Log Parser

List of issues
JENKINS-75149Plugin tries to fetch JS over http when Jenkins is running on https
JENKINS-74948Log Parser logs should support dark mode
JENKINS-73671Logparser pipeline step hangs .
JENKINS-73631LogParser throws "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getAction(java.lang.Class)" because "label.build" is null"
JENKINS-73333Logparsing rule does not work on one specific error
JENKINS-72901Log Parser Plugin not working
JENKINS-72311`java.lang.NullPointerException because "pattern" is null` on 2.3.1
JENKINS-70291Support using Timestamper with Log Parser
JENKINS-70226Add Log Parser for individual log files
JENKINS-70225Add Log Parser report to Blue Ocean
JENKINS-70224Start division for Log Parser on parallel stages
JENKINS-69610Log Parser plugin don't resolve variables in "Path to rule file in workspace"
JENKINS-69247Add url link to summary page
JENKINS-69063Add column to jobs list
JENKINS-68086Job succeded in log but on board failed
JENKINS-67690Jenkins Log Parser Debug Icon not shown
JENKINS-67382log parser plugin might overflow /tmp FS
JENKINS-66265Logs optimization - when running multiple build schedules to reduce space Utilised
JENKINS-65248Console parser not working looking for file VMLinks.html / no escape character for forward slash
JENKINS-64133Console Log Parser not working
JENKINS-62932css/style.css was removed but it is used by Log Parser
JENKINS-62182ANSI colour to be preserved
JENKINS-59948Colors & hints on trend graphs do not match to the data
JENKINS-59218NullPointerException in logparser buildDataSet(LogParserAction.java:147)
JENKINS-52835build.xml contains absolute paths that break when job is moved or renamed.
JENKINS-46134duplicate warnings and errors
JENKINS-38840log parser plugin fails on slave node
JENKINS-35265Parameter showGraphs: true has no effect using Pipeline job
JENKINS-33085Log Parser Plugin Not Honoring Regex Patterns that Span Multiple Lines in Console Output
JENKINS-27208Make Log Parser Plugin compatible with Workflow
JENKINS-12436Log parser plugin should not store the absolute path to the parsing file in each job config