Environment Injector

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-75298Error at the start and can't build
JENKINS-72215In Pipeline Jobs, "Environment Variables" not shown in the build UI, and "injectedEnvVars.txt" is not created
JENKINS-71343EnvInjector plugin generates error when env variable already exists
JENKINS-70228EnvInject configurations change to traditional Chinese after upgrading
JENKINS-69009multiline global environment variable
JENKINS-68774envInject doesn't support loading straight java.util.Properties files
JENKINS-68433The "injectedEnvVars.txt" is not created while build the job
JENKINS-65976[envinject] Use SecretPatterns API
JENKINS-63505EC2 Plugin: not work with "Prepare jobs environment" that is provided by "Environment Injector Plugin"
JENKINS-62325Environment Injector Plugin:Help for some feature not working under build section
JENKINS-61486Disconnecting Jenkins nodes issue
JENKINS-60949[EnvInject] Injecting properties of previous build breaks SCM polling
JENKINS-60891An illegal reflective access from EnvInject plugin
JENKINS-60399An extra backslash is added from injected environment variable
JENKINS-60129Unable to automate configuration of permissions
JENKINS-59926EnvInject of properties file fails on some slaves
JENKINS-58283Jenkins UI erases envinject config data with promoted-builds 3.3
JENKINS-56557Temporary script files are not deleted
JENKINS-54730environment variables are not accessible in downstream job
JENKINS-54644parameter with null value breaks global env variables
JENKINS-54369Env-inject writing \u0000 in injectedEnvVars.txt from windows slave
JENKINS-53229Regression: Variables set in generateEnv are unset by the SECOND envInject
JENKINS-53143EnvInject converts all exception types into EnvInjectException
JENKINS-52335Injected envs are different in "trigger/call project" and "multijob phase"
JENKINS-50446EnvInject plugin can add null to global env
JENKINS-49775envinject overrides some variables
JENKINS-49232Infinite recursion in environment variable expansion
JENKINS-49052BUILD_ID is set to 'dontKillMe' instead of the build number
JENKINS-46814Overrides to global env vars not honored on pipeline job
JENKINS-45400EnvInject Plugin adds '=' sign at the end if 'Properties Content' is referencing a Build Parameter
JENKINS-44977Properties File Path handles ${VARIABLES} in filename inconsistently
JENKINS-44976Weird behaviour while trying to inject variables "http_proxy", "no_proxy", etc
JENKINS-44476[EnvInject] Variables set as "null" are ignored.
JENKINS-44395Exception thrown on AIX agent
JENKINS-43865Properties file path not evaluated after SCM checkout
JENKINS-43864EnvInject plugin documentation should explicitly say that Groovy scripts run on master
JENKINS-43722After cleaning approved script list, the previously approved scripts do not reappear
JENKINS-43439Jenkins jobs build steps disappear after version upgrade to 2.46.1 due to the uninstalled Shared Objects plugin
JENKINS-42875Durable Task 1.13 breaks env vars expressions contributed by EnvInject
JENKINS-42614Pipeline support in EnvInject
JENKINS-42460EnvInject-Permission not shown/maintainable (after restart) correctly
JENKINS-42275ssh-agent does not work with envinject plugin
JENKINS-42240Modify Build Environment Order execution
JENKINS-41123Build crash (GNU Make + GNU C Compiler Trend + Poll Mailbox Trigger Plugin)
JENKINS-40649Documentation incomplete regarding Script Content
JENKINS-40412The Env Inject plugin should contribute to pipeline in order to display environment variables
JENKINS-40411injectedEnvVars Environment variables missing "Workspace"
JENKINS-40064Inject password as env var. masks all instances of password string
JENKINS-39497No recursive expansion in promoted build
JENKINS-39258EnvInject: NullPointerException in EnvInjectAction#writeReplace()
JENKINS-38561Problems occurs on injecting env vars as a build step: Malformed \uxxxx encoding.
JENKINS-38483Pipeline Support: Prepare an environment for the run using Properties File is not working in Pipeline
JENKINS-38130JENKINS_HOME is set different on trigger manual build
JENKINS-36604Support CLI command to set environment variables
JENKINS-36545WORKSPACE variable is not present in the Groovy script enviroment
JENKINS-33750EnvInject plugin does not override variables defined as parameters for a job
JENKINS-33390Environment variables created in the global properties are ignored at build time
JENKINS-33367EnvInject should be able to set global variables without a full service restart
JENKINS-32724Using injected environment variables
JENKINS-32103Expose workspace path in environment for "prepare environment" scripts
JENKINS-31602EnvInject Plugin doesn't work correctly with combination of Subversion Plugin and Pre SCM BuildStep Plugin
JENKINS-31243EnvInject refuses to set 2 variables with the same character sequence but different case (example no_proxy and NO_PROXY)
JENKINS-30772Injected variables not working with promoted builds plugin
JENKINS-30446Recursive variable substitution
JENKINS-30174Streamline the ordering of property content and script sections in config pages
JENKINS-30069versionnumber plugin should resolve vars from "envinject" plugin
JENKINS-30042EnvInject doesn't see GIT_COMMIT even after SCM phase
JENKINS-29905EnvInject always override build parameters in the Build::getEnvironment() API
JENKINS-29349Environment variables of the git plugin do not show up in the environment variables page
JENKINS-29056Global environment variables set via properties file are not forwarded to slaves other than master
JENKINS-28757env variable not evaluated in property file path
JENKINS-28696[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. FATAL: org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectPluginAction.overrideAll
JENKINS-28328Appending to non-existent environment variable, causes it to grow without bounds
JENKINS-27661Job Stuck and fails when injecting Environment Variables to Windows Slave machines
JENKINS-27616Installing JDK on Windows agents deletes existing Java installation and reboots agent
JENKINS-27071Global PATH Env configure at master global configuration get reset by EnvInject
JENKINS-26989Inject env variables via stored script
JENKINS-25864EnvInject cannot resolve Team Concert plugin variables
JENKINS-25257Modernize configuration UI to remove multiple boxes
JENKINS-25223Allow executing scripts in JobProperty.prebuild phase
JENKINS-24437EnvInject - ability to execute the script first, then inject parameters via file
JENKINS-24283Empty environment variables are deleted
JENKINS-23905Jenkins Slaves launched with the incorrect environment variables
JENKINS-23666Change resolution order for the property files
JENKINS-23615Unexpected behaviour when using different capitalization for variable name on windows
JENKINS-22629Prevent autofill of password entry fields
JENKINS-22372envinject script content fails to run on slave unless another plugin in job provides buildWrapper in config
JENKINS-22169Migration from setenv overwrites existing envinject configuration
JENKINS-21396running script with argument does not work if the script is loaded from master
JENKINS-21177EnvInject Plugin - Does not override environment variables at job level
JENKINS-21148Colon (separator) in properties file does not get unescaped
JENKINS-20047Error loading job after plugin with EnvInjectJobPropertyContributor extension is disabled
JENKINS-20001can not override PATH variable in slave config
JENKINS-19754Jenkins/EnvInject incorrectly sets ${WORKSPACE} on slave node
JENKINS-19601Getting Empty value in retrieving Global Password Field.
JENKINS-19222EnvInject undefines NODE_NAME environment variable on master
JENKINS-18297Can not set PATH environment variable on master node
JENKINS-18234environment var not set on job process, and not propagated to forked sub-process
JENKINS-18051EnvInject - prepare environment to run - allow for environment variables in file path names
JENKINS-17912EnvInject plugin sets global WORKSPACE variable to arbitrary workspace
JENKINS-17688Environment variable UI in job and API (https://jenkins/job/ServerBuild/4323/injectedEnvVars/api/json?pretty=true)
JENKINS-17620Inject env. vars in a pre-build step of a Maven project does not work
JENKINS-17053Warn user about variable names with . (dot)
JENKINS-16992Since EnvInject 1.81 variables cannot be used for Base ClearCase plugin VCS polling
JENKINS-16900Behavior with Release Plugin changes for EnvInject Plugin ver 1.73 to 1.83
JENKINS-16882Job-B ${WORKSPACE} has value of Job-A WORKSPACE
JENKINS-16829Inject variable from a Groovy Script stored on filesystem.
JENKINS-16817Transient InvalidClassException: org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectListener$2
JENKINS-16754$JOB_NAME is set to some autogenerated string instead of the project name
JENKINS-16398Relative pre-build Script paths don't work
JENKINS-16316global variable not updated
JENKINS-16233EnvInject plugin using a cached value for ${WORKSPACE}
JENKINS-15751Cannot escape dollar sign in Windows environment
JENKINS-15611Builds launched programmatically via Queue.schedule() fail with error
JENKINS-15507Environment variables are not injected in parent matrix job
JENKINS-15146EnvJect unsets empty string properties returned in maps
JENKINS-15112Injected Jenkins build env variables not resolved/forwarded
JENKINS-14623EnvInject ignores changes in system configuration
JENKINS-14437envinject fails to "really" set/override build parameters
JENKINS-14251Parent injected env properties not propagated to child build jobs
JENKINS-14097Allow Script Path/Content to add/override environment variables for the build job
JENKINS-13552Provide extended 'injected environment variables' view
JENKINS-13348EnvInject overriding WORKSPACE variable
JENKINS-13157EnvInject cannot inject variables whose contents contain a dollar sign ($)
JENKINS-11067Pre-SCM and Post-SCM environment scripts do not use Pre-SCM and Post-SCM properties