HTML Publisher

List of issues
JENKINS-75180String is appended in the report url generated by HTML Publisher plugin
JENKINS-74902HTML Reports empty: Only report names visible but the html is empty v1.37.0
JENKINS-73587HMTL Publisher Plugin duplicating reports rather than updating on build page
JENKINS-72941Add an Icon link field just as Sidebar link plugin offers
JENKINS-72746Cannot access built html files published by HTML plugin
JENKINS-72687[HTML Publisher] Add to config's Publishing options "Files included but not published"
JENKINS-72593Publish HTML exception is not throwing error to upstream
JENKINS-71870Colour code report tabs based on pass / fail status
JENKINS-71782"Oops! A problem occurred while processing the request. (Logging ID=1b0e333b-00be-4214-ab70-ab19cc60b9f4)"
JENKINS-71577Please provide an option to set build result instead of hardcode as FAILURE in case of IO Exception
JENKINS-71370Can't use $BUILD_NUMBER on the "Report Title" of Publish HTML reports
JENKINS-71082HTML report does not appear in the job
JENKINS-70738Publisher does not appear to properly support default-src CSP header setting
JENKINS-70596zip file does not contain only html files
JENKINS-70221click 另开, need relogin
JENKINS-70149HTML publisher does not fail build when directory not found and allowMissing=false
JENKINS-69834Index in subfolder
JENKINS-69005HTML Report is not generated while executing with GIT
JENKINS-68605htmlpublusher plugin not working properly
JENKINS-68305[htmlpublusher] failure copying to htmlreports/Vivid_20Results
JENKINS-68183multi branch pipeline publishhtml not working Truncated TAR archive when merging file from MacOS
JENKINS-67646htmlpublisher does not working with 2.319.2
JENKINS-67336Default fields are coming after saving job
JENKINS-66897encodeURIComponent breaks paths
JENKINS-66080HTML Publisher does not use correct workspace when called in post/failure section
JENKINS-65284Add ability to set favicon for published page
JENKINS-64771Jenkins pipeline - HTML Publusher stage/step show success but it's failed
JENKINS-63669publishHTML step is green even with error
JENKINS-63488Unable to use *Publish HTML Reports* with pytest-html
JENKINS-62893On linux , when check Include files,can't copy sub file to the linux dir
JENKINS-62161htmlpublisher-plugin occasionally fails with "script returned exit code 1"
JENKINS-61925Upcoming Chrome SameSite policy change will break HTML Publisher plugin
JENKINS-61213Display HTML file per build window, exclude job's dashboard
JENKINS-61095HTML Published pages redirect to a broken url if "path=" is included in a query parameter
JENKINS-60974Refresh HTML Report View During A Build
JENKINS-60667Jobs hanging indefinitely on ec2 slaves
JENKINS-59874Support resource domain
JENKINS-59511Error opening report with HTML Publisher
JENKINS-51403Allow simplified Pipeline surface syntax
JENKINS-50286Combine multiple HTML reports
JENKINS-50034duplicate links when report is overwritten
JENKINS-47989HTML publisher argument reportTitles is marked as optional in PipelineSyntax editor, but it's required
JENKINS-47910Add the ability to publish HTML from String rather than file
JENKINS-47638HTML publisher step cannot be edited in the pipeline editor
JENKINS-46722alwaysLinkToLastBuild not linking to last job result
JENKINS-44786HTML Publisher does not allow environment variables in fields
JENKINS-42706Keep older report on main build page if new report is not generated
JENKINS-40616publishHTML on blueocean
JENKINS-39527HTML Publisher archives the entire workspace
JENKINS-35461Published HTMLs (or zip) should be accessible via CopyArtifact plugin
JENKINS-32437HTML REPORT overlapping tabs
JENKINS-31775HTML Publisher plugin reports access restriction
JENKINS-29944Existing project-level report shouldn't disappear when report is not generated
JENKINS-29885Submit data in a HTML page
JENKINS-28660Remove the header that allows downloading as a zip because that uses needless space and hides the window title
JENKINS-15301HTML Publisher failure: Failed to extract directory from slave
JENKINS-14308If keeping records for each build, show big central button
JENKINS-9389provide index page if it does not exist
JENKINS-7472Possibility to publish non-HTML documents
JENKINS-6801With "Enable project-based security" on for workspace. non logged in users can view the html