Amazon EC2

List of issues
JENKINS-75214Launching EC2 slaves can fail if multiple host keys are present
JENKINS-75199Jenkins EC2 Plugin Unix Launcher does not support AL2023
JENKINS-75098Add logging for EC2 exceptions
JENKINS-75002Allow blocking EC2 public IP
JENKINS-74907Plugin allows non compliant keys, disabling SSL and allowing self signed certificate in FIPS mode
JENKINS-74824EC2Cloud addTemplate() forgets to set parent
JENKINS-74821get_running_builds() python-jenkins call throws " Failed to write monitorData:null"
JENKINS-73782Amazon EC2 plugin is unable to terminate instance
JENKINS-73660EC2 Plugin: support user selectable provisioned IOPS EBS volume types
JENKINS-73659Unable to update agent config Description
JENKINS-73570Cannot provision - no capacity for instances: 0
JENKINS-73440EC2-plugin should update instance tags BEFORE Boot Delay wait
JENKINS-73353Jenkins controller restart causes ec2 clouds to fail launching new agents
JENKINS-73096InternalCheck cause lock contention
JENKINS-72957 Amazon EC2 plugin support for algorithms other than RSA
JENKINS-72955Allow multiple initScript instead of a single string
JENKINS-72571Amazon EC2 plugin Idle termination timeout not working
JENKINS-72351Unresponsive Agent Nodes Marked Offline But Not Reaped or Replaced
JENKINS-72344Connection Strategy - IPv6
JENKINS-72337ebsEncryptRootVolume not respected
JENKINS-72316EC2 plugin fails to create Windows node
JENKINS-72298Allow configurable timeout for key exchange with EC2 agents
JENKINS-72228Amazon EC2 Plugin - Cannot save live node config if "Instance Metadata Supported?" (metadataSupported) is checked
JENKINS-72192Jenkins does not start until "nodes" dir is cleared
JENKINS-71933Workspace deleted on slave node EC2 instance
JENKINS-71723ec2-plugin instance cap not enforced
JENKINS-71655JENKINS-65127 broke support for AMIs without instance metadata
JENKINS-71554EC2ConnectionUpdater is not resestablishing connection
JENKINS-71445Reuse stopped EC2 instance,speed up maven build
JENKINS-71426Add an AMI setting for disk size
JENKINS-71407Amazon EC2 cloud configuration is lost after jenkins master restart
JENKINS-71284Can't use an ed25519 key to connect to agent
JENKINS-71118EC2Plugin leaving Zombie processes and failing to terminating instances
JENKINS-71002Ability to modify SlaveTemplates programmatically
JENKINS-70645failed to startup jenkins server with ec2 plugin
JENKINS-70509EC2 plugin fails to start with support-core > 1237.vdd0b_ed646870 installed
JENKINS-70446Amazon EC2 nodes created and connected but the job is ran on the master.
JENKINS-70442java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection pool shut down
JENKINS-70372Instance cap configuration not honored for spot insances
JENKINS-70268EC2 Plugin: WinRM leaks file handles
JENKINS-70151EC2s workers become orphaned
JENKINS-70093EC2 Plugin does not allow SSH connection to Windows instances (natively)
JENKINS-69735Provisioning Windows agent being terminated when started after stopped from idle time
JENKINS-69581Remoting -fullversion should fail if it finds Java 8
JENKINS-69540Windows Agents getting disconnected after jenkins restart
JENKINS-69528Cannot launch EC2 instance uses IAM Instance profile ARN
JENKINS-69513Default Free Temp Space size
JENKINS-69457Reconnect after script runs
JENKINS-69399Prevent offlining ec2 node if jobs in node queue
JENKINS-69383Deal with the JDK8 hardcoded default installations in ec2-plugin
JENKINS-68988My jenkins job stuck in between and don't show any error
JENKINS-68963build logs should contain if a spot agent is terminated
JENKINS-68411ec2 plugin fails to delete the instance from jenkins after terminating the instance
JENKINS-68369Instance Tags on Metadata
JENKINS-68269EC2 Plugin use instance profile with assume role in another account
JENKINS-68246EC2 Plugin: Restart instead of terminate PENDING instance when launch timeout occurs
JENKINS-68009JNLP Support
JENKINS-67714Pipeline default Git checkout failing on EC2 Windows instances
JENKINS-67327 bash: java: command not found ERROR: Unable to launch the agent for EC2 (AWS) -
JENKINS-67190EC2-plugin not spooling up stopped nodes, starting new nodes instead
JENKINS-66901Add support for EC2 placement HostResourceGroupArn -parameter
JENKINS-66736Connect to Windows Agent failing with "different server found for same hostname"
JENKINS-66477Add support for changing NODE_NAME
JENKINS-66373ec2 plugin downscale (idle termination) fights with spare instances setting
JENKINS-66338Jenkins EC2 Plugin Throws Exception when Spot Duration > 0
JENKINS-66273Using spot instances without bid price
JENKINS-66141Jenkins EC2 plugin often has its nodes fail to connect to the Jenkins Main
JENKINS-66059Ec2 Slave Termination Long running
JENKINS-66037Consider number of executors when creating new instances
JENKINS-65968Unable to run Init Script and relaunch windows slave via ec2 plugin
JENKINS-65967Unable to launch Windows-2016 slave with EC2 Plugin
JENKINS-65853Jobs are scheduled on suspended agent
JENKINS-65690Logging for Remote FS root during EC2 instance launch
JENKINS-65519java.nio.file.InvalidPathException on non-ascii paths while UTF-8 is configured
JENKINS-65408EC2 Plugin created a banch of EC2 instances and didn't use them
JENKINS-65405Jenkins ec2 plugin should allow restricting jobs that can use nodes
JENKINS-65400Jenkins on AWS does not use IMDSv2 when querying metadata for ec2
JENKINS-65325Cannot launch ec2 node with CHECK_NEW_HARD and connect by ssh process
JENKINS-65301ssh for Windows - currently works but tries to run linux commands
JENKINS-65259'Check Current Spot Price' shows incorrect price for spot instance if 'AMI ID' field is empty
JENKINS-65158Clarify Idle Termination documentation
JENKINS-65127EC2 Plugin : Metadata version option.
JENKINS-64704Clarity on EC2 nodes Termination policy
JENKINS-64565Incorrect value for StrictHostKeyChecking
JENKINS-64543Jenkins slows down after upgrade to 2.249.2
JENKINS-64520EC2 node not start after stop/disconnect with parameter Idle termination time
JENKINS-64400EC2 plugin incompatible with Jenkins 2.269 version
JENKINS-64293EC2 agent executor and filesystem issues with pipeline matrix
JENKINS-64161Aws ec2 plugin
JENKINS-63921Null pointer exception launching slave, after changing cloud name.
JENKINS-63917Unable to configure ami-id remotely with ec2-plugin
JENKINS-63880Spot instance creation & price check fails
JENKINS-63841Getting Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxx) - xxxxxxxx (i-xxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException
JENKINS-63778Windows agents drop connection on large unstash
JENKINS-63726Ec2 plugin: too much AWS API requests causing throttling
JENKINS-63660[ec2-plugin] Slave to agent term sweep
JENKINS-63538New agents are suspended without any stdout or sdterr
JENKINS-63514[ERROR] <DFS File Path> (Access is denied)
JENKINS-63505EC2 Plugin: not work with "Prepare jobs environment" that is provided by "Environment Injector Plugin"
JENKINS-63460Jenkins - AWS EC2 instances launching even though there are available executors
JENKINS-63433Instance cap calculation ignores instance profile
JENKINS-63412Key-checking fix broke "Connect by process" mode
JENKINS-63261EC2 Plugin: Linux Slave Terminates on unexpected stream termination
JENKINS-63177EC2 Plugin: Endpoint does not contain a valid host name
JENKINS-62939Launching EC2 slaves is taking a very long time
JENKINS-62647Global instance cap incorrectly applying across all "Amazon EC2" clouds
JENKINS-62641Ec2 plugin: Cannot create windows node with ec2 1.50.3
JENKINS-62529EC2 Plugin: Nodes failing to provision and then never being deleted
JENKINS-62386Use get latest console output option to speed up host key validation
JENKINS-62365Allow instance termination after worker is disconnected
JENKINS-62340ec2-1.50.3 doesn't clean known_hosts
JENKINS-62331Support minimumNoInstancesActiveTimeRangeDays in casc
JENKINS-62247Error after pulling changes with Slave
JENKINS-62212EC2 Connection checks request all instances in AWS account
JENKINS-62158Bad performance on EC2 instance for first build
JENKINS-62051EC2 Plugin - Support c5.24xlarge or c5.metal instance types
JENKINS-62037EC2 Node with job lost during master restart with maxTotalUses
JENKINS-61914Add launch method to start/stop existing EC2 instance
JENKINS-61844Caused: remote file operation failed preparing for git checkout
JENKINS-61698Configuration accepts invalid values -- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during runtime
JENKINS-616761.44 -> 1.49.1 Can't connect agent and doesn't terminate instance
JENKINS-61669Removing a template from the EC2 plugin while a job is still building causes a file leak
JENKINS-61603Handle Spot Instance Interruption
JENKINS-61427ec2 plugin - start instance from launch template
JENKINS-61370EC2 instances are terminated during launch
JENKINS-61363Missbehavior on 'Minimum number of instances' and 'Minimum number of spare instances'
JENKINS-61314EC2 Plugin: Windows Pipe Closed
JENKINS-61304EC2 Plugin terminates instances temporarily offline
JENKINS-61162Launch timeout is not honored on Windows instances
JENKINS-61153Agent hangs after startup when two jobs start simultaneously
JENKINS-60947non-VPC spot slaves cant be started
JENKINS-60890Cannot configure EC2 plugin
JENKINS-60864TIme-outs in Jenkins Windows EC2 Slaves
JENKINS-60802JCasC EC2 Plugin private key not working
JENKINS-60795Unable to provision slaves due to network interface and subnet ID both being set
JENKINS-60667Jobs hanging indefinitely on ec2 slaves
JENKINS-60657EC2 plugins with multiple templates: fails to start an instance for job in the middle of the queue
JENKINS-60647EC2-Plugin time range for minimum no of instances does not work with JCASC
JENKINS-60407Launched instances cannot reach public internet (regression)
JENKINS-60255EC2 plugin creating extra unused EC2 instances
JENKINS-60139Amazon EC2 Plugin - AMI ID error
JENKINS-60112Slave Label defaults to "EC2 (*****) - Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2 (i-***********)"
JENKINS-59924Allow providing passphrase for RSA private key in ec2 plugin
JENKINS-59858Add ability to use an AMI query instead of a static AMI
JENKINS-59821Support AWS SSM Session Manager SSH Connection
JENKINS-59809Extend Connection Strategy to Support AWS SSM Session Manager
JENKINS-59661EC2 fails to provision due incorrect instance cap
JENKINS-59654improve SSH connection capabilities- Instance connect
JENKINS-59589ec2-plugin: support custom URL
JENKINS-59520EC2 Plugin 'Maximum Total Uses' counter resets itself when Stop/Disconnect on Idle Timeout is used
JENKINS-59390EC2 slave disconnects with EOFException
JENKINS-59233EC2 Plugin leaking file handles
JENKINS-58955Can't connect with slaves via API
JENKINS-58856No Authorization Header for WinRM connection
JENKINS-58576How do I setup a delay before new instances are launched?
JENKINS-57925Summary of Cloud feature EWM and start of JCasC
JENKINS-57731Enable to register aws ec2 slave
JENKINS-57513Split the large databound constructors into databound setters
JENKINS-57405Stop/Disconnect on Idle Timeout feature not working after updating Node description template
JENKINS-57392AWS API timeout
JENKINS-57193EC2 plugin using spot instance option launches unintentional multiple spot instances
JENKINS-56927Request: EC2 plugin should use SSH keys via credentials plugin
JENKINS-56839Allow disabling T2/T3 unlimited for T3 instances
JENKINS-56836Support multiple instance types for one AMI
JENKINS-56782EBS encryption support
JENKINS-56137EC2-slave jar cache vs class initialization race.
JENKINS-56036Spot Instance Plugin Spawns Arbitrary Number of Instances
JENKINS-55618When using spot instances, requests 3-4 nodes when one is needed
JENKINS-55492Plugin is not reusing stopped AWS EC2 instances
JENKINS-55454Could not find matching constructor for: hudson.plugins.ec2.AmazonEC2Cloud(java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.ArrayList)
JENKINS-55084Cloud Statistics does not show EC2 instance information
JENKINS-54908allow delay of starting new instances
JENKINS-54715EC2 Plugin: Possibility to provide AWS account id when using EC2 instance profile to obtain credentials
JENKINS-54112Jenkins fails to restart after EC2 plugin upgrade
JENKINS-54023Pass Jenkins parameters to E2 plugin
JENKINS-53617Awfull perfomance over winrm.
JENKINS-52275labels field is ignored when set through configuration-as-code
JENKINS-51884Document the Security Groups field
JENKINS-51581Add option to override tool config for slave nodes created by EC2 plugin
JENKINS-51315Region list not populated when using IAM roles/role assume
JENKINS-50853Windows JNLP slave permissions errors, works manually via RDP cmd
JENKINS-50472Doesn't work with AWS Beijing Region (cn-north-1)
JENKINS-50308EC2 Plugin - Windows sshd support - use ssh + pubkey option instead of winrm
JENKINS-50198node config gets overridden when spinning up node via Ec2 plugin
JENKINS-50142Unable to launch slave in AWS due to " Security groups must all be VPC security groups to work in a VPC context"
JENKINS-49711EC2 Plugin: command prefix not stored
JENKINS-49492EC2 remote ssh ports system setting got lost after restart
JENKINS-48825EC2 Node pem Permmissions incorrect
JENKINS-48719Slave agent disconnects with EOFException
JENKINS-48275Launch additional agents
JENKINS-48273Self-connecting agents
JENKINS-48161Deadlock caused by synchronized methods in EC2Cloud
JENKINS-47681Pipeline with parallel jobs hang with EC2 plugin
JENKINS-47186instance creation fails with ec2 plugin 1.37 in eucalyptus environment
JENKINS-46856NullPointerException at
JENKINS-46837Jenkins slave (EC2 AWS plugin) fails occasionally when build takes too long with error "Caused: Unexpected termination of the channel"
JENKINS-46601error in log files when Unix Jenkins slaves are shutdown
JENKINS-46505Jenkins slaves are being stopped multiple times with ec2 plugin
JENKINS-46301Add an option to enabled EC2 detailed cloudwatch monitoring
JENKINS-46044ec2 plugin doesn't work it has same label with other slaves
JENKINS-45753"Failed to serialize" error leaves hanging threads on EC2
JENKINS-45336EC2 Slave Plugin launch instance and established slave agent connection with master and then dies
JENKINS-44498Node with matching label rejected due to dynamically updated instance metadata
JENKINS-44219EC2 plugin keeps terminating and launching build slaves
JENKINS-43774Stop expensive runaway EC2 slaves by using the --valid-until option for spot instances
JENKINS-43771EC2 Plugin: Jenkins doesn't wait for cloud-init to finish
JENKINS-43236Spot instance termination leaves executors in temporary broken state
JENKINS-43064ec2computerlauncher needs instance status as well as state
JENKINS-43017Getting exception after Amazon ec2 plugin configuration.
JENKINS-41862ssh-agent plugin do not actually switch job cridentials
JENKINS-41824NullPointerException when the "EC2 Key Pair's Private Key" is missing
JENKINS-39960EC2 Plugin: Invalid groupID parameter when provisioning
JENKINS-39474Spot termination leaves pipeline step hanging
JENKINS-39283Unexpected number of reservations reported, fails to launch instance
JENKINS-37894Unmarshall error when provisoning instance
JENKINS-37552EC2 plugin: Modifying the Idle Termination Time does not work
JENKINS-37540Add option to skip bootstrap of ec2, or at least do it as non-root
JENKINS-36965Errors with multiple Eucalyptus Clouds
JENKINS-36516EC2 plugin: Plugin fails to automatically launch slaves to meet demand
JENKINS-36397Separate XML to own .xml file
JENKINS-36379Dynamic spot instance support
JENKINS-35982EC2 Plugin: High CPU in
JENKINS-35680Implement an optional shutdown script parameter that runs before the slaves terminate
JENKINS-35556Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
JENKINS-35524new ec2 slave is terminated or terminating during launch
JENKINS-34860Instances not being terminated properly after idle timeout
JENKINS-34702Spot instances not getting their userdata settings
JENKINS-34665Add ability to see idle time
JENKINS-34659Add support for "Dedicated Host" option
JENKINS-34610Windows AMI in endless loop
JENKINS-34528Update docs: IAM roles not correct for spot price history
JENKINS-34351Allow slave destruction after X number of build failures
JENKINS-34314EC2 plugin issue with starting instances
JENKINS-33973Add ability to launch instance without a key pair
JENKINS-33650Can't specify number of ssh connection retries
JENKINS-32779Spot instance hit cap when sharing a AMI
JENKINS-32703Unable to use LDAP accounts as remote user to connect slaves using EC2 plugin
JENKINS-32379integrate with the 'config file provider' plugin
JENKINS-31641Unclear error upon launching Windows build node
JENKINS-29983Region list not populating when unable to access us-east-1 region
JENKINS-29964EC2 plugin floods AWS with API calls if it references a deleted AMI
JENKINS-29851global instance cap not respected for spot instances
JENKINS-29355Allow customization of slave naming when using spot instances
JENKINS-28875Leverage Spot Instance Termination Notices
JENKINS-27281Provide more control over EC2 instance spawn rate
JENKINS-26716Jobs throttled via the Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin fail to launch new ec2 provisioned slaves when necessary
JENKINS-26371Allow configuration of InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior in slave template
JENKINS-26369Allow manual slave launch instead of SSH for on-demand instances
JENKINS-25963Jobs tied to EC2 plugin-provisioned slaves via NodeLabel parameter don't provision new slaves
JENKINS-25209Add "reboot slave after build" for a slave template
JENKINS-24663No such template for muiltipul eucalyptus cloud
JENKINS-23938New nodes are launched when labels changed in EC2 configuration
JENKINS-23935Allow tags for all instances in an EC2 cloud configuration
JENKINS-23864Environment variables are not set in init script
JENKINS-23789Automatically fetch init scripts from S3
JENKINS-20142Add support for imported EC2 keypairs
JENKINS-19847ec2 plugin starts up untracked instances when empty tag fields are present in config
JENKINS-17785EC2 Slave description does not get loaded in slave configure page
JENKINS-16027Jenkins fails to create remote FS root if it doesn't exist, at least on EC2
JENKINS-15079Should be able to copy an AMI, or a whole cloud, for quick setup
JENKINS-14651ProjectsBuild Time Trend is shows incorrect node information if test are executed on ec2 cloud node
JENKINS-13225Provide history information on EC2 instance creation and graph number of slaves in use
JENKINS-12541Provide sensible defaults when creating AMIs
JENKINS-12141Allow connecting to an instance using an IP address instead of the domain name
JENKINS-9292Provide an option for deleting extra volumes produced by terminated ec2 instances
JENKINS-9131use security group to count instances launched by jenkins
JENKINS-9109ec2 plugins should create a EBS for eucalyptus, when instance starts
JENKINS-8934Add a way to set up port forwards to EC2 instance when connecting.
JENKINS-8893Detect architecture mismatch between instance type and AMI
JENKINS-6676Support instance caps based on a user-defined tag
JENKINS-6042log files from EC2 instances accumulate
JENKINS-5853Allow Amazon EC2 Plugin to use ssh keys other than the EC2 private key
JENKINS-3847Build on multiple nodes logic