Credentials Binding

List of issues
JENKINS-73512Regarding credentials binding plugin to support credentials of type GitHub App
JENKINS-72763Extra asterisks in the output logs
JENKINS-72212DPAPI credential store (on Windows) leads to "fatal: Cannot prompt because user interactivity has been disabled."
JENKINS-72036usernameColonPassword does not properly masked credentials
JENKINS-72035Secrets masking affects encoded console notes
JENKINS-70872Add ID to radios
JENKINS-70835Last credentialsBinding usernamePassword overrides the others instead of adding to list
JENKINS-70615Cross region issue in withCredentials for class AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding
JENKINS-70415No Valid Crumb request
JENKINS-70355Allow credentials binding in options block
JENKINS-69969usernamePassword binding not setting variables correctly on Windows container
JENKINS-69363Jenkins upload secret file not uploading in the config
JENKINS-69251Allow Environment Variable for AWS_SESSION_TOKEN be configurable
JENKINS-68998Credential binding password masking is not working for batch (windows batch cmd) when credentials are loaded with configuration as a code in Base64 encoding.
JENKINS-68779Using personal credentials in declarative Pipeline fails
JENKINS-68554Credentials/Password not masked in stdout of test reports
JENKINS-68237No such property error
JENKINS-68110String interpolation warning should not appear for SSH key files
JENKINS-67074Secrets are not masked when URL-encoded
JENKINS-66991Always getting "Masking supported pattern matches of" message in job log
JENKINS-66365Credential plugin binding fails ,if the credential password contains special character like "("
JENKINS-65931Add credentials binding for base64 username:password
JENKINS-65224SSH key gets incorrect permissions to be used with "native" ssh on Windows
JENKINS-65090withCredentials is not honoring authorization role base strategy
JENKINS-65078Define API to mask out-of-scope credentials
JENKINS-64066credentialsbinding.Binding abstract class allows variable name to be null
JENKINS-62737Kubernetes secret doesn't show up in Jenkins /credentials/ page
JENKINS-62336Credentials binding plugin doubling $ characters inside secrets
JENKINS-61999If scm fails, credentials are not populated in post-build steps
JENKINS-61341FileNotFoundException if withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey]) is called twice
JENKINS-60709base64 encoding support when binding usernameColonPassword
JENKINS-60700Credentials Binding Plugin binds to partial string matches
JENKINS-60317Encrypt the temporary keystore and keys with a random password in certificate binding
JENKINS-60237How can I check none value for credentials parameter in pipeline?
JENKINS-59737sshUserPrivateKey's "KeyFileVariable" is missing drive letter on windows
JENKINS-59331withCredentials certificate(aliasVariable: ) stores description of credential, not keystore alias name
JENKINS-58890hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
JENKINS-58845Jenkins Docker Desktop git ssh temporary credentials file bad permissions
JENKINS-58664Add pipeline function to obscure credentials inFile
JENKINS-56985Jenkins is exposing credentials when no build steps but post build steps
JENKINS-56571Credentials Binding page incorrect
JENKINS-55583Credentials Binding Plugin batch command not working properly
JENKINS-55552NullPointerException when using Credentials Binding Plugin
JENKINS-54357withCredentials + file does not work with the same credentialsId across stages
JENKINS-53925UI for binding credentials does not work
JENKINS-53488withCredentials and Jenkins pipeline: Missing ant property
JENKINS-52713Broken output when secret text starts with whitespace
JENKINS-52415Secret File path not relative to workspace - noticeable when master is Windows, slave is Unix
JENKINS-51912Unable to add user scope credentials in jenkins 2.74 version
JENKINS-51683credential bindings and param during import
JENKINS-44772User Scoped credentials are not used by the "withCredentials" pipeline step
JENKINS-43814Password parameters should be hidden in pipeline logs by default
JENKINS-43264NullPointerException when credentialsId is null
JENKINS-43029Inaccurate help text for FileBinding
JENKINS-37864Provide some mechanism for looking up whether credentials exist in Pipeline
JENKINS-36007Way to mask arbitrary Secret (was: Password is clear on log with input parameter)
JENKINS-32402Credentials binding fails to find creds when using a Parameterized Expression, but only for timed jobs
JENKINS-31946Parameter expression may only resolve to a credentials ID
JENKINS-27398Pipeline-as-Code CredentialsProvider for a job
JENKINS-23469Fine-tune form validation