JENKINS-72233 | Support for the legacy ~/.dockercfg has been removed in Docker 23.0 | | |
JENKINS-70152 | Cannot set repository as parameter in plugin 'CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin' | | |
JENKINS-69510 | Intermittent unauthorized problems with Docker push | | |
JENKINS-67835 | Return Docker image digest in Docker Pipeline Plugin's build() or push() steps | | |
JENKINS-66787 | docker build executed twice for BuildKit builds | | |
JENKINS-51407 | Integrate with new docker login APIs | | |
JENKINS-48512 | DockerBuilderPublisher build arguments | | |
JENKINS-45597 | Always enable tls option even if no credentials are given | | |
JENKINS-44228 | Authentication failures for Amazon ECR with parallel builds | | |
JENKINS-43221 | Script security error for method Container.stop | | |
JENKINS-42603 | Additional Build arguments not working in Cloudbees Docker build and publish plugin 1.3.2 | | |
JENKINS-41020 | CloudBees Docker Build and Publish - Environment Variables | | |
JENKINS-39952 | "Registry credentials" is not working with a private docker registry | | |
JENKINS-38415 | Add support to remove the local image so the vm doesn't get full | | |
JENKINS-37854 | Docker Build and Publish not building | | |
JENKINS-36938 | Please support 'Discard old builds' for published docker images | | |
JENKINS-33678 | Docker authentication - malformed HTTP response | | |
JENKINS-33253 | Unable to use multiple AWS credentials across jobs | | |
JENKINS-33116 | Not logging in on new slave agent in kubernetes. | | |
JENKINS-29932 | Docker build publish plugin throws error "Please login prior to push" after build the image | | |
JENKINS-29190 | generated tag incorrect when docker registry URL is a short name | | |
JENKINS-29098 | Can not use multiple credentials per job | | |
JENKINS-29085 | Allow to use the docker build --file option when building an image | | |
JENKINS-28931 | Docker build & publish plugin sets the image name twice | | |
JENKINS-28770 | Support for promoted build plugin to promote images | | |
JENKINS-28677 | Use Docker tool Installations from Docker commons | | |
JENKINS-27608 | option to squash image commits | | |