AWS CodeDeploy

List of issues
JENKINS-63823AWS Code deploy plugin don't have eu-north-1 region
JENKINS-63114EU-WEST3 Missing
JENKINS-50974AWS CodeDeploy plug-in fails with new JEP-200 whitelist
JENKINS-41003eu-west2 missing
JENKINS-39752Version file parameter in codedeploy-plugin doesn't seem to work...
JENKINS-38474Error after updating AWS SDK to 1.11.37
JENKINS-33031No proxy authentication for AWS codedeploy plugin
JENKINS-32750Server-Side Encryption
JENKINS-31709Support more then 1 post build code deployment
JENKINS-31650Issue with variable in "AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group" field
JENKINS-31332CodeDeploy Plugin revision date time pattern
JENKINS-31331CodeDeploy Plugin bucket region error