#127 | Jenkins Image for notifications deleted | | |
#126 | Hipchat plugin fails to send notification for rooms containing comma in the name | | |
#125 | Correct test failure in non-english system | | |
#124 | Cannot use ${BUILD_DURATION} ? | | |
#122 | SSL | | |
#121 | Global notifications ignore "Notify Room" | | |
#120 | "Failed" Build step? | | |
#117 | How to use a message template from a Jenkinsfile? | | |
#114 | Direct Mention Support | | |
#113 | Issue with national characters encoding | | |
#112 | How can I create default NotificationConfig by the code? | | |
#110 | send jenkins output file as attachment to hipchat group | | |
JENKINS-45395 | Job builder for hipchat plugin is out of date | | |
#108 | Messages failing | | |
JENKINS-42634 | Allow Pipeline builds to use the same default templates as Freestyle | | |
#96 | Ability to sent a message to a user | | |
JENKINS-41976 | Add support for Add-on generated HipChat v2 tokens | | |
JENKINS-37357 | Allow messaging users | | |
#74 | @mention Support | | |
#68 | ability to set "Trigger for matrix projects" global default | | |
#67 | retry message delivery failures | | |
#19 | Add the option to notify culprits by looking them up in the Hipchat user API | | |
JENKINS-18120 | Add HipChat Plugin Notification Strategy | | |