JENKINS-72608 | avoid following redirect headers automatically | | |
JENKINS-72520 | Http Request plugin Multipart form does not set boundaries for multipart | | |
JENKINS-72188 | Make the plugin read the standard variables: HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY | | |
JENKINS-70718 | Support secret text credentials in the http request plugin | | |
JENKINS-70505 | httpRequest disguises name resolution errors and connection errors as 404 and 408 | | |
JENKINS-70481 | Invalid cookie header messages using AWS ALB/ELB | | |
JENKINS-70101 | http-request-plugin fails using Certificate authentication from a remote (SSH) agent | | |
JENKINS-69833 | Errors are not being written to the outputFile | | |
JENKINS-69816 | Vault type username and password credentials is not supported | | |
JENKINS-69215 | When specifying proxyAuthentication, plugin creates an Authorization header instead of a Proxy-Authorization header | | |
JENKINS-68154 | Custom headers with special characters in their names | | |
JENKINS-67778 | Certificate authentication not working when called within a node block | | |
JENKINS-67217 | String interpolation doesn't work properly for credentials | | |
JENKINS-67120 | Encrypt j_password for form-based authentication | | |
JENKINS-66469 | Operability : Missing URL target details when exception raised | | |
JENKINS-66118 | HTTP Request Plugin may fail with remote credentials providers | | |
JENKINS-65555 | Plugin does not work with withCredentials | | |
JENKINS-65458 | http-request-plugin: Add description to the arguments | | |
JENKINS-64785 | HTTP Request Issue on URL redirect | | |
JENKINS-64397 | Plugin don't work with authentificated proxy | | |
JENKINS-63547 | Write response to file before checking response status code | | |
JENKINS-63248 | Add label attribute to httpRequest step to improve usability | | |
JENKINS-61342 | httprequest plugin: Systemproperties do not work | | |
JENKINS-59050 | httpRequest automatically retries requests | | |
JENKINS-58966 | httprequest plugin response does not include content in case http request fails with error 500 | | |
JENKINS-55709 | Add support for certificate authentication | | |
JENKINS-55193 | request body json not reading variables | | |
JENKINS-53676 | Error I/O exception ( while executing selenium scripts | | |
JENKINS-52531 | NullPointerException when accessing content in pipeline on windows slave | | |
JENKINS-51648 | support for content-type yaml in pipeline httpRequest | | |
JENKINS-47356 | A Content-Type header is sent by default with DELETE requests | | |
JENKINS-46906 | Add support for query parameters to pipeline step | | |
JENKINS-41027 | File input parameter to HTTP PUT task | | |
JENKINS-39424 | NTLM Authentication support for http-request-plugin | | |
JENKINS-33957 | HTTP Request Plugin - Add support for Mutual Cert Authentication | | |