GitLab Authentication

List of issues
JENKINS-74735 lack of support for groups in ACL#impersonate
JENKINS-68180After upgrading to 1.15, jenkins dashboard keeps redirecting to itself
JENKINS-68157login very slow when there are thousands of groups in gitlab
JENKINS-66146Existing OAuth implicit grant flows will become unsupported in GitLab 14.4
JENKINS-65938Gitlab Committer Authorization Strategy: user repository permissions
JENKINS-65912GitLab 14.0 deprecates the OAuth 2 implicit grant flow. Drops it in 14.4
JENKINS-62836user cannot see folder when part of gitlab group that was granted access to that folder
JENKINS-61382Support gitlab groups for specifying admin users
JENKINS-60982Gitlab oauth doesn't return groupdetails and userdetails
JENKINS-60296InvalidCacheLoadException when running GitLabAuthentication plugin
JENKINS-58640OAuth redirect url should be built from the root url
JENKINS-58053Original login page still accessible
JENKINS-55499Jenkins can`t display jobs view,my jenkins version 2.157
JENKINS-55157gitlab-oauth and api tokens with CSRF protection enabled
JENKINS-54096The option of 'Use Gitlab repository permissions' is useless for Multi Branch Pipeline Jobs
JENKINS-52876gitlab-oauth breaks slaves auth
JENKINS-52573Creating Jenkinsfile through blueocean for gitlab fails
JENKINS-52129CacheLoader returned null for key group/project
JENKINS-51034Apply coding standards
JENKINS-50874When access to gitlab URL fails, log the URL used
JENKINS-44121[Gitlab auth] The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
JENKINS-43360Gitlab Authorization Fine-Graining
JENKINS-39002Can't request build with GitLab plugin