Deploy to container

List of issues
JENKINS-67186Deploing to glassfish 4.1.2 failed with SSLHandshakeException
JENKINS-66902deploycode : Failed to check the status for request ID during Salesforce deploy
JENKINS-59713Glassfish 4 Failed deployment: org.codehaus.cargo.util.CargoException: Deployment has failed: null
JENKINS-59282Concurrent build support
JENKINS-54450Adding the ability to "undeploy" an application from a container
JENKINS-45357Unable to deploy war to jboss 6.x
JENKINS-25916Support automatic retries
JENKINS-25139[Deploy plugin] Need to parameterize for glassfish 3.x containter's properties
JENKINS-24675Deploy plugin does not store hostname for Glassfish 2 container
JENKINS-24275The deploy plugin does not support build parameters
JENKINS-22010Allow Deploy Plugin to be run more than once on a build
JENKINS-19256[Deploy-Plugin] Support JBoss 6.x and 7.x
JENKINS-18357Glassfish re-deployment of an EAR fails
JENKINS-17727Deploy Plugin Fails to deploy an ear file properly in JBoss
JENKINS-15050Add timeout option for Deploy Plugin
JENKINS-14949Deploy several wars/ears to several servers
JENKINS-12133need to use redeploy, or force deploy for glassfish
JENKINS-11410Deploy errors out due to incompatible LogDomains class
JENKINS-11030Deploying to Glassfish fails with a ClassCastException
JENKINS-10240JBoss related library not in classpath
JENKINS-3892Deploy Previous builds ..