
The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-72244Docker Build Step plugin: java.lang.NullPointerException: uri was not specified
JENKINS-72242Add support for Job DSL to Docker Build Step Plugin
JENKINS-70154Save job failed when add 'Execute docker command' in build step
JENKINS-67986Error on docker image name: Name must follow the pattern '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+((\.|_|__|-+)[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'
JENKINS-67504fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "healthcheck"
JENKINS-67348Add setting of credentials to build command
JENKINS-66763Saving project with Execute Docker Command throws a http 400 error when saving
JENKINS-65498docker-build-step Plugin fails on docker command "Start container(s)" since 2.7
JENKINS-64206Support JCasC
JENKINS-60656Issue with docker agent when there's empty global properties
JENKINS-52263Exception in "Create Container" Docker build step
JENKINS-51952Jenkins **Post Build Actions**, **Stop Docker Containers** failing
JENKINS-51576Jenkinsfile with Dockerfile in a specific folder
JENKINS-50550Docker build log not sent to console output
JENKINS-49136 Could not pull image: Digest issues in Jenkins with Docker-Build-Step Plugin
JENKINS-46935Image building using a non-local docker API fail due to read timeout
JENKINS-43683Multiple APIs for docker-build-step
JENKINS-41253build parameter not usable in Docker build step
JENKINS-40969java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on hitting TestConnection
JENKINS-40704Error while saving docker API url using docker build-step plugin
JENKINS-40417COPY command with multiple source file fails
JENKINS-40054Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused
JENKINS-39113Jenkins exec docker command never ends
JENKINS-38416Connection Refused after having update plugin
JENKINS-37275Docker build step fails on latest version of plugin (1.3.1)
JENKINS-37013Spaces in $WORKSPACE path
JENKINS-36815docker build step plugin
JENKINS-36460Command parameter for docker run won't be executed.
JENKINS-35530Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
JENKINS-34920Support Amazon ECR plugin for pushes
JENKINS-34697docker-build-step not working with question mark in password
JENKINS-33579HostConfig at API container start will be removed
JENKINS-32837ADD/COPY discard symbolic links
JENKINS-31646Stop and remove docker container post build action is not working : it is stopped but not removed
JENKINS-31394Using socket as "Docker URL" causes Exception
JENKINS-31350Cannot escape comma in envs in Docker Build Step
JENKINS-30706When docker-build step fails, Jenkins job should not be a success
JENKINS-30657I want to run image ,and set the Network mode is HOST. It said that I want run docker by Jenkins ,how to make it equal to run by this command " docker run -d --net=host image_id" in Terminal?
JENKINS-30533Dockerfile ADD command is not getting well interpreted when using it on array format
JENKINS-30352Plugin won't connect to Docker REST API, therefore will not function.
JENKINS-29727Fails to use supplied credentials when pushing to Docker Hub
JENKINS-29025Pull image fails if image already exists and is up to date
JENKINS-28920Support multiple Docker servers
JENKINS-28755docker-java dependency should be shaded in docker-build-step
JENKINS-28646Add support for removing volumes while removing a container
JENKINS-28445Can't push image to multiple registries
JENKINS-28356It is not possible to use variables in "Registry Server Addresses" input for "Push Image" step.
JENKINS-28340Allow "--file" option in "Create Image" step
JENKINS-27913Add ability to tag Docker images
JENKINS-27369Image push fails with "FATAL: authConfig was not specified"
JENKINS-26754Stop all the started containers automatically at the end of the build
JENKINS-26512Add support for SSL config
JENKINS-26341Add support for running all build steps in a docker container
JENKINS-25692Incompatibility with docker-plugin?
JENKINS-25262Allow different (per node) docker clients
JENKINS-24174"Waiting for port" waits forever when Jenkins machine is not docker host
JENKINS-24042unable to pass arguments to run command