JENKINS-65638 | Clarify default workspace cleanup | | |
JENKINS-59328 | job hangs although failed after ConcurrentModificationException of ExwsAllocateActionImpl | | |
JENKINS-58367 | cwd set by exws set is replaced by withEnv and withCredentials steps | | |
JENKINS-57925 | Summary of Cloud feature EWM and start of JCasC | | |
JENKINS-57692 | Implement the AWS service class | | |
JENKINS-57680 | Design the clouds package to support AWS related method call | | |
JENKINS-57679 | Implement AwsEfsDisk class and rewrite Disk class as base class | | |
JENKINS-57623 | Update page | | |
JENKINS-57621 | Community Bounding Phase for Cloud features for EWM GSoC 2019 | | |
JENKINS-49184 | executing shell in external workspace fails | | |
JENKINS-47917 | Add support of external workspace plugin for jenkins declarative pipeline | | |
JENKINS-46464 | "bat" step in an external workspace is not ran in it. | | |
JENKINS-44612 | Duplicate shared workspace instead of reuse | | |
JENKINS-37543 | External Workspace Manager Plugin - Phase 3 | | |
JENKINS-37079 | Select the Nth allocated workspace from the upstream job | | |
JENKINS-36900 | Implement extension points for the external disk providers | | |
JENKINS-36761 | Prevent null IDs in the External Workspace Manager plugin | | |
JENKINS-36693 | Advanced workspace cleanup for External Workspace Manager plugin | | |
JENKINS-36412 | Expose Disk Pool Usage stats to Jenkins Metrics | | |
JENKINS-36228 | Support variable expansion in configuration | | |
JENKINS-36077 | Improve functional tests for external workspace manager | | |
JENKINS-36072 | Integrate external workspace manager with one disk provider | | |
JENKINS-36015 | Create Dockerfile for the external workspace manager plugin | | |
JENKINS-35977 | Nicer view for the External Workspaces run action | | |
JENKINS-35440 | Implement a second fallback when searching for disk definitions | | |
JENKINS-35302 | Symbol escaping for paths defined by the user | | |