
Provides integration to send build level notifications to CloudAEye to perform RCA(Root Cause Analysis) over test failures.

Install Instructions for CloudAEye Plugin

  1. Install this plugin on your Jenkins server:

    1. From the Jenkins homepage navigate to Manage Jenkins
    2. Navigate to Manage Plugins,
    3. Change the tab to Available,
    4. Search for CloudAEye,
    5. Check the box next to install.

Configuring the Plugin

On CloudAEye :

  1. Create an account: CloudAEye offers a free tier for individual developers. You may get started by signing up here. You can read more about the free-tier here
  2. Navigate to Home > Test RCA > Setup.
  3. Select Jenkins from the list of available integrations.
  4. Copy the Tenant ID and Token values from the step-by-step guide.

image image

On Jenkins :

  1. Goto "Manage Jenkins → System". Search for the CloudAEye configuration section
  2. Fill in the Tenant ID and Token values copied from above steps.
  3. Click Test Connection. This would make a ping to the CloudAEye's webhook endpoint to test the connection.


Enable plugin for Free-style jobs

  1. From Dashboard, select the required free-style project.
  2. Goto Configure > Post Build Actions. Search for the name Send build notifications to CloudAEye.
  3. Click check box to Enable sending build notifications to CloudAEye
  4. Save your changes

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Enable plugin for pipeline jobs

  1. From Dashboard, select the required pipeline project.
  2. Goto Pipeline Syntax > Snippet Generator
  3. In Sample Step drop down, select the option sendNotificationsToCloudAEye: Send build notifications to CloudAEye
  4. Check the option to enable sending build notifications
  5. Click Generate Pipeline Script.
  6. Open the Jenkinsfile script file in the select project repo.
  7. Copy the snippet generated in step 5 and add it in the post section of the script
    post {
      always {
         sendNotificationsToCloudAEye true


Developer instructions

Install Maven and JDK.

$ mvn -version | grep -v home
Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5; 2015-11-10T08:41:47-08:00)
Java version: 1.7.0_79, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-65-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

Create an HPI file to install in Jenkins (HPI file will be in target/cloudaeye.hpi).

mvn clean package