
List of issues
JENKINS-74859No PR rebuild triggered on target branch change
JENKINS-74004Tags not built by webhook
JENKINS-73807gitea plugin: documentation is a bit scant
JENKINS-73719CHANGE_TITLE is not populated by Gitea Plugin
JENKINS-73226Gitea organization descriptions fail to render HTML
JENKINS-72452make PR-metadata available in Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-72255Multibranch pipeline using ssh key auth
JENKINS-72217Support scm commit skip for gitea
JENKINS-71430Provide more hints that Gitea plugin requires global configuration
JENKINS-70582Gitea backlink encodes slashes in branch names
JENKINS-69998Allow rebuilding via comment
JENKINS-69839Organization website not displayed in Scanning Log
JENKINS-69725Add possibility to skip builds for WIP PRs
JENKINS-69553Gitea not notified correctly in case PR is merged via rebase/ff and branch gets deleted during PR build
JENKINS-68789Gitea Images Have Bad Contrast In Dark Mode
JENKINS-68759Commit to target branch doesn't trigger PR build
JENKINS-67392Allow override commit status context
JENKINS-67349Expose POST Data to Pipeline
JENKINS-66895Not possible create views in gitea organization
JENKINS-65794Redesign discussion to increase plugin performance
JENKINS-65339Fail to fetch from Gitea using API key
JENKINS-65271blueocean NullPointerException editing pipeline using gitea as scm
JENKINS-65194NullPointerException from fetchCollaborators in PRs from fork
JENKINS-64351Avoid to trigger/webhook Gitea PRs which have changes conflicting with the target branch
JENKINS-64068JENKINS-41171 creates a problem for gitea-plugin
JENKINS-63006Unable to load gitea credentials in pipeline through withCredentials
JENKINS-62558Allow building PRs where the head has already been deleted
JENKINS-62095Webhook not working with return Processed