
Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found in the documentation below.
List of issues
#386Migrate tests to JUnit5
#385Bump from 3944.v1a_e4f8b_452db_ to 4136.vca_c3202a_7fd1
JENKINS-75240Aggregated results from a matrix job within a multijob include irrelevant old runs
#373Build Status table is not dark theme friendly
JENKINS-72929Jenkins job status wrong when triggering with parameters and disabling some downstream jobs
JENKINS-70031Remove dependency on maven-plugin
#223Add the ability to select jobs before starting a multijob
JENKINS-66800Multijob Parameter
#222Limit the maximum number of executors for the phase
JENKINS-66460Aggregate results not available when unchanged fingerprinted artifacts are used
#221Error in Job status when organized with Folder plugin
#220JOB Alias is missing when configuring the Multi Job Project
JENKINS-65357NPE in multijob-plugin
#219"Discard builds" option is not working
#218Multijob plugin doesn't support Multibranch Pipeline Items
#216Cannot apply modification in Multijob configuration
#215Cascaded Multiple Container jobs: The top parent job shows status "Completed", when the child jobs are still running.
#214UI error when updating quiet period (value is accepted / saved)
#213Build result is not visible into Multijob view when sub jobs are in folder
JENKINS-63831custom workspace continues to be used, after disabling "prepare an environment for the run"
JENKINS-63702Quiet period index is calculated incorrectly
#211merging phases of the same name on the build page
JENKINS-63335abort of multi configuration project lead to jenkins kill / InterruptedException
#210Enable condition of job not support regex
#208remove extra slashes from console log
#207Quiet period to high for sequential jobs
#205Automatically use parameters defined in downstream subjobs
#203Enable button to retry/rerun failed jobs manually
JENKINS-62292Quiet period calculator isn't saved
#202Last Success and Last Failure Columns in Jenkins Dashboard is not getting updated properly
#199job triggered anyway when don't trigger condition is met
#197Heap space error when resuming Multijob
#196Multi job not completed even sub job completed
#195The status does not work after upgrade to 1.32
JENKINS-60181Multijob plugin: Add option to disable "Resume build"
JENKINS-59541Multijob plugin: Prints "java.lang.NullPointerException" when trying to start a disabled job
JENKINS-59445Continuous Multi Job Configuration
#191Multi job main job failes even after setting the sub jobs to ignore failure.
#189Next phase is EXECUTING even though the previous phase is FAILED
#187Multijob missing parameter: substitute name
#186Failed Tests section of Aggregated Test Results not populated > 8 jobs generating results
#185MultiJob logs starting a sub which it never actually starts, and sometimes fails to abort when it should
JENKINS-57848Jenkins Multipipeline jobs discards old builds and starts from build one
#183Mulijob default http instead of https
JENKINS-57536Pending build status now shown as disabled (MultiJob)
#182Build Status visualization not correct for jobs from another folder
JENKINS-56872Mulit job doesn´t show job details when using folder plugin
#180Availability of the "Resume build" button as a permission
JENKINS-56603Support variable expansion in MultiJob Phase invocation
JENKINS-56582Job's status and node details does not show after upgrade jenkins from 2.138.3 to 2.150.3
JENKINS-56539Multijob Retry Rules: failure doesn't match the rules
#178Add tree diagram for list in MultiJobView.
#177expect a expand/collapse button for each multijob.
#175Parameters link showing more than once
#174Status of a Failed job after retry
#172Multijob doesn't detect that the job has finished
#171Broken Link in
#170Does not display the last trial status
JENKINS-55402Quite period not working with MultiJob plugin 1.32
#165Plugin not show 'Resume Button' when user has Job/Build permission on folder level
JENKINS-54977Failed one of sub-jobs in a phase, but the build went on despite a Success or Unstable setting
#164OutOfMemoryError in Multijob plugin
#163Multijob not displaying or running downstream job
#162Multijob type missing parameterFactories option
#161Multijob occupies executer, even when it is only waiting for a child job to complete
JENKINS-53616(de-)serialize anonymous class com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.PhaseJobsConfig$KillPhaseOnJobResultCondition$2
#160"Failed to serialize" when called via GitHub hook
#159java.lang.NullPointerException at com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.views.PhaseWrapper.getIconColor(
JENKINS-53338Job abort (e.g., induced by ghprb) occasionally doesn't work
JENKINS-53207Issue in executing the multiple projects parellel/sequential using MultiJob Plugin
JENKINS-52780Multijob phase status is in pending status whereas job is successfull
#157Last Success and Last Failure are shown incorrectly for downstream projects on MultiJob view and project pages
#156MultiJob got stuck eventhough all phase jobs are compelted
JENKINS-52611Multi-job phase unable to launch - Pending - Description
JENKINS-52601Jenkins logs "Unreadable data"
#154job-name field should support Variable names
#153MultiJob plugin should differ when the same job is used multiple times
#151Run single job in Multi job project
#150Add ability to expand/collapse a multijob view at the phase and name levels Failed to write url on api/xml?depth=1
#147Missing parameters in MultiJob subbuilds
#146Can't remove sort of phases in multijob project
#145Aborting a MultiJob build keeps phase jobs queued
#144Show status of all sub jobs for a particular build
#143convert to unix line endings
#140feat: support folders and filters in multijob view
#135Jobs status is greyed out even if build is running
#134[Question] Continuing execution on failure
#132Adding pretend success option
#131Stuck with SECURITY-248: Environment Injector Plugin maintenance ran out
#123[Feature Request] Ability to specify jobs by regex (run serially or parallel)
#121Exclude result of one job from Multijob result
#113Added mode - 'Running phase jobs sequentially without waiting complet…
#109Retrieve job variables for each individual job
#108Build only if SCM changes with parameters failed
#106[JENKINS-38850] Multijob runs one parameterized child job instead of running multiple child jobs with different parameters
#103Initial commit for commit path. A function to skip jobs if the commit…
#87Tree-based project view with auto-refresh
#84Add a listener to handle starting and completing child jobs
JENKINS-31643java.lang.NullPointerException com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.MultiJobBuilder.getScmChange(
JENKINS-31579phaseJobs() are being skipped when there are no changes.
#63don't downcase the conditional in multijob job [JENKINS-27025]
JENKINS-22483Job execution deadlock on safeRestart
#19One failed job does not cause the whole phase to fail fast
#18Unstable phase job does not set multijob as unstable.
#17Wrong links in job summary
#15Restrict top-level multi-job projects in MultiJob view
JENKINS-9665Variables used as node labes are not expanded in parameterized builds