JENKINS-74206 | [clearcase] Migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in WEB-INF/classes/hudson/plugins/clearcase/ClearCaseSCM/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74205 | [clearcase] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in WEB-INF/classes/hudson/plugins/clearcase/ClearCaseInstallation/global.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74204 | [clearcase] Migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in WEB-INF/classes/hudson/plugins/clearcase/ClearCaseUcmSCM/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-64837 | Login name no longer converted to Full Name - Clearcase | | |
JENKINS-64181 | Clearcase plugin overrides Full Name in change list | | |
JENKINS-57021 | Clearcase changelog not displaying correctly | | |
JENKINS-54216 | NPE when calculating culprits | | |
JENKINS-53243 | Clearcase SCM polling is failling because of working directory is not available | | |
JENKINS-45866 | Email-ext doesn't collect email address from base clearcase plugin | | |
JENKINS-40889 | cannot apply and save base clearcase dynamic views | | |
JENKINS-37848 | Canceling a build during ClearCase SCM step corrupts ClearCase view | | |
JENKINS-32551 | Pipeline script from SCM: ClearCase not available | | |
JENKINS-31433 | ClearCase plugin does not add load rules for UCM snapshot view automatically on Windows | | |
JENKINS-31165 | ClearCase plugin does not Filter destroy sub-branch events | | |
JENKINS-30666 | Change maintainer | | |
JENKINS-24713 | ClearCase plugin does not add load rules for UCM snapshot view on Linux | | |
JENKINS-24508 | Cannot use parameters in load rules definition of a template project | | |
JENKINS-24492 | clearcase plugin - base clearcase with dynamic view | | |
JENKINS-24078 | Jira Link are not created for ClearCase UCM project | | |
JENKINS-23546 | history command which get changes is wrong | | |
JENKINS-22465 | getModuleRoot does not return the file path to the root module when using load rules | | |
JENKINS-21684 | Cleartool fatal Error does not fail build | | |
JENKINS-21538 | Update the plugin website - screenshots and documentation | | |
JENKINS-20097 | Configurable Encoding for ClearCase plugin | | |
JENKINS-18437 | Config spec in snapshot view with "time" element always polls as "changes found" | | |
JENKINS-17896 | View gets deleted although view tag was not changed | | |
JENKINS-17865 | Loading Config Spec from file shall be done on slave node | | |
JENKINS-16773 | "Delete Project" causes java.lang.NullPointerException | | |
JENKINS-16190 | Only last line in load rules field is actually verified when polling | | |
JENKINS-15984 | ClearCase changelog date should be descending or configurable: YYYY/MM/DD ... rather than DD/MM/YYYY | | |
JENKINS-15910 | SCM Polling fails: Cannot run program "cleartool" ("Build now" works however) | | |
JENKINS-15776 | Clearcase plugin does not update view if load rules are changed | | |
JENKINS-15738 | Exception on long build log | | |
JENKINS-14644 | Server storage location is not saved | | |
JENKINS-13901 | Clearcase plugin tries to use mkview with "-vws null/[viewpath]" after restart | | |
JENKINS-13021 | Base Clearcase: Tracking changes on labels | | |
JENKINS-12794 | Occasional crash of plugin | | |
JENKINS-12654 | View storage location is no longer saved | | |
JENKINS-12257 | Pass on user-supplied load rules in an environment variable | | |
JENKINS-12243 | After build job completes, remove time rule freeze to restore config-spec to it's original text | | |
JENKINS-12209 | clearcase dynamic view, option to not show config spec at job start? especially if re-using config spec! | | |
JENKINS-11970 | "Create ClearCase report" option does not work in snapshot view | | |
JENKINS-11620 | CC history kills build if no changes on branch instead of just stating nothing changed | | |
JENKINS-11462 | cleartool error does not fail build | | |
JENKINS-11395 | Non-descriptive error message | | |
JENKINS-10874 | ClearCase plugin mis-applies UNC custom workspace paths on slave | | |
JENKINS-10853 | Better view removal when a project is deleted | | |
JENKINS-10852 | Deleting project makes plugin try to remove view tag of snapshot view twice (resulting in stack trace in log) | | |
JENKINS-10702 | Need option to set the primary group of the user for all clearcase operations (newgrp) | | |
JENKINS-9889 | NPE in Base Clearcase SCM polling [ERROR: Failed to record SCM polling] | | |
JENKINS-9215 | Detect changes by label generates excessive log | | |
JENKINS-9214 | Options for "use time rule" and "do not reset config spec" must also be available for Snapshot Views | | |
JENKINS-9076 | Setting baseline promotion level of wrong baseline when baseline creation fails | | |
JENKINS-8714 | hudson clearcase plugin 1.3.5 can't trigger build when dependent baseline change | | |
JENKINS-8688 | Clearcase polling doesn't work with Linux Master and Windows Slave | | |
JENKINS-8632 | Default config value is restored in UI for view storage dir when having it set to empty string | | |
JENKINS-8588 | can't run hudson job when dynamic view is used on hudson clearcase 1.2 and hudson 1.358 | | |
JENKINS-8515 | After changing ClearCase configuration polling should be done since last build | | |
JENKINS-8472 | ClearCase UCM Code Freeze: Add option to promote parent (integration) stream's baseline | | |
JENKINS-8356 | ClearCase plugin may set baseline on wrong code | | |
JENKINS-8343 | config.spec include <file> does not work | cc changes summary takes to long, output is missleading if build via config.spec | | |
JENKINS-8338 | ClearCase Plugin Issues with Matrix jobs Baseline | | |
JENKINS-8272 | Intermittent error when running build using "Freeze code" w/ dynamic views | | |
JENKINS-8224 | snapshot view workspace filling up with .keep folders | | |
JENKINS-8189 | When a major change set occurs in ClearCase causing log SCM polls, Hudson leaks memory | | |
JENKINS-7958 | Baseline sometimes contains unbuilt versions | | |
JENKINS-7938 | hudson jobs dissapear from dashboard after clearcase plugin is upgraded | | |
JENKINS-7708 | Create ClearCase report doesn't work with Base ClearCase snapshot views | | |
JENKINS-7651 | Clearcase plugin null value for view name when site goal is called for submodules | | |
JENKINS-7638 | ClearCase plugin removes dynamic view on job deletion. | | |
JENKINS-7481 | ClearCase polling change degrades performance for large VOBs | | |
JENKINS-7450 | Create a symbolic link to dynamic view in workspace | | |
JENKINS-7350 | Option to tie Cleartool operations to the master node in case of distributed build | | |
JENKINS-7292 | Excluded Regions is ignored with Clearcare dynamic view | | |
JENKINS-7104 | Clearcase Plug-in 1.3 polling broken | | |
JENKINS-7059 | Polling Builds project regardless of changes | | |
JENKINS-6729 | clearcase plugin attempts and fails to remove view on job deletion | | |
JENKINS-6491 | Load rules containing spaces not handled properly | | |
JENKINS-6451 | build will not run if existing dynamic view becomes corrupted | | |
JENKINS-6340 | support getAffectedFiles() for clearcase - JIRA issues not updated without this feature | | |
JENKINS-6100 | Clearcase UCM jelly formatter circumvents change log annotators | | |
JENKINS-6093 | Should not change promotion level for read only components | | |
JENKINS-5876 | The Date string nomenclature changed from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy in the detail Recent Changes | | |
JENKINS-5822 | master / slave issue with clearcase plugin (failed builds due to views not available when build is executed on slaves.) | | |
JENKINS-5743 | Missing defect/activity summarization level in clearcase change history | | |
JENKINS-5681 | Add build precondition to check for changes in ClearCase | | |
JENKINS-5675 | cleartool lshistory problems with ignored load rules | | |
JENKINS-5572 | Unexisting Help Hint in "Remove clearcase view on rename" option | | |
JENKINS-5192 | Support for CCRC CLI (Clear Case Remote Client) in addition to native client | | |
JENKINS-4800 | Poll SCM doesn't trigger builds despite of changes | | |
JENKINS-4678 | Support mapping drives on window | | |
JENKINS-4455 | Detect older configuration and auto-reconfigure job | | |
JENKINS-4447 | user specifed view/configspec_creationscript and use of -avobs | | |
JENKINS-4099 | clearcase: Deleting branch causes build failure in clearcase plugin | | |
JENKINS-3686 | Patch to implement SCM Quiet Period | | |
JENKINS-3507 | Remove the clearcase view when user reconfigures job to change view name or remove clearcase support | | |
JENKINS-3457 | ClearCase source code label | | |
JENKINS-3428 | Recommend Baseline option for UCM Composite Baselines | | |
JENKINS-3387 | Manage view name and workspace root for clearcase jobs | | |
JENKINS-3306 | Option to baseline only one component in a UCM project | | |
JENKINS-3305 | Incorrect handling of locked builds | | |
JENKINS-3237 | lsactivity attempting to use URL for its directory | | |
JENKINS-3192 | use existing dynamic view and IHM | | |
JENKINS-3191 | cleartool lshistory for readonly components | | |
JENKINS-3190 | Use existing UCM dynamic view and the workflow | | |
JENKINS-3185 | Rebase a dynamic UCM view only for the new baselines. | | |
JENKINS-2791 | UCM 0.8:; Environment variables no longer available to Batch task | | |
JENKINS-2582 | Flag to setview | | |
JENKINS-2549 | Contributing activities not reported when project is ClearQuest enabled | | |
JENKINS-2477 | Clearcase Baseline/tagging should coorporate with promotion plugin | | |
JENKINS-1946 | Process leaked file descriptors - Workaround does not work | | |
JENKINS-1713 | Provide option to run lshistory inside loadrule | | |
JENKINS-1618 | Add build information page | | |