List of issues
JENKINS-75185LDAP plugin searching for LDAP groups even when configured to Parse user attribute for list of LDAP groups
JENKINS-75032Add LICENSE file to GitHub repo of LDAP plugin
JENKINS-74854upgrading jenkins from version 2.387.1 to version 2.401.1 and user cannot login with ldap account
JENKINS-73746Searching for a disabled user will send you to the login screen
JENKINS-73580LDAP HA setup using multiple servers on configuration fails
JENKINS-72962ldaps unable to find valid certification path to requested target
JENKINS-72732ActiveDirectory authentication error with german umlaut in user DN
JENKINS-72722LDAP Plugin is throwing NullPointerException
JENKINS-72650"Periodic Jenkins queue maintenance" thread can soft-lock Jenkins queue while waiting for LDAP blocking search
JENKINS-71929LDAP Plugin in combination with External Monitor Job Type Plugin causes full memory consumption at LDAP Server
JENKINS-71644Ldap bind base is invalid
JENKINS-71511LDAPS tries to connect to DomainDnsZones instead of specified Server
JENKINS-71409Subversion plugin - Build failure due to ldap disabled account
JENKINS-71111LDAP plugin fails on first configuration attempt
JENKINS-70517Cannot disable Role Prefixing using groovy init script
JENKINS-70095Active Directory - LDAP error
JENKINS-69827LDAP plugin doesn't work consistently
JENKINS-69783ldaps:// URI throws an error
JENKINS-69538Jenkins LDAP plugin can't take groups
JENKINS-69506Unable to Intgregate Ldap
JENKINS-69408LDAP login fails
JENKINS-69330Test LDAP Settings doesn't yield a user visible response
JENKINS-69222LDAP is not working for PDL and AGS roles
JENKINS-68723LDAP: fullName parameter not updated when changed
JENKINS-68174LDAP Plugin: CVE-2022-22965
JENKINS-68148Unable to connect to LDAPS
JENKINS-67768 Unable to read config.xml: hudson.security.GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy hudson.security.LDAPSecurityRealm
JENKINS-66210javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32
JENKINS-65869Jenkins LDAP Authentication issues for Only New joinees/users
JENKINS-65804After upgrade to Jenkins 2.277.1 LDAP not working
JENKINS-65551ldap failure causes invalid json in build info API
JENKINS-65540UsernameNotFoundException in LDAP Plugin with multiple AD Server
JENKINS-65345LDAP 2.5 plugin not authenticating properly when selecting "Search for LDAP groups containing user"
JENKINS-65011LDAP groups not found without Manager DN
JENKINS-64486LDAP Plugin should set keepalives on persistent TCP connections
JENKINS-64456"Added a missed class for missing class telemetry. Class: com.sun.jndi.ldap.obj.MarshalledToObject" on Java 11
JENKINS-64455"Added a missed class for missing class telemetry. Class: com.sun.jndi.ldap.obj.AttrsToCorba" on Java 11
JENKINS-64087LDAP authentication fails
JENKINS-63645Improve AD/LDAP caching with an ObjectChangeListener
JENKINS-63297Configuring LDAP reeving bending error immediately after entering in Server IP
JENKINS-62171Can't handle class jenkins.security.plugins.ldap.FromGroupSearchLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy#authoritiesPopulator
JENKINS-61761LDAP not matching groups with different base dn as user
JENKINS-61755LDAP Plugin - Group matching with user groups issue
JENKINS-61155can't add an ldap group if a user with the same name exists
JENKINS-60744LDAP plugin connects to different servers then the configured one
JENKINS-60443LDAP Plugin Ignores Group Search Filter
JENKINS-60306LDAP login user needs read permissions
JENKINS-60018Port 80 required for SSL login
JENKINS-59639LDAP tries to connect to DomainDNSZones, instead of connecting to the specified controller
JENKINS-58941Missing Overall/Read permission when authenticating with LDAP user with a long UID
JENKINS-57569Can't boot Jenkins since upgrade to 2.178
JENKINS-56932MFA is not working with group membership
JENKINS-56904LDAP-plugin uses random Domain Controller
JENKINS-56653I can't save LDAP configuration
JENKINS-56463API token matched for user foo but the impersonation failed
JENKINS-55780User property LastGrantedAuthoritiesProperty is not updated when LDAP user is login
JENKINS-55657How to Configure Two LDAP Servers for authorisation with Groovy
JENKINS-55288After some time of inactive Ldap Throwing this error:org.acegisecurity.ldap.LdapDataAccessException: LdapCallback;null; nested exception is javax.naming.PartialResultException
JENKINS-55117Both LDAP and 'Use Jenkins Internal Database' can be used
JENKINS-55069An error regarding SecurityRealm occurred when build test job
JENKINS-54015ldap authentication problem
JENKINS-53948HTTP Proxy Configuration
JENKINS-53189Exception during Test LDAP settings in group search filter
JENKINS-52940Unable to manually install LDAP plugin
JENKINS-52257Allow the LDAP plugin to disable group lookup entirely
JENKINS-51883REST API for getting groups list
JENKINS-50391Log warnings based on simple sanity check of ldap UserDn's
JENKINS-50256LDAP setup
JENKINS-48568LDAP lookup fails intermittently with self-signed cert
JENKINS-48507javax.naming.CommunicationException:simple bind failed
JENKINS-48391LDAP Failure Members in too many Groups
JENKINS-46377Errors when retrieving user name and email from LDAP
JENKINS-46353Anonymous user can search for actual users
JENKINS-46133When adding name to LDAP permission matrix both user and group with name are added but only one line added to matrix
JENKINS-46117Get User's public key (ssh) from LDAP
JENKINS-45913LDAPGroupMembershipStrategy set incorrectly
JENKINS-45193LDAP 1.5 hangs and stops querying sources
JENKINS-44639LDAP 1.15 plugin doesn't resolve groups
JENKINS-43521Oops/Crash on Login and Any Other Pages
JENKINS-42532Connection problems using wrong ldap server
JENKINS-42288Expose LDAP custom attributes as (environment) variables
JENKINS-41914Basic authentication with group membership strategy and FreeIPA
JENKINS-41521LDAP caching broken
JENKINS-41450LDAP plugin supporting 2 completely different domains with separate Users and group searches
JENKINS-41251User loses authenticated group (authority) membership
JENKINS-41077No support for DisableSignUp
JENKINS-40541Ldap group membership doenst work
JENKINS-40330Authentication via LDAP is set in Jenkins, but users cannot login
JENKINS-39248Synchronize Jenkins user database with LDAP
JENKINS-39018LDAP "Initial bind as user" support
JENKINS-38528Ldap-Group will not be found
JENKINS-38124Although FromUserRecordLDAPGroupMembershipStrategy is configured, Jenkins still populates authorities by using group search (with the default pattern)
JENKINS-37858Group based LDAP authentication does not work
JENKINS-37856LDAP Authentication Overall/Read Permissions Missing
JENKINS-37480LDAP Plugin not working properly
JENKINS-36374troubleshooting ldap authentication failure
JENKINS-35249Security update 1.651.2 breaks LDAP/AD look up
JENKINS-33655blank page after login, log says: java.lang.RuntimeException: Header>6144
JENKINS-33448LDAP config error when Manager Password is empty
JENKINS-32901InvalidSearchFilterException from Group search base
JENKINS-32794LDAP integration with jenkins in windows 2008 server
JENKINS-31023Unable to connect to LDAPS
JENKINS-29847Cache LDAP Groups for users
JENKINS-29772Can't retrieve ldap info using domain search with spaces
JENKINS-29382LDAP authentication doesn't work with ADAM
JENKINS-29162Jenkins internal user in order to be able to log-in under an authentication failure with LDAP AD, ...
JENKINS-29099LDAPS Algorithm constraints check failed
JENKINS-28474Confusing Chrome password manager behavior on ldap auth settings page
JENKINS-27685Could not enabel ldap plugin on jenkins
JENKINS-25826Ldap login not working after upgrading jenkins 1.580.1 unless mark "Remember me on this computer" check box
JENKINS-24894Users' display names should be synchronized with LDAP
JENKINS-24756LDAP No unbind after request
JENKINS-24704LDAP restrict requested attributes
JENKINS-24623LDAP AcceptSecurityContext error
JENKINS-24347LDAP advanced parameters not taken in account for initial verification request
JENKINS-23753Always perform LDAP server DNS lookup right before attempting to establish connection
JENKINS-21392authentication fail when DN contains slash "/"
JENKINS-21263LDAP Authentication success, group discovery success but return to login with no error
JENKINS-20671Provide daily sync of all users
JENKINS-19946NullPointerException when authentication fails using LDAP with Jenkins as a Jetty webapp
JENKINS-19483LDAP plugin sets userSearchDN incorrectly
JENKINS-18961LDAP plugin does not support nested groups
JENKINS-18126LDAP advanced parameters not taken into account when updating security matrix
JENKINS-14936UserNameResolver extension never invoked
JENKINS-14520LDAP Plugin should support StartTLS extension
JENKINS-13265Ldap connection failed - jenkins loosing FQDN of ldap server
JENKINS-11182LDAP authorization fails silently
JENKINS-10349unable to log in via LDAP but retry is successful
JENKINS-9849Jenkins upgrade overwrites customized LDAPBindSecurityRealm.groovy
JENKINS-9543uppercase ldap groupnames appear to work but don't
JENKINS-8692LDAP error when registering duplicate usernames
JENKINS-8569DomainDnsZones UnknownHostException
JENKINS-7545Login to hudson fails in an https and openLDAP environment
JENKINS-5945CLONE - ClassNotFound in LDAP authentication
JENKINS-4895AD and LDAP fail due to Referrals
JENKINS-3404mix LDAP and local Hudson users
JENKINS-2489ldap authentication problem in tomcat
JENKINS-2131Log user names of failed login attempts
JENKINS-1131LDAP form validation improvements