JENKINS-74976 | Custom fields/tags not added to measurements | | |
JENKINS-74901 | Support for SonarQube Branch Name in InfluxDB Plugin | | |
JENKINS-73465 | NullPointerException publishing data to target | | |
JENKINS-67726 | Read Plastic Environment variables to update to database | | |
JENKINS-66408 | influx db targets added via pipelines under system configuration are getting removed after Jenkins restarts | | |
JENKINS-66350 | Can't overwrite existing tables | | |
JENKINS-65565 | Add Robot Framework test case tags to testcase_point measurement | | |
JENKINS-64108 | Support for global default tags | | |
JENKINS-62772 | Not able to send data to Influx DB using Groovy Closure | | |
JENKINS-59744 | Support for Warnings Next Generations plugin | | |
JENKINS-57240 | Only last stage data is sent to influx db from jenkins pipeline | | |
JENKINS-56861 | Send PMD, FB, Checkstyle metrics to influxDB | | |
JENKINS-56473 | Special characters in tag values | | |
JENKINS-55031 | Deactivate undesired Generators | | |
JENKINS-53360 | Add ability to send list of data to InfluxDB | | |
JENKINS-45264 | extra field if influx-db publish fails | | |