Cucumber reports

List of issues
#499Is there a way to avoid reports from being sticked into the job page?
#495[dependency] Bump from 3413.v0d896b_76a_30d to 3435.v238d66a_043fb_
#490NoSuchField Class com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat$Feature does not have member field 'com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat$Feature READ_DATE_TIMESTAMPS_AS_NANOSECONDS'
#460mergeFeaturesWithRetest option in Jenkins cucumber-report plugin does not work
#452Added maximum string length constraint. (#449)
#451Total Duration time is incorrect
#449 not a valid Cucumber report! String length (20051119) exceeds the maximum length (20000000)
#446Advance option properties (skipped-steps-percentage, failed-scenarios-percentage & failed-features-percentage) for cucumber report is not reflecting in Jenkins Job Config through Yaml file
#432cucumber-trends.json directory retention
#429Can we have the capability to change the order of the table in Feature statistics report in Jenkins cucumber plugin
#426Classification files ignored if not below jsonReportDirectory
#419Attaching cucumber report to the email
JENKINS-68257Unable to see Cucumber report in Jenkins main screen
#408Does not display hooks which do not have attachment or error message
#407cucumber cannot generate report
#397Intermittently Cucumber Reports Jenkins Plugin fails with org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException
#394Can we have trends and latest results on main page
#385The Trends Statistics shouldn't show the total as Passed
#384Status badge
#380Classification can not be added on cucumber features report in Jenkins build
#378Attaching a large number of images to the report
#377Unable to use env variables in cucumber report title
#376Set setNotFailingStatuses for jenkins in CucumberReportPublisher
#374Can't show the embed picture well in the hook of the failed cases
#369All scripts and styles files get 403 in Chrome but works in Firefox
#368Two cucumber reports without reportTitle override each other
JENKINS-62357SafeArchiveServingRunAction saves absolute path to report rootDir which can cause a break upon relocation of JENKINS_HOME
#355Support for video embedding
#347net.masterthought.cucumber.ValidationException: File
#336java.util.ConcurrentModificationException if multiple stages in a pipeline archive reports
#297Cucumber report link not working after renaming or moving jenkins job
JENKINS-56185Cucumber report link not working after renaming or moving jenkins job
JENKINS-55369Background step that passed is displayed as undefined
#270Cucumber Reports in Blue Ocean always errors over include pattern
JENKINS-54274issues with test report results
#211[Feature request] Return cucumber results when used in Pipeline
#208Can "injected environment variable" be used in "Json Reports Path" ?
#109Consolidate JSON from several Matrix Jobs into single report
#49Plugin Support for Cucumber Reports Column on Jenkins Dashboard
JENKINS-32804Cucumber 'pretty' reports are not displayed