Internal server error during job creation: HTTPS:// link to Git Lab project page for Merge Builder configuration
JENKINS-21554NPE if "MavenMailer/recipients" is undefined
JENKINS-21541After I upgrade to 1.547, Maven Build fails with "ERROR: Failed to parse POMs Connection reset"
JENKINS-21502NullPointerException at hudson.maven.MavenBuilder$Adapter.postBuild(
JENKINS-21423Matrix jobs consistently fail when run concurrently
JENKINS-21379Build Aborted when selecting • Incremental build / • Build modules in parallel
JENKINS-21359Maven site archiving not removing old files.
JENKINS-21330java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /home/dev/.jenkins/jobs/MyBuild/lastSuccessful
JENKINS-21235Artifactory plugin is configured to run post-build, but actually runs pre-"Post-Steps"
JENKINS-21054IllegalArgumentException related to mavenHome on Git polling
JENKINS-20725maven build creates symlinkd files that Windows OS does not understand
JENKINS-20676Project configuration throws exception if maven module is disabled
JENKINS-20594Expose parsed maven project version
JENKINS-20429hudson.model.ResourceList _getConflict Collision with cp-engi(1)=1 and cp-engi(1)
JENKINS-20413Maven plugin don't take into account maven-deploy-plugin skip option
JENKINS-20314"Incremental build - only build changed modules" option always builds root module
JENKINS-20300Log version information for Maven builds
JENKINS-20092Maven 2/3 Projekt bauen JOB type ignores the libraries in MAVEN_HOME/lib/ext folder
JENKINS-19917Job getting failed because of Maven plugin update in Jenkins 1.509.2 upgradation
JENKINS-19871Maven jobs see every env variable as java properties
JENKINS-19861Jenkins Maven project test reporting includes less than normal freestyle junit reporting.
JENKINS-19738"Incremental build - only build changed modules" shouldn't build all dependent modules, just changed
JENKINS-19712[Fingerprint] Excessive Heap consumption during "Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data"
JENKINS-19632Using maven installation as an identifer causes data integrity errors
JENKINS-19577Maven project pre steps are not executed in batch mode
JENKINS-19487Incremental build in Maven with dependency changes
JENKINS-19424Maven plugin only tracks dependencies in pom.xml
JENKINS-19338Cannot archive artifacts using Maven 3.1.0 on Windows slave
JENKINS-19335Sudden influx of permgen space issues
JENKINS-19188Unable to set local maven repository at Jenkins or Job level
JENKINS-19176project name not shown when display name is set
JENKINS-19095Jenkins suppressing errors in output log
JENKINS-19035Running maven job through socks proxy results in a Malformed reply from SOCKS server
JENKINS-18921OutOfMemoryError while serializing test reports to send from salve to master
JENKINS-18717Promoted build job hangs forever after promotion job finishes
JENKINS-18359Pre/postbuild Maven task loses settings configuration on save
JENKINS-18326MavenSiteArchiver generates incorrect sites for nested submodules
JENKINS-18240Dashboard exception after upgrade from Hudson 1.398
JENKINS-18223Classloader error while executing surefire archiver
JENKINS-18183After upgrading from jenkins 1.513 to 1.515, I cannot use Settings file (Settings file in filesystem) field in a maven prebuild step for a maven project.
JENKINS-18030Unable to parameterized Maven module build
JENKINS-18017Attempting to specify a maven settings.xml in a freestyle job is ingored upon saving
JENKINS-17777Build Failure on Maven Clean
JENKINS-17640Maven3-agent complains about incorrectly configured log4j
JENKINS-17543maven plugin fails to terminate (submodule build), when permgen runs out of memory
JENKINS-17471Maven Buildstep and Maven project are completely different
JENKINS-17391"Use private Maven repository" at jobs being overriden by global jenkins configuration
JENKINS-17373Unconditionally display tool installation selector
JENKINS-17362Maven build cannot find JDK when project uses default
JENKINS-17065Exception is appeared in the jenkins log when UI trying to show build history for redeploy builds
JENKINS-17056Hanging Maven module builds
JENKINS-16821In Maven2 Jobs, parse POMs after successful build on some circumstances
JENKINS-16820Label expression changed, tied projects on slave status page do not update
JENKINS-16605Multi-configuration Maven project fails to build on Windows if label is "os"
JENKINS-16331Invoke top-level Maven targets ignores JVM Options
JENKINS-16151Maven "release:perform" cannot find hg
JENKINS-16105Cyclic dependencies cause build to stay in queue forever
JENKINS-15841tried to access method hudson.model.AbstractBuild.setBuiltOnStr(Ljava/lang/String;)V
JENKINS-15797Upgradefrom 1.424 to 1.489 : API incompatibility AbstractHttpClientWagon.getReadTimeout()
JENKINS-15720Deploy Artifacts to Maven Repository only resolves Repository ID against POM, not settings.xml
JENKINS-15198Support toolchains configuration file like other Maven configuration files (settings, global settings)
JENKINS-15114Post build action deploy ignores plugins which are also bound to deploy phase
JENKINS-14906Properties not propagated/resolved from profile to maven-surefire-plugin
JENKINS-14765create Jenkins job from uploaded maven pom via ws api
JENKINS-14672deleteAllDisabledModules produced with incorrect basedir
JENKINS-14613Maven job config page loses 'invoke top-level maven targets' setting for 'use private repository'
JENKINS-14590Redeploy Artifacts button no longer appears on main build page of multi-module builds, requiring individual reployment of modules
JENKINS-14534After jenkins upgrade from 1.464 to 1.474, while executing a job..its recreating the Ant/Maven installation tools again.
JENKINS-14533Maven plugin: validation on "Root POM" field should be disabled if field contains vars
JENKINS-14222Building Maven jobs on slave fails when settings.xml is not in the default location.
JENKINS-14129Aggregating pmd results for maven 2/3 project using "Incremental build"
JENKINS-14054The "Root POM" field value in the Build section of a Maven job configuration is not being read in.
JENKINS-13810Maven modules marked to wrong build when running concurrent job
JENKINS-13758Incremental Builds: If a build is aborted right after a failed one, not all necessary modules are build
JENKINS-13486Parametrized build on sub module don't work
JENKINS-13473Links Between Maven Multi-Module Site's
JENKINS-13390"Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" should work in way that is more expected
JENKINS-13132Incorrect site links when aggregator pom and parent pom are different
JENKINS-13100Maven Build Type Never Releases Exclusive Execution Lock
JENKINS-13088Possibility to populate scm in pom's
JENKINS-13068Failed tests are not shown on main page in maven jobs
JENKINS-12977Unable to build maven2 project with maven2/3 native jobs "Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized"
JENKINS-12938MavenReporters always run, even if unneeded: MavenFingerprinter is slow
JENKINS-12930Unable to load resource hudson/model/
JENKINS-12887Redeploy Artifacts fails if Maven Project Configuration->Local Maven Repository is set to "Local to the Executor"
JENKINS-12736m2release with scm-git seems to ignore username:password in repository URL on release:perform
JENKINS-12540An option flag in the Jenkins Configuration for "trigger builds even if unstable"
JENKINS-12537Add missing information about parent POM to build.xml / Web API JSON/XML output as moduleSetBuild/mavenArtifacts/moduleRecord/pomArtifact/parent.
JENKINS-12259NullPointerException in maven-plugin: Maven3Builder / ExecutedMojo (1.445)
JENKINS-12127Maven incremental build doesn't work when changes are in svn:externals
JENKINS-11864Renaming a JDK/Maven Installation does not adjust Jobs which use it
JENKINS-11843hudson.maven.RedeployPublisher trying to create ~/.m2 on master to deploy artifacts to Maven repository
JENKINS-11793Support classifiers for the maven plugins deployment feature
JENKINS-11784Build numbers not getting into manifest file
JENKINS-11695Jenkins does not respect Maven profiles -> so pom module parsing fails
JENKINS-11672Should be able to find test reports automatically when generated using maven-surefire-plugin
JENKINS-11605Jenkins disturbs maven property over-rides with the build helper plugin
JENKINS-11433Jenkins silently and uncondtionally passes params to maven 3 without env. prefix - causes name conflicts
JENKINS-11426Add checkbox to maven 2/3 configuration to archive the maven snapshots used for the build.
JENKINS-11356Tycho projects - support cvs parent projects and read manifest-dependencies
JENKINS-11277Fix MavenMultiModuleTest.testEstimatedDurationForIncrementalMultiModMaven test
JENKINS-11237Try even harder to find most relevant jobs when building the dependency graph and multiple jobs build the same maven module
JENKINS-11029FATAL: Unable to produce a script file
JENKINS-10993 mvn deploy Broken file transfere returncode 409
JENKINS-10979Produce tokens for project properties
JENKINS-10840Maven "module" shows as running after build is aborted.
JENKINS-10786Swarm client tries to access a non existing directory
JENKINS-10777On M2 job, with only one sudmodule built, link to maven site failed with 404 message.
JENKINS-10757Jenkins Module Build Times Wildly Inconsistent with Mavens Reactor Summary Build
JENKINS-10700Maven3 builder is swallowing exceptions in reporters
JENKINS-10676post-build publisher should log the remote repository path for deployed artifacts (as mvn deploy does)
JENKINS-10540Maven build aborted without cause
JENKINS-10429ArtifactDeploymentException on Redeploy when built on slave with private Maven repository
JENKINS-10406Maven Jobs with "build modules in parallel" always ABORTED
JENKINS-10382Can not use jenkins Environment variable to parameterize maven Profile via -P option
JENKINS-10380Improvement to include values subsituted for Slave specific enviroment variables be logged in the "Executing Maven" console output
JENKINS-10355Allow to use a dedicated tmp directory per project
JENKINS-10339Slave system properties not available to Maven
JENKINS-10279JDK and Maven job selection issues
JENKINS-10269M2: Reporting based on developers
JENKINS-10238Jenkins slave throws "Classloading from system classloader disabled" exception
JENKINS-10178The post build log clean up does not need to happen syncronously
JENKINS-10112maven sonar plugin fails with org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory
JENKINS-10087Frustrating limitation on maven global settings location
JENKINS-10021Can't deploy artifact on Artifactory (2)
JENKINS-9805[Maven Jobs] Post build deploy task : Fork the JVM to allow to deploy with the same MAVEN_OPTS settings like in the build
JENKINS-9804[Maven Jobs] Post build deploy task : Allow to upload in //
JENKINS-9785on OSX a java icon jump on dock for all starting maven build and takes focus
JENKINS-9511Enable resolving of ${..} expressions in hudson.maven.RedeployPublisher
JENKINS-9466Provide maven build.finalName in the downloadable artifacts name
JENKINS-9268m2 release fails on Windows using pure java subversion scm provider
JENKINS-9227muli-module android project fails to build
JENKINS-9139Incorrect module selection in incremental build with multiple jenkins modules (svn checkouts)
JENKINS-9030Disable Archiving for all Maven Jobs
JENKINS-8820Maven Job Configure should have links to env-vars.html
JENKINS-8711Post build action deploy to maven repository does not honor the "private maven repository" setting
JENKINS-8704Maven 3 no longer supports
JENKINS-8544Hudson wont resolve parameters in VersionTag
JENKINS-8543Maven 2/3 project with MAVEN_OPTS in Node Properties does not work
JENKINS-8428Unable to copy site from xxxx to xxxxx hudson.util.IOException2: hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to extract ... (no idea which comp is responsible for this)
JENKINS-8424Permission denied to upload artifacts to Nexus
JENKINS-8422Out of memory errors in new maven plugin
JENKINS-8412Maven tasks in freestyle jobs aren't launched in batch mode
JENKINS-8396POM validation errors are less detailled in Hudson than in M3
JENKINS-8086Snapshots: "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" - Build cannot be canceled when snapshots are deployed
JENKINS-8085Snapshots: "Deploy artifacts to Maven repository" - Snapshots-Artifact are deployed even if Builds doesn't create Artifacts
JENKINS-8057Maven Project not resetting classloader after execution
JENKINS-7985In Maven2 jobs, parsing POM is done *after* calling pre-build steps (using M2-extra-steps-plugin)
JENKINS-7799Selecting a build module rersults in a JellyTagException
JENKINS-7648Maven project does not aggregate failsafe results when running buiuld al parallel build
JENKINS-7608display version of pom
JENKINS-7578no scm update when building a single module
JENKINS-7495Make POM parser aware of alternate settings.xml
JENKINS-7343Connection refused - Failed to launch Maven
JENKINS-7205Renaming maven installation breaks build jobs which use it
JENKINS-7036Modules of a Maven multimodule-build are not marked as FAILED/FAILURE in Hudson when dependencies cannot be resolved
JENKINS-6869expose unit test time for modules
JENKINS-6868Show build time of each module
JENKINS-6763Hudson does not set JAVA_HOME for Maven Builds
JENKINS-6737Maven settings.xml editable via Hudson UI
JENKINS-6736Maven proxy settings alters the hudson proxy settings
JENKINS-6718Fatal error when you use a slave and try to launch command which need to be in the path after build (after "channel stopped").
JENKINS-6681Maven-generated site link gives 404
JENKINS-6537When have a Label on a Slave and the same on the master the master is not using the labels
JENKINS-6530Assertion in MavenModuleSetBuild for aggregator POM with modules
JENKINS-6205Maven2 "Build modules in parallel" no longer working
JENKINS-5996Add module packaging type to MavenModule read from the module's pom.xml file.
JENKINS-5886In Maven2 jobs, alternative settings path is resolved against root pom path instead of workspace root
JENKINS-5727In a multi-module project, maven-javadoc-plugin looks for unbuilt artifacts and fails when running from within Hudson, but succeeds when running outside Hudson.
JENKINS-5562Archive Artifacts resizes too wide if text is too long
JENKINS-5418Disappearing downstream projects from Jobs (jobs to the same maven project), while changing name of Job.
JENKINS-5409freestyle projects doesn't support global MAVEN_OPTS
JENKINS-5315Critical performance issu on maven2 jobs during site generation.
JENKINS-5280MAVEN_OPTS not used when letting Hudson deploy to maven repo
JENKINS-5273Hudson doesn't replace variable in settings.xml
JENKINS-5200java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "8200 OK"
JENKINS-5173Hudson Post Build Action - Deploy via Maven doesn't support FTP or SSH
JENKINS-5144Mysterious Maven JVM launch failure with exit code 143
JENKINS-4940Maven2 build checks for ~/.m2 existence
JENKINS-4922Deploy maven artifacts post-build doesn't work with maven encrypted passwords
JENKINS-4773AssertionError when modules activated by a jdk 1.5 profile on version 1.330
JENKINS-4751Hudson can't execute pom.xml with option "-r".
JENKINS-4745Maven site archiver executing before all goals have been completed.
JENKINS-4693Alternate settings file not found
JENKINS-4561"Delete All Disabled Modules" Not visible for project users
JENKINS-4536Embedded Maven doesn't respect absolute -s option
JENKINS-4424Configuration fails to apply for deployment
JENKINS-4373Allow designation of one JDK, Maven version, etc. as the default assigned to projects when the value is unspecified
JENKINS-4155"Use private Maven repository" sometimes prevents upstream/downstream resolution
JENKINS-4055Fold m2-extra-plugins functionality into m2 projects
JENKINS-3987Update Maven in all jobs at once
JENKINS-3971using maven job for building pom.xml results in error
JENKINS-3788"No artifacts are recorded. Is this a Maven project?" only for parallel builds
JENKINS-3717Separate snapshot/release repos for post-build deployment
JENKINS-3715Resource filtering fails when run from Hudson
JENKINS-3654Intercept the m2 reporter invocation when running the maven site goal
JENKINS-3625Tool Overrides are not taken in account by Maven2 projects
JENKINS-3609Large test reports causes VM to run out of heap
JENKINS-3474mvn executable cannot be found on slave in invoke top-level Maven targets step in free-style software project
JENKINS-3416Redeployment of artifacts should default to the repository ID from POM
JENKINS-3403maven snapshot deployment fails if no existing snapshot
JENKINS-3389Provide option/plugin to also generate artifacts without version number
JENKINS-3273Maven build aborted before execution due to SocketTimeoutException
JENKINS-3256maven job does not deploy jar artifacts
JENKINS-3205Maven builds fail when using packaging extensions and classifier
JENKINS-3188SVN changes not attached to submodule
JENKINS-3122auto build of downstream projects doesn't workfor m2 jobs in unstable state, when using surefire flag testFailureIgnore
JENKINS-3063mvn home ending with "\" fails mvn execution
JENKINS-2888Maven artifact id in permalinks
JENKINS-2807Hudson FATAL error when switching JDK (m2 support)
JENKINS-2783SUCCESS icon when Maven2 multi module job build fails at OutOfMemory
JENKINS-2701Maven builder processes keep alive
JENKINS-2687case sensitive environment variable PATH
JENKINS-2649Provide a way to define the active profiles of Maven2 job
JENKINS-2634Reaction to Maven tests failing should be configurable
JENKINS-2593"deploy unique version" use distinc sequence number per artifact
JENKINS-2584Collapsing of double backslash now that quotes are supported in maven options
JENKINS-2560Emails not sent to commiters for maven2 aggregator projects modules.
JENKINS-2497downstream job being triggered even if versions are different
JENKINS-2425Get description from Maven2 POM
JENKINS-2295Jenkins cannot handle modules added by profiles - if profile is not activated via '-P' (was: Assertion in MavenModuleSetBuild for aggregator POM with modules provided by profile)
JENKINS-2291slave issue changing workspace location
JENKINS-2231named/shared private repository
JENKINS-2216Detect unexpected shutdown of JVM
JENKINS-2188Maven2 settings auto loading for deployement
JENKINS-2171Property priorities
JENKINS-2160Test Result 404's when clicking on listed class in a certain location
JENKINS-2068Junit test showing twice
JENKINS-1824Maven Build hanging in Hudson job
JENKINS-1763Use maven config for email notification to last VCS commiters
JENKINS-1722Detect a cycle in Maven project and report it
JENKINS-1585Hudson should handle the re-deploy server authentication information itself and not delegate to maven.
JENKINS-1581AggregableActions create in MavenReporter::end do not get treated as an AggregableActions
JENKINS-1454Maven2: AssertionError: reporters.get == null
JENKINS-1405Deploy configuration should have the option of using the pom's configuration or specifying it in the UI
JENKINS-1404Hudson isn't retrieving build extensions properly from the pom when deploying after a build
JENKINS-1403Display latest artifact link to the job top page
JENKINS-1381Layout issues with M2 multimodule
JENKINS-1278parent pom error
JENKINS-1243Allow for matrix configuration of navtive m2 projects
JENKINS-1220Root POM field reports an error
JENKINS-1204site.xml is ignored
JENKINS-1202site.xml is not deployed
JENKINS-1048Setting quiet period doesn't propogate to child m2 components
JENKINS-997"Debug this test" button
JENKINS-959hudson deploys maven artifact even if test has failed
JENKINS-920maven: external parent pom
JENKINS-906Maven 2 build failure
JENKINS-885Delete module builds with corresponding project build
JENKINS-818Have indented module/order for a specific build version
JENKINS-642Smarter error comprehension/diagnostics
JENKINS-505Expose maven build tag after release:prepare goal
JENKINS-502GUI for Maven builds can be confusing
JENKINS-408Maven module should display its relative path to POM from workspace root