List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
#73 | Require 2.361.4 | | |
#72 | Stop testing Java 11 | | |
#71 | Enable Jenkins Security Scan | | |
JENKINS-74353 | [lucene-search] Extract inline script block and event handlers in org/jenkinsci/plugins/lucene/search/management/LuceneManager/index.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74352 | [lucene-search] Extract inline script blocks and event handlers in org/jenkinsci/plugins/lucene/search/FreeTextSearch/search-results.jelly | | |
#69 | Support Command Palette | | |
JENKINS-72503 | SEVERE o.j.p.l.s.d.LuceneSearchBackend#create: create lucene search backend failed: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /write.lock | | |
JENKINS-44794 | Committing too often? Builds held up by other builds doing a commit for long periods of time | | |
#8 | Searching for build number on builds fail | | |