
List of issues
#638Bump the atlassian group across 1 directory with 4 updates
#636Upcoming Deprecation of Jira Cloud Search APIs
#620JiraIssueParameter in pipelines
#609JiraVersionParameter in pipelines
#562Clean up HTTP authentication reference and Update constructors
#541Clean up HTTP authentication code references
JENKINS-70297Jenkins Jira Plugin issue with updating issues
JENKINS-69957Plugin leaks httpclient threads
#468Enable Continuous Delivery
#453Jira issue selector for all changes since last successful build
JENKINS-68175JIRA Plugin: CVE-2022-22965
JENKINS-67971Not able to pass JIRA ticket ID as parameter.
#395Plugin fails to add comment on JIRA issue even if it adds link to JIRA issue on "Changes" tab in Jenkins
#382Add Jenkins Build Status to JIRA Server Development Tab
JENKINS-66837java.lang.LinkageError due to the use of different version of the same library
#375Allow posting only internally visible comments
#371Oauth support?
#361Not getting Jira issue ID from plugin in pipeline
#350can we use specific branch name to update relevant issues in jira?
JENKINS-65899Can Jira issue be passed from string parameter?
JENKINS-65891Jira plugin/ Post-build Actions - Jira: Create issue is no longer working
JENKINS-65795Jenkins does not pick up Jira issue from PR creation
JENKINS-65617Add ability to rename JIRA Versions
JENKINS-65496Huge JIRA comments generated by "Update relevant issues" are silently rejected.
JENKINS-65335Jira: Create Issue: cannot populate issue priority and id
#330Add of extra parameter setJiraShowUnReleased(jiraShowUnReleased)
JENKINS-64947Selected parameter is not filled in the parameters view
#322Jira plugin doesn't update jira issues based on Commit messages
JENKINS-64609No way to update all JIRA issues status without JQL
JENKINS-64583add support for JIRA Server Personal Access Tokens
JENKINS-64269Jira plugin is not populating data from jira
JENKINS-64235Jira Create Issue Post Build Action is not working
JENKINS-62843We are using the Jira Plugin for Jenkins to Jira Integration
JENKINS-61361Replace "accountId" workaround when jira-rest-java-client is updated
JENKINS-60860Jira ticket number propagation to child jobs
JENKINS-60749Authenticate using OAuth in JIRA plugin
JENKINS-60113IssueFieldUpdateStep wrong fieldValue type
JENKINS-58908Integration JIRA with Jenkins
JENKINS-57087List of JIRA projects should expire
JENKINS-56655JiraVersionParameterDefinition in DSL
JENKINS-55321Inline jira issue summary in build changes
JENKINS-55263Jira plugin. Show only released version parameters
JENKINS-53761JIRA Plugin in multibranch pipeline showing all previous build tickets also in current build changes
JENKINS-52479Looking for solution to import junit xml multiple test results files
JENKINS-51730Configure search maxResults at global level
JENKINS-50674Switch from Perforce plugin (discontinued) to P4 plugin
JENKINS-50015Allow selection of multiple issues as build parameter
JENKINS-48838progress workflow by issueSelector
JENKINS-48695Jira Labels do not get updated in pipeline job using JiraIssueUpdater
JENKINS-47098Generate Pipeline Script for "Update relevant issue" create garbage
JENKINS-46995Changes in dependency information strangeness
JENKINS-45687Allow "Issue custom field updater" to be used as 'Post-build action'
#119Add JiraIssuesSizeEnvironmentVariableBuilder build step
JENKINS-40819Option to add to fixVersion rather than replace
JENKINS-40090Add support for creating JIRA issues with pipeline.
JENKINS-38140Update relevant Jira issues doesn't work on downstream builds
JENKINS-36862Jira plugin does not work inside promotion block
JENKINS-35998No issue update if at least one issue does not exists
#101Add Jira Issue update step to pipeline
JENKINS-33752Parse branch name for JIRA issue
JENKINS-32560jira-plugin generating message in the wrong ticket
JENKINS-32415"Use newest version" when doing JIRA release
JENKINS-30901Use the name set by the 'Build Name Setter' plugin no longer working in JIRA updates
JENKINS-28879Add option to not fail the build in case updating JIRA issues fail
JENKINS-25135JIRA Plugin should expose built JIRAs via Token Macro
JENKINS-24078Jira Link are not created for ClearCase UCM project
JENKINS-20422Allow "Progress JIRA issues by workflow action" to also be set as 'Post-build action'
JENKINS-17498Make the content of the comment extensible
JENKINS-17123Also state the committer id when it differs from the pusher id
JENKINS-16619Take actions in Jira based on test results in Jenkins builds
JENKINS-16073Support for multiple Jira instances
JENKINS-14671Use JIRA Remote application links instead of comments
JENKINS-14093Jira Comment Buildstep (Pre/Post)
JENKINS-13503Add ability for JIRA plugin to post changelog to a JIRA
JENKINS-12604Allow for more granular control of whether result state should be added to comment or not.
JENKINS-9265multi-configuration should do some work in the parent job only
JENKINS-8310have JIRA plugin recognize svn externals
JENKINS-6340support getAffectedFiles() for clearcase - JIRA issues not updated without this feature