Matrix Project

List of issues
JENKINS-75240Aggregated results from a matrix job within a multijob include irrelevant old runs
JENKINS-73041REST API buildWithParameters not working
JENKINS-72578java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in Matrix job
JENKINS-72002Undesirable line break in configuration matrix
JENKINS-69621P4 trigger cause ClassCastException in multi-configuration projects
JENKINS-68944Matrix jobs do not start with custom label/expression for the built-in node
JENKINS-68233Improve the build status computation
JENKINS-67843Matrix projects can't add Agents axis if a multi-line description is assigned to a label
JENKINS-67582Matrix label job configuration doesn't handle labels containing the / character
JENKINS-67541Self-label used by another node forbids the original node to be selected
JENKINS-67185QueueListener failed while processing MatrixConfiguration - NoSuchFieldError: id
JENKINS-65874Matrix Axis file fingerprint does not match main workspace file fingerprint
JENKINS-65292Local Variables not available in declarative matrix pipeline
JENKINS-64394ssh-agent killed before "Execute Scripts on Matrix" post-build action run
JENKINS-64180Matrix jobs not running on nodes even though label selection matches
JENKINS-63476Update matrix-project
JENKINS-63242Successful builds fails at the end (Could not initialize class hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer)
JENKINS-62773Allow for nesting Parallel and Matrix blocks
JENKINS-62127Dynamic Axis-Values for declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-61804= sign in path lead to bug in msbuild
JENKINS-59730text-finder sets whole matrix job to "not built" even if only one configuration matched
JENKINS-59510Unable to use User scoped credentials in Matrix Job
JENKINS-58663Keep Forever Not Propogated to child builds
JENKINS-58173Multi-configuration projects are not restartable
JENKINS-56452Test results not shown for matrix job
JENKINS-55665Allow promotion of individual matrix builds
JENKINS-55656URLs to matrixProject subtasks don't work behind Apache ProxyPass
JENKINS-55157gitlab-oauth and api tokens with CSRF protection enabled
JENKINS-53375Edit pipeline icon missing if user does not have Job.Create permission
JENKINS-53366`keep forever` is no longer inherit to sub configurations
JENKINS-52482Jenkins using wrong build node using user-defined axis
JENKINS-52091IllegalMonitorStateException thrown on concurrent matrix builds with a downtrigger to a job with groovy postbuild
JENKINS-51392JUnit Health report amplification factor ignored in matrix projects
JENKINS-51200Plot plugin loses historical data on configuration change (Multi-configuration project)
JENKINS-51141Memory leak on Firefox and Chrome browser with open tab on jenkins big matrix jobs overview
JENKINS-50377Error when using axis as token
JENKINS-49350Matrix Job Combination Filter causes builds to be kept forever if it's random
JENKINS-47528MissingPropertyException from SandboxInterceptor during job-dsl-plugin job update
JENKINS-46453matrix job with dynamic axis aborting builds
JENKINS-46402Unable to open build log when combining user-defined axis with label expression
JENKINS-46280Postbuild fails when used with amazon-ecs plugin
JENKINS-46106Enable sequential builds by matrix axis value
JENKINS-45862Setting up new project: "Add Axis" button in Multi-configuration project does nothing
JENKINS-45050Can only sort execution order when running sequentially
JENKINS-44918Improve axes display in presence of combination filter
JENKINS-44877ssh-agent configuration running with main hosting job
JENKINS-44286Matrix jobs are not built on assigned node
JENKINS-43390Loading parameters from xml file causes that the same parameters are different objects for matrix configuration builds
JENKINS-43180Multi Axis name "-" validation
JENKINS-42808matrix-project support for pipeline jobs
JENKINS-40870Delay by parent job to report the child’s job completion.
JENKINS-40729flyweight task executing on exclusive agent
JENKINS-40578Matrix flyweight job crashes with NPE if it's triggered jobs are in the queue for a long time
JENKINS-39579Matrix jobs defaullt to "locked"
JENKINS-39526Multi-configuration maven project builds on slave using wrong version of Maven
JENKINS-38448Disabling matrix project right after scheduled can cause combination to get aborted/never run
JENKINS-38232Matrix jobs too long to save when using multiple configuration
JENKINS-38200building on master instead of remote slaves
JENKINS-38191Files uploaded using File Parameter are not copied in matrix job
JENKINS-38062"Create Delivery Pipeline version" errors
JENKINS-37402Enable project-based security causing job configure page to overflow in right
JENKINS-36741Introduce overall init-matrix build task and post-matrix build task
JENKINS-36630Migrate matrix-project to parent pom
JENKINS-36624Make combination filter multi-line if necessary
JENKINS-36569Add 'Slaves' axis is broken
JENKINS-36313When blocked waiting for triggered projects, suspend self (Ie get off executor)
JENKINS-35330Matrix plugin forwards subversion tag parameter value as null
JENKINS-34723Allow matrix project to show "skipped" build as "not run" without link
JENKINS-34389starting parallel matrix jobs with dynamic axes causes in wrong build configuration
JENKINS-33783Hide filtered builds from configuration matrix
JENKINS-33230Jenkins creates lots of warning message for creating matrix project root directory
JENKINS-32848matrix build success but parent job fails with finished with error (buildnum=0).
JENKINS-32809SCM workspace being flushed to 0 when old builds are discarded in Matrix Builds
JENKINS-32799Jenkins failed to generate new Multi-configuration build page when Combination Filter includes build parameter
JENKINS-32762Allow optional matrix axes
JENKINS-32349Entering a newline in a Label description makes "slave" matrix axis unavailable
JENKINS-31898http error 404 matrix job multi-configuration
JENKINS-31765jenkins-job-builder matrix job combination-filter causes 500 response
JENKINS-31537Copy Artifact from Promoted Matrix Configuration
JENKINS-31116Upgrade of Jenkins from 1.466.1 to 1.609.1 causing dead locks and assigning lower build number than the existing build number.
JENKINS-30792Add Pre-build step to MatrixProject configuration
JENKINS-30437Build status page displays incorrect run combinaison for matrix build with dynamic axis
JENKINS-30005Matrix combinationFilter permits illegal filter expressions
JENKINS-29661Matrix (multi-configuration) job ceates workspace@2 while not enable con-current build
JENKINS-29628createVariableResolver() is called with null as a parameter
JENKINS-29625Matrix job updates don't see latest commit
JENKINS-29397Matrix variables are not accessible to shell scripts
JENKINS-29380Skip building on offline nodes
JENKINS-28417NullPointerException in hudson.matrix.MatrixProject.createTransientActions
JENKINS-28176the bare/basic JOB_NAME is not available in matrix builds
JENKINS-28107Matrix parent should take an executor slot until the point where children are triggered
JENKINS-27465Please provide access to environment variables in combination filter
JENKINS-27449Node description string missing from Configuration Matrix's Node/Label section
JENKINS-27156Git notifications trigger previous builds
JENKINS-26865Matrix parent aborts when 'Exclude trivial rebase' set in gerrit-trigger plugin
JENKINS-26712Matrix project triggers concurrent build event if concurrent build option is off
JENKINS-26634User should be able to select items always shown for single-item axises
JENKINS-26631Pointless duplicate checkouts, causing problems on space-constrained builders
JENKINS-26334There is no variable that contains the job name without the user defined axis.
JENKINS-26266Exception when saving a matrix project with a slave axis with 1 slave or tag selected.
JENKINS-26226Matrix project overrides custom workspace configuration
JENKINS-26188Allow failures in matrix build and still succeed overall build.
JENKINS-26141Failed to mkdirs IOException if Configuration Matrix's Name is empty
JENKINS-25263Multi Config Project broken "Custom Workspace"
JENKINS-24020Fail-fast Matrix builds, as soon some configuration fail
JENKINS-23996Toggling "show test # and failure #" to "just show failures" ignored in some cases in multi-configuration jobs
JENKINS-23459Cannot restrict a matrix build job to one node/label
JENKINS-23445Can't use matrix-project with multiple-scms
JENKINS-22768Groovy Filter for Run Parameter
JENKINS-22494Multiconfiguration project does not respect label restrictions
JENKINS-21602Option to exclude off-line Slaves in "Individual Slaves"
JENKINS-21423Matrix jobs consistently fail when run concurrently
JENKINS-21361http error 404 for multi-configuration projects
JENKINS-21179Touchstone: execute further configurations independent from the result
JENKINS-21079Request to have the ability to stagger matrix builds by a certain amount of time
JENKINS-20847Setting a custom workspace for a matrix build results in checkout failures on the parent when the job runs
JENKINS-20701Matrix Project with Combination Filter does not publish JUnit Reports
JENKINS-20294Axis order in a matrix project cannot be changed
JENKINS-20293groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException when using a nonexistent axis in the combination filter of a matrix project
JENKINS-20136Matrix Job supplemental axis than only JDK
JENKINS-19963pass node name(s) as input for slave selection in multi-configuration/matrix job
JENKINS-19902repo SCM syncs in wrong workspace of matrix build
JENKINS-17924Matrix jobs should be able to checkout a repository just once
JENKINS-17842Matrix Build UI table sphere icons no longer line up
JENKINS-17397NPE in MatrixBuild -> parent project fails when children did not yet finish
JENKINS-17155Allow users to run a specific combination axis in matrix builds
JENKINS-16753child jobs of matrix builds do not use svn revision from parent
JENKINS-16653provide option to disable pre-build steps in matrix jobs
JENKINS-16638child builds going missing from matrix jobs
JENKINS-16605Multi-configuration Maven project fails to build on Windows if label is "os"
JENKINS-16137Build Parameters in Multiple Configuration Build
JENKINS-16124Multi-configuration sub-jobs randomly lose state
JENKINS-15864multi-configuration project ignores slave setting
JENKINS-15673InvalidClassException after modifying job matrix
JENKINS-14618ignore the checkout on the master
JENKINS-14549Failure during test aggregation of multi-configuration build
JENKINS-14337Multi-configuration job disappearing from list whether the file config.xml is edited.
JENKINS-14059console output for parent of matrix job has absolute URLS
JENKINS-13681Matrix builds check out externals at HEAD instead of timestamp
JENKINS-13665Display axis names in "Configuration Matrix"
JENKINS-13334Matrix builds should alphabatize their test result failures
JENKINS-13083Identify downstream matrix project with fingerprint
JENKINS-13004Add an option to remove nonsense configurations in matrix projects
JENKINS-12983Redundant syncs when using matrix jobs
JENKINS-12556Weather report for matrix builds
JENKINS-12439Comma in configuration value causes 404 page
JENKINS-12438Adding a linear view as an alternative view for multi configuration projects
JENKINS-12428Messed Configuration Matrix table
JENKINS-12263Button "Don't keep this build forever" doesn't work on a multi-configuration build when its next build is partial
JENKINS-12256Matrix job kills child job before post build actions have completed
JENKINS-12001Print console output for slave builds in matrix build
JENKINS-11993matrix flyweight and configuration builds have "overlapping" workspace directories
JENKINS-11945Invalid combination filter groovy script in matrix project build handled badly
JENKINS-11224Matrix Job Build page: Icons for jobs not started yet
JENKINS-11162Matrix builds get stuck in the queue
JENKINS-11089Allow control of fallback JDK usage
JENKINS-10991Build doesn't pick the slaves with the selected label/node as specified in Slave axes inside configuration matrix
JENKINS-10940Multi-configuration job: Labels have no member nodes in Configuration Matrix/Slaves
JENKINS-10868matrix touchstone filter expression debug
JENKINS-10864Matrix project page does not show test result information, though aggregate test result information does exist.
JENKINS-9981Test Trend Chard with Filtered Matrix Projects doesnt work
JENKINS-9905Expose new env var containing job name without build axis information appended
JENKINS-9871Displayed start time for a configuration job should state when the configuration job started, not when parent job started
JENKINS-9593Copy artifact fails when slave is offline
JENKINS-9531choose matrix build nodes based on label matches
JENKINS-9266select which nodes to run multi-configuration jobs on in the parent with build steps
JENKINS-9256Matrix job trying to kill already dead processes
JENKINS-9255When a child fails in a matrix build, all other children are killed
JENKINS-9184Matrix jobs description improvement
JENKINS-8942Change configuration for Multiple jobs
JENKINS-8735Matrix job does not recognize parameterized build when triggered remotely
JENKINS-8724Matrix Job Parents and Executors
JENKINS-8637Views that Filter the Build Queue Don't Show "Children" of Matrix Jobs
JENKINS-8506Matrix 'Job of Jobs'
JENKINS-8479Improve Display of Sparse Matrices
JENKINS-8457How can I run the Multi-configuration project jobs simultaneously without waiting for it to completes on all the slaves
JENKINS-8337Hudson Matrix job starts downstream job after each child
JENKINS-8205Matrix Build result display problem
JENKINS-8178Tagging a matrix project
JENKINS-8176Matrix Projects variables do not Escaped properly the / character in the URL
JENKINS-7976Aggregate downstream test results does not work for Matrix projects
JENKINS-7773Matrix sub jobs do not keep n+1 builds, when n is specified.
JENKINS-7772Some characters in data cause build breaks, loss of function
JENKINS-7683"Restrict where this project can be run"-Option not available for Matrix builds
JENKINS-7633Main summary page of matrix jobs can seem to indicate incorrect status of configurations.
JENKINS-7542Matrix jobs tied to label executed consecutively even if there are free nodes of this label
JENKINS-7452Matrix project does not chooses best slave
JENKINS-7306start jobs only if all required labels/nodes are available
JENKINS-7296Throttle a matrix job build based upon user criteria
JENKINS-7028tie to Node/Group GUI
JENKINS-6467Add a new envrironment varibale to get only the job's name in a matrix project
JENKINS-6246when deleting matrix parent, job configuration is left with all data
JENKINS-6048Matrix builds fail when Axes values contain invalid characters for Windows directory names
JENKINS-5700Race condition in Matrix project builds between config changes and builds
JENKINS-5664Project page for a matrix project with a single configuration displays 'default' as the configuration name
JENKINS-5623Allow re-run of only configuration axes that failed
JENKINS-5544Matrix build filter should mark (highlight) unused configs
JENKINS-5300Trend page for build of matrix job shows wrong time for running build
JENKINS-5197Allow empty values for matrix axis
JENKINS-5084WORKSPACE env variable is incorrect for matrix project on windows slaves
JENKINS-5076Master job of multiconfig project can be executed on hosts that are marked as "Leave this machine for tied jobs only"
JENKINS-4960Provide a SCMCheckoutStrategy to checkout only once for all matrix entries
JENKINS-4725uploading files doesn't work on multi-matrix project
JENKINS-4285Allow choice of axes to be applied to workspace
JENKINS-4005Test result links on build page of multi-configuration jobs lead to 404
JENKINS-3914Automatic Install j2sdk1.4.2_11 not working
JENKINS-3893Matrix build: can not run build on node that's usage is "Leave this machine for tied jobs only"
JENKINS-3697multi configuration job execution log not verbose
JENKINS-3485Use same workspace for matrix project
JENKINS-3401Multi configuration projects tied to nodes checkout code on the machine that triggers the builds as well
JENKINS-3376BUILD_TAG environment variable is incorrect in matrix builds
JENKINS-3234checkboxes for combination-filter
JENKINS-2724Report generation for multiple configs
JENKINS-2265Matrix substitution of parameters to all configuration properties
JENKINS-1912Remote API vs Multi-configuration projects
JENKINS-1712Try to make the matrix rectangular
JENKINS-1651Show javadoc link at the top page
JENKINS-1650matrix slave builds are incorrectly logged as cancelled
JENKINS-1040Staggering builds (on virtual machine slaves)