Filesystem Trigger

List of issues
JENKINS-74164[fstrigger] Migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in org/jenkinsci/plugins/fstrigger/triggers/FileNameTrigger/config.jelly
JENKINS-74163[fstrigger] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/fstrigger/triggers/FolderContentTrigger/config.jelly
#46Modernize to Jenkins 2.440.3
JENKINS-70893FSTrigger plugin not triggering pipeline jobs
#40FSTrigger triggers builds on jenkins restart
#23[Docs] Mention inotify vs polling
#22Get the path of the file which has triggered the job
#18[FSTrigger] - Monitor folder: when i use "%JENKINS_HOME%\<workspaceLoc>\<projectName>\target" is not working but working when i use direct path like "D:\Jenkins\<workspaceLoc>\<projectName>\targe"t
#14Clearer Instructions of Use
JENKINS-66752Allow a case-insensitive option for matching filenames
JENKINS-65652[FSTrigger] Jenkins Freezing after i'm trying to save settings
#11Separate the arrival of a new file and its disappearance
JENKINS-51211FSTrigger Polling not working because of SecurityException
JENKINS-48863FSTrigger doesn't work with Multibranch Pipeline
JENKINS-48239FSTrigger does not start on Pipeline job
JENKINS-36428FSTrigger fails to apply on pipeline job
JENKINS-33598Directory blob expansion fails
JENKINS-27982FSTrigger does not pick up new job name
JENKINS-23211Unable to updated or modify the project
JENKINS-23073Jobs stop polling for file changes after 1-2 builds
JENKINS-22232FS Trigger not triggers in copied jobs that have FS Trigger originally
JENKINS-21873A new job is triggered eventhough nothing changed in .zip file content
JENKINS-21571FSTrigger doesn't trigger scheduled jobs on restart
JENKINS-19610FSTrigger: how to tell what files are new?
JENKINS-17873FSTrigger does not accept Parameters
JENKINS-16882Job-B ${WORKSPACE} has value of Job-A WORKSPACE
JENKINS-14446Getting 'ERROR - SEVERE - Polling error null' with builds using Matrix Tie Parent Plugin
JENKINS-14171Missing Jobs
JENKINS-12924FSTrigger triggers builds on jenkins restart
JENKINS-12354Scanning a network folder such as \\some_network_folder\to_scan doesn't work