JENKINS-66171 | Failed to lookup the docker build ImageID | | |
JENKINS-63954 | Restrict on what to show when running command when using docker build wrapper | | |
JENKINS-63709 | partial credential bindings causes build to fail | | |
JENKINS-56412 | Allow passing of additional "docker run" parameters | | |
JENKINS-54021 | Pulling alpine image fails when using custom registry for build image. | | |
JENKINS-51406 | Integrate with new docker login APIs | | |
JENKINS-47731 | Maven jobs tests if MAVEN Home exists on slave not docker container | | |
JENKINS-45868 | CloudBees Docker Custom Build Environment Plugin gives docker command not found error | | |
JENKINS-44791 | Credentials for docker secured connection (TLS) not appliied | | |
JENKINS-44782 | Maven build job attempts to connect to 'dockerhost' even when not running in a docker container | | |
JENKINS-41260 | Docker Image Removal Prevents Job Email emission | | |
JENKINS-40684 | Can't add a shell build step with docker | | |
JENKINS-39735 | Builds hang first shell executor step and never finish | | |
JENKINS-39457 | Empty environment variable causes error on docker run | | |
JENKINS-39273 | Don't pass --user uid by default | | |
JENKINS-39012 | Custom volumes not writable by user, dangling volumes remain after job finishes | | |
JENKINS-38305 | Remove --tty from docker exec | | |
JENKINS-37347 | Docker build environment missing shell output | | |
JENKINS-36889 | Extreme docker plugin logging cannot be turned off | | |
JENKINS-36886 | Terminal escape sequences being shown | | |
JENKINS-36769 | Cannot override /tmp volume mount | | |
JENKINS-35549 | Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down | | |
JENKINS-35497 | If a docker image already exists, Docker Custom Build Environment will not pull a newer version of the image | | |
JENKINS-35025 | Container command '/bin/cat' not found or does not exist | | |
JENKINS-35006 | Allow 'sudo' in all docker commands; docker-custom-build-environment | | |
JENKINS-34967 | 'alpine' image is automatically downloading | | |
JENKINS-34591 | Cannot use a private repository as image source | | |
JENKINS-34361 | Docker in Docker fix with JENKINS_HOME persistent volume | | |
JENKINS-33232 | Not working in internal network. | | |
JENKINS-33150 | volume that uses environment variable as the source is mounted twice | | |
JENKINS-33000 | Incompatibility with BuildWrapper | | |
JENKINS-32542 | Maven project failed with "Connection refused" when built in a docker Container | | |
JENKINS-32393 | PATH and HOME are being overwritten when executing command | | |
JENKINS-32010 | Container start command option - Argument parsing | | |
JENKINS-30919 | Check Docker version | | |
JENKINS-30882 | Multi-configuration variables not used properly to construct build command | | |
JENKINS-30113 | Environment variables aren't passed to the docker container anymore | | |
JENKINS-29946 | Console Output blown up with refreshed line content | | |
JENKINS-29677 | Other build environment plugins aren't compatible with the Docker Build Environment Plugin | | |
JENKINS-29621 | EnvInject Plugin is only working to a limited extent in combination with the docker build environment | | |
JENKINS-29619 | Option to expose container ports via port mapping | | |
JENKINS-29411 | Starting path not respected in SBT plugin | | |
JENKINS-29390 | Parameterization for Docker Container configuration. | | |
JENKINS-29239 | Doesn't work when Jenkins itself is containerized | | |