Google Compute Engine

List of issues
#521Frequent exception " invalid stream header" reported by the pipeline using GCE plugin
#520feat(java): Require Jenkins core 2.479.1 and Java 17.
#518chore(github): Add CODEOWNERS
#513Bump from v1-rev20220720-1.32.1 to v1-rev20250119-2.0.0
#511Not able to execute Jenkins pipeline on the dynamic provisioned VM.
#510Compute Instance Not Reconnecting After Resource Maxed Out and Throwing 404 Error Despite Being Active and Running on GCE
#508Compute instance getting terminated randomly with message Agent was removed
#504`instanceId` can change in JCasC controller when restarted
#502Integration Tests - create packer scripts for windows integration tests, ensure it works
#501Integration Tests - Use @Rule instead of @ClassRule for JenkinsRule unless required
#500Tests - Simplify the various system property variables in pom.xml
#499Simplify Test Configurations in pom.xml file failsafe and surefire
#498ClientUtil class needs minor refactoring
#497Integration Tests - Use default credential chain not requiring SA
#496Integration Test - Read the GCP configurations automatically
#494Bump from 1.34.1 to 1.37.0
#493Bump from 1.43.3 to 1.45.3
#488Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:powershell from 1.3 to 2.2
#485Instance Templates Don't Load
#477Add userinfo-email OAuth2 scope when associating service account
#476Add userinfo-email scope to VM service account
#474VM templates without ssh key overrides network
#473Please add support to configure spot VM as VM provisioning model and set time duration
#472Add support for workload identity federation
#469Preempted VMs are sometimes not properly detected
JENKINS-73325Jenkins losing connection to GCE VM / GCE VM shutting down
#467Jenkins losing connection to GCE VM / GCE VM shutting down
#463Long wait times to provision a VM in GCP
JENKINS-73176Provisioning VM taking long time randomly with Google Compute Engine plugin
#457update link to configure clouds
#449Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:trilead-api from 2.84.v72119de229b_7 to 2.142.v748523a_76693
#447Change mahine type from configuration not working
#445Nullsafe operator required
#443Attaching a start up script to an instance template
#415Add option for enabling nested virtualization
#413Large number of offline build executors when there is no capacity
#412Removed 13 unnecessary stubbings from
#410Removed 3 unnecessary stubbing in
#409Removed 1 unnecessary stubbing in
#408Option to limit run time of VM
#407Jobs on preempted VMs hang indefinitely until manually cancelled
#404Expose Prefix Start Agent Command and Suffix Start Agent Command
#393Create snapshot defaulting to multi-region
#368Add an ability to provide image family name instead of image name
#363New Node with "Google Compute Engine" failed
#358Add new spot for provision type
#356Allow compute engine instances to be launched with Secure Boot enabled.
#353The hpi download link is broken
#349Enable billing measure of GCP Jenkins workers
#346Add an option to wait for custom startup script to finish before launching the agent
#342Option the set MAXIMUM triggered builds for an agent
#338Feature request: Option to delay agent connection to allow custom startup script to finish
#335Feature request: try different zones if the one specified in config does not have enough resources
JENKINS-68667In Configure Clouds (google compute engine plugin) the region, zone and template get wiped out intermittently
JENKINS-68244Possible bug or issue with compute engine
#320Agent JVM Options
#317getInstanceConfigurationByDescription returns a NullReferenceException if there are no instances
#312JNLP Support to Plugin
JENKINS-67910Windows Ephemeral VM: Google Compute Engine plugin - connection troubles
#310Parameters are not set for jobs restarted after VMs are preempted
#306`NullPointerException` from `ComputeEngineComputerLauncher.launch`
#299Jenkins slaves connection fails randomly
#293Add support for CMEK Encryption key for Disks
#291IAP support for SSH connection
#282[JENKINS-66465] Support implementations of SSHUserPrivateKey for Wind…
JENKINS-66465Support generic SSHUserPrivateKey implementation for Windows Configuration
#280Metadata instance configuration
#273Fix NPE when private key is not set (via JCasC)
#272Template selection drop down menu list is cutted
#243Prevent NPE if Windows agent private key credential ID is not set
#242Windows build node SSH connection issue using JCasC
#217Changelog has not been updated for a number of releases
#216Add support for setting custom instance metadata.
#215When Selecting a Machine Configuration Template with a non-preemptible machine
#214No option to disable automatic build restart for preemtible VMs
#212Do not create a snapshot if build is aborted
#210This URL requires POST.
#208Update to JDK 11
#207plugin 4.3.2 does not work on Jenkins 2.259 (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)
#203java.lang.NullPointerException when choosing Boot Disk/Image Project
#198Plugin does not use the Jenkins proxy server or system proxy server
#197Block project ssh keys
#196provide support for the 'block-project-ssh-keys' metadata option
#195Project wide enabled OSLogin causing SSH Authentication Failed error
#194Provisioning node fails - Java is not installed at java
#193Unnecessary stubbings detected in InstanceConfigurationTest
#192ERROR: Error fetching remote repo 'origin'
#190stack trace retrieving subnets
#189How to run the ITs locally?
#184Workers get blocked by when request several of them in parallel at the same time
#182Support for using Images from other projects
#181GitHub checks per PR are not reachable
#174docs seem missing: More info on firewall rules in GCE is available here.
#172Listener for preemption event stops working after a while
#171Instances not reconnecting after Jenkins restart
#170[Feature] No configuration to set GCE labels of the launched instance
#169after a new VM launched by GCE plugin, connect to 443 timeout
#168Make host ssh key warning clear that the job is still running
#167Jenkins "forgets" GCE Configuration
#165Update documentation about adding workers from images: warn about having Java installed
#157Launched VMs are shut down during builds
#156Instances are launched even though Jenkins is "preparing to shutdown"
#155can not spin up new GCE vms
#150Builds are not being retried after preemptible VM failure
#149Authentication not working as expected when running GKE with a service account
#146Add "Turn on display device" option to Compute Instance
#145Update documentation
#144Remote instance ci-centos-7-pjfhx1 not found locally, removing it
#136Handle multiple network interface controllers when attempting to connect to instance
#135Use better exception for SSH timeout in ComputeEngineComputerLauncher
#134Allow configuration of SSH port and timeout for ComputeEngineComputerLauncher
#123Unable to set periodically deletion of created snapshots
#95Cannot select machine image outside of fixed project list
#94Cannot set per-cloud environment variables
#92SSH connection to Jenkins slave is established twice
#89Using GCE feature 'deploying-containers' fails because of missing Java on host
JENKINS-57222regression in google compute engine plugins
#76[Code Cleanup]: Make ComputeEngineCloud NodeProvisioner compatible
#70[Feature] Include help text that clarifies requirements for boot disk
#63Fail to create agents with GPU attached from Machine Configuration in Jenkins settings UI. Instances with guest accelerators do not support live migration.
#62[Code Cleanup]: Properly handle failed compute client setup.
#49Code Cleanup: Enable test parallelization by removing shared test state
#37Link a running worker to the instance config that created it
#35Support stop GCE instance instead of Termination