
List of issues
JENKINS-75147GitHub Plugin does not offer login to secret conversion
JENKINS-74794Fix BuildDataHelper for multi-source jobs
JENKINS-73914Re-Register only hooks with issues.
JENKINS-73913re-registering hooks causes REFUSED_STREAM errros
JENKINS-73851support SHA256 HMAC in verifying webooks
JENKINS-73181GitHub server configuration not being read correctly
JENKINS-72559Issues with creating hyperlinks between your Jenkins projects and GitHub using github plugin
JENKINS-72294GitHub Organization Webhook are not create
JENKINS-72198Allow GitHub App login rather than personal access token
JENKINS-72003export github json payload to environment variables
JENKINS-71786Github Plugin configuration does not load after service restart
JENKINS-71360Webhook pushes doesn't trigger any job
JENKINS-70780[GitHub Commit Status Setter] - Cannot retrieve Git metadata for the build, setting build result to UNSTABLE
JENKINS-70619Improve the docs on page
JENKINS-70583After changing branch, webhook correctly arrives but diff still looks at old branch
JENKINS-70548Allow GitHub Webhooks to be created by users with custom roles
JENKINS-70459Duplicate builds leading to wrong commit status
JENKINS-69825jenkins unable to send build status to github
JENKINS-69451Jenkins Github-plugin GithubApp support
JENKINS-69368Github Plugin does not respect proxy setting
JENKINS-69259GITScm polling starts jobs for other events despite it should run only for a new tag released
JENKINS-69165Credentials Dropdown empty and small even affer adding new credential.
JENKINS-69146GITScm polling starts jobs for PR builds despite specified branch
JENKINS-68558Github doesn't received notification from Jenkins sometime
JENKINS-68438GitHubCommitStatusSetter uses wrong credentials
JENKINS-68142Github Webhooks not passing HMAC secret validation for certain commit messages
JENKINS-68010Changes are empty after a force push
JENKINS-67806Github plugin does not authenticate with HTTP proxy
JENKINS-67779GitHubCommitStatusSetter does not accept credentials
JENKINS-66931GitHub hook trigger not working after SAML enabled
JENKINS-66412Multiple Github webhook deliveries in quick succession result in some builds not being triggered
JENKINS-66079Override Hook URL check throws 411 error when using a reverse proxy
JENKINS-65935GitHub plugin invalid issue forwarding
JENKINS-65914Improve Github plugin to work only with Github Deploy Keys
JENKINS-65240Support branch filtering for Github webhooks
JENKINS-64808Jenkins build link in Github PR points to stale build
JENKINS-64722Jenkins doesn't always build what was pushed
JENKINS-64605GitHub Plugin uses wrong commit SHA for posting commit status
JENKINS-64307Jenkins github-plugin null safe
JENKINS-64075Cannot connect a Jenkins job to my private GitHub account
JENKINS-63996Jenkins Multi Branch pipeline not using SSH keys for indexing github repo
JENKINS-63956Jenkins webhook not triggering when we only have hook event for Branch or tag creation Branch or tag created.
JENKINS-63837github push trigger only on changes paths
JENKINS-63662pullRequest.reviewComment method is broken with ' line required and an integer greater than zero'
JENKINS-63333Unable to delete GitHub server
JENKINS-63219Github PR triggers builds for different branch
JENKINS-63053GitHubCommitStatusSetter should not require a node
JENKINS-62924pr-merge status notification sent to GitHub applies to multiple PRs if source branch has multiple PRs opened to different target branches
JENKINS-62886Null pointer exception while in GitHubPRBuildStatusPublisher
JENKINS-62770Add option to disable SSL certificate checks when managing Github hooks from Jenkins
JENKINS-62116Organization Scan recreates hooks for all repository
JENKINS-62105github-plugin doesn't properly handle API rate limit exhaustion
JENKINS-61494‘Pipeline script from SCM’ do not get triggered by github webhooks from the pipeline script repo
JENKINS-61133Github webhook override breaks CSRF exclusion
JENKINS-60901GitHub manages hooks even when it has not been configured to do it
JENKINS-60612Could not match URL github webhook does not work
JENKINS-60585Jenkins triggers hundreds builds for one commit
JENKINS-60534Git Status Notification Fails With Folders
JENKINS-60470Github Plugin sends build status for skipped scm builds resulting in build failed status
JENKINS-59604When saving the Configure System if there is no elements the modification is not saved
JENKINS-59242github webhook triggers the job which is defined ONLY SHOULD be triggered on TAGS
JENKINS-59088Github's pending does not wait until all concurrent builds are finished
JENKINS-58658GitHub Plugin should maintain job history and not re-execute pipelines on repository rename.
JENKINS-58647GitHub Authorization Setting Caution Message
JENKINS-58475GitHub Plugin fails during handshake with Github server
JENKINS-58181Jenkins->Manage jenkins -> Configure System : Configure system is showing exception error.
JENKINS-57755[FUTURE] Hot reload while running `mvn:hpi run` gives error
JENKINS-57656Run on tag even if no change detected
JENKINS-57376Add option so the job run will NOT update GitHub PR status
JENKINS-57375Builds based on Jenkinsfiles do not report pending state to GitHub when queued
JENKINS-57172" the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty" after logging in with Github
JENKINS-57025Unable to pull hooks in github organization folder type
JENKINS-56830consistency between 'repository.url' and 'repository.html_url' in push webhook payload
JENKINS-56789Add support for Matrix Aggregation
JENKINS-56693Support wiping GitHub API response cache via static method
JENKINS-56373/directive-generator/ - triggers - githubPush doesn't work
JENKINS-56318GitHub initial push triggers 2 builds from Multibranch pipeline
JENKINS-56104Jenkins Github SCM building wrong branches
JENKINS-56043(Github plugin) Console Output not echo'ing $payload
JENKINS-55993Arrange GitHub email notifications support as an alternative transport for webhooks
JENKINS-55983need mechanism to clear GitHubHookRegisterProblemMonitor errors without restart
JENKINS-55845Unable to login to jenkins using console
JENKINS-55787Switch labels from entry to checkbox
JENKINS-55330multi-branch pipeline project: github tag not found when building a tag
JENKINS-55324GitHub Plugin tries to register webhook on groovy repository
JENKINS-54980Jobs are stopped being triggered - java.lang.NullPointerException: There is no credentials with admin access to manage hooks on GitHubRepositoryName[,username=myorgname,repository=myreponame]
JENKINS-54577Remove github server in "Configure System" page does not have any effect
JENKINS-54106Long delay from github webhook to polling when polling threads all busy
JENKINS-54098github webhook not working with dynamic feature branch
JENKINS-53824GitHubCommitStatusSetter not working as expected with GHE
JENKINS-53694Add event "Pull request review comments" to the webhook trigger
JENKINS-53624Branch indexing schedules builds for other branches and repos
JENKINS-53294Pipeline build fails with GHFileNotFoundException not a user
JENKINS-52900Invalid refspec in pull request. Doesn't check for changes in origin branch
JENKINS-52382Can't stop / cancel private repository builds
JENKINS-51747Jackson-Databind needs to be upgraded to 2.9.4+ to address CVE-2018-5968
JENKINS-51344Jackson-Databind needs to be upgraded to 2.9.4+ to address CVE-2018-5968
JENKINS-51097Ability to trigger Pipelines on Github/(Enterprise) Pull Request Acceptance
JENKINS-50900Missing documentation for errorHandlers
JENKINS-50522New jobs not validating github webhook filters
JENKINS-50154Webhook delivery failed as X-Hub-Signature did not match calculated
JENKINS-49831Add Release Event
JENKINS-49354unable to configure private GitHub repository with collaborator token
JENKINS-49332Jenkins unable to manage webhooks of Github organization
JENKINS-49288Jenkins pipeline job fail to run when github non master commit trigger webhook
JENKINS-48610Shared secret is not updated in GitHub for existing web hooks
JENKINS-48395Force push does not trigger Multibranch Pipeline build
JENKINS-48184Failed to update commit state on GitHub with respond code 201
JENKINS-48139Support ignoring push events by git username (for instance, to ignore push events by Jenkins itself)
JENKINS-47938Add Support for More Github Events
JENKINS-47790Jenkins is not able to execute webhook
JENKINS-47597Jenkins UI wording for removing a GitHub-based multibranch Pipeline project is very misleading
JENKINS-47136Polling doesn't happen if push event arrives while the job is running.
JENKINS-47111ERROR: [GitHub Commit Status Setter] - {"message":"Validation Failed","errors":[{"resource":"Status","code":"custom","field":"description","message":"description is too long (maximum is 140 characters)"}],"
JENKINS-46816GitHub pull request builder plugin doesn't work with pipeline script from SCM
JENKINS-45896Malformed GitHub Plugin configuration (no protocol: )
JENKINS-45280duplicate build triggered by same github push notification when there is long scm polling
JENKINS-45120GitHub plugin doesn't automatically add webhooks on GitHub for a Pipeline job
JENKINS-44908GitHub commit status resets on Jenkins reboot
JENKINS-44833Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command:
JENKINS-44426GitHub still triggering on SCM changes after polling option set to false
JENKINS-42161Jenkins builds all jobs when user intends for one
JENKINS-41465Github : Retrieve Project URL in a variable
JENKINS-41377Polling has not run yet, although received push event
JENKINS-41321Add option for different refspec for polling and clone during build
JENKINS-40522"Started by" link on downstream jobs does not work correctly
JENKINS-40512Jenkins GitHub plugin submodule support
JENKINS-40150Git operations fail after global lib is loaded
JENKINS-39632Unselecting "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" results in NullPointerException and breaks all builds in Jenkins
JENKINS-39517Choose GitHub Server for each job
JENKINS-39477Github Plugin with Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
JENKINS-38674GitHubCommitStatusSetter unusable in pipeline with multiple checkout steps
JENKINS-38358resource leak in cache?
JENKINS-38024GithubLinkAnnotator NPE
JENKINS-37956Missing notification about request with bad secret for GitHub plugin
JENKINS-37015Aborted builds are reported as pending to Github
JENKINS-32641Confusing credentials configuration for GitHub Server Config
JENKINS-31744Add environment variable containing GitHub project url
JENKINS-30376More equals methods on Jenkins runtime objects
JENKINS-28393Allow case insensitive matching on companyName/repoName in GH plugin
JENKINS-28218Open new pull request on GitHub
JENKINS-28177Incorrect revision in commit status notifier when multiple SCMs are used
JENKINS-27041Thousands of threads created by thousands of GitHub pushes
JENKINS-26886Variables not being substituted in github URLs for $JOB_NAME
JENKINS-24291GitHub plugin to make parameters from webhook data
JENKINS-24208ignore users in GitHub plugin
JENKINS-23501Link to Github for changeset details
JENKINS-20518inspect github payload and build specific SHAs
JENKINS-18598Deploy created Artifact to Github as a Release
JENKINS-18298Jenkins (Github Plugin) post-commit hook fails to build with ssh config aliases
JENKINS-17966pollscm does not error when ssh auth cannot establish
JENKINS-12545Jenkins should build all tracked branches that have changed when triggered by Github