GitHub Issues Plugin
This plugin allows you to create a GitHub issue whenever your build
fails. Once the build starts passing again, the issue will automatically
Report bugs here: (you will need to first create a Jenkins account at
Getting Started
In Manage Jenkins → Configure System → GitHub → GitHub Servers, ensure
at least one GitHub server is configured and the "Test connection"
button works.
Once this has been configured, add "Create GitHub issue on failure" as a
post-build action:
When your build fails, a GitHub issue will be opened.
The default template used for the issue title and body can be changed in
the GitHub Issue Notifier section in the Jenkins settings:
This template can also be modified per job. The "Content Token Reference" section at the bottom of the settings pane can be used to get information about all the available tokens.
Advanced Usage
Usage with job-dsl
When using the great job-dsl plugin, you can configure a publisher step as follows:
job(String name) {
publishers {
gitHubIssueNotifier {
All the advanced settings are available as optional configuration
properties. To see all the available properties, go to the Job DSL API
viewer at JENKINS_URL/plugin/job-dsl/api-viewer/index.html
and search
for gitHubIssueNotifier
Automating global configuration
You can modify the global config using a system groovy script, i.e. add
a init.groovy
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.githubissues.GitHubIssueNotifier
def descriptor = Jenkins.instance.getDescriptorByType(GitHubIssueNotifier.DescriptorImpl)
descriptor.issueTitle = 'ISSUE TITLE TEMPLATE`
descriptor.issueBody = 'ISSUE BODY TEMPLATE`
descriptor.issueLabel = 'LABELA LABELB`
In the templates you can use all available tokens using ${TOKEN
notation. To see all available tokens, click the help button on the
right of the `Content Token Reference` label in the GitHub Issues
section of the global configuration UI.
To configure the global GitHub config and the credential config, see the init.groovy example in the repo.
Usage in a Jenkinsfile
Configure a publisher step in a Jenkinsfile as follows:
script {
properties([[$class: 'GithubProjectProperty',
projectUrlStr: '<GitHub repo URL>']])
step([$class: 'GitHubIssueNotifier',
issueAppend: true,
issueLabel: '',
issueTitle: '$JOB_NAME $BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME failed'])
1.2.4 - 4th November 2017
- Upgrade to GitHub API 1.90 to fix JENKINS-47601
1.2.3 - 22nd July 2017
- Fixed JENKINS-42629: Plugin now works with Jenkins pipelines.Thanks to Benjamin Gill.
1.2.2 - 4th March 2017
- Fixed JENKINS-40385: Now works with Maven builds
- Fixed JENKINS-42482: Made all advanced config options optional in Job DSL
1.2.1 - 26th February 2017
- Fixed JENKINS-42329: Support for multi-config projects was broken in v1.2
- Renamed "Customize issue template" to "Advanced settings"
1.2 - 26th November 2016
- Added some optional new
Thanks to Felix Simmendinger and
Daniel Zabel for the pull request.
- Appending a comment on recurring failures (disabled by default)
- Reopening issue if build starts failing again (instead of creating a new issue)
- Allow custom GitHub repo to be used for issues
1.1 - 12th November 2016
- Fixed JENKINS-39662: NullPointerException for multi-config projects
- Fixed JENKINS-39687: Configuration section didn't appear correctly
- Implemented JENKINS-39663 - Allow issue template to be customised per-job instead of just having one server-wide template
- Added help for merge tokens
- Include changes since last successful build in default body content
1.0 - 5th November 2016
- Initial release