JENKINS-74806 | [build-pipeline-plugin] extract inline JS scripts in src/main/resources/au/com/centrumsystems/hudson/plugin/buildpipeline/BuildPipelineView/bpp.jelly | | |
JENKINS-74055 | [build-pipeline-plugin] Extract inline script block in au/com/centrumsystems/hudson/plugin/buildpipeline/BuildPipelineView/main_dashboard.jelly | | |
JENKINS-67024 | documentation for rowHeader and columnHeader of buildPipelineView plugin | | |
JENKINS-59842 | The run button is not clickable when the first job of the pipeline is parameterized. | | |
JENKINS-54080 | build-user-vars-plugin fails to find correct userId with build pipeline plugin | | |
JENKINS-53592 | Build Pipeline Plugin GUI showing only last build# of child job if called multiple times and only once if from Post Build Action | | |
JENKINS-50884 | Upgrade to 2.107.2 LTS crashes views | | |
JENKINS-49397 | Build Pipeline Dashboard View broken | | |
JENKINS-47865 | Incorrect upstream project returned in build-pipeline-plugin | | |
JENKINS-47267 | Upstream/Downstream jobs are listed twice | | |
JENKINS-47230 | Scripted enviroment variables broken since pipeline-model-api 1.2.0 | | |
JENKINS-47216 | Option "Keep the build logs of dependencies" doesn't work | | |
JENKINS-45591 | Doesn't support setup multiple initial jobs on Pipeline View | | |
JENKINS-45374 | Manual Step not updated when build triggered outside view | | |
JENKINS-45072 | Manual trigger execution causes NullPointerException/TriggerException | | |
JENKINS-44590 | Build pipeline plugin can't "re-run" a job already run | | |
JENKINS-43327 | Add pagination in build pipeline plugin View | | |
JENKINS-43298 | Build Pipeline doesn't show pipeline jobs | | |
JENKINS-42311 | Lightbox Popup Fails in Build Pipeline View | | |
JENKINS-41056 | Build Pipeline plugin : Wrong message : This view has no jobs associated with it | | |
JENKINS-40041 | Filter pipeline by branch (or parameter) | | |
JENKINS-38670 | ability to enter build notes/parameters for a Manual step in the pipeline | | |
JENKINS-37701 | Manual trigger not running in build pipeline | | |
JENKINS-37587 | Triggered job cannot be displayed in pipeline view if called job name contains a variable | | |
JENKINS-36326 | Build Pipeline will not refresh the downstream job cards | | |
JENKINS-35705 | When re-running a build, "Buid on the same node" param is ignored | | |
JENKINS-35240 | After creating a new view, Servlet exception on the main page of Jenkins | | |
JENKINS-33789 | Add the ability to hide subprojects (from the parametrized trigger plugin) and only display downstream builds | | |
JENKINS-33470 | Global build-pipeline-view throws ServletException: Please login to access job for user without permissions | | |
JENKINS-33204 | Add pop-up to manual trigger downstream | | |
JENKINS-33178 | Build pipeline displays incorrectly when triggering the same project multiple times with different parameters | | |
JENKINS-33122 | Add filter for "Show pipeline parameters" | | |
JENKINS-33053 | Trigger jobs in build pipeline plugin using REST api | | |
JENKINS-32673 | Build Pipeline - Ability to Disable Retry option on a Job | | |
JENKINS-32093 | Manual trigger post-build step not working after config reload | | |
JENKINS-31958 | Pipeline doesn't update when manual steps are retriggered | | |
JENKINS-31876 | Created job from 'Add Step' button goes to Jenkins root | | |
JENKINS-31266 | Erroneous view when running on several nodes | | |
JENKINS-31120 | blank page show up after click run button with parameterized builds | | |
JENKINS-31085 | Add anchor for each pipeline number | | |
JENKINS-31012 | build-pipeline-plugin requires absolute URLs | | |
JENKINS-30846 | Long text in Build Pipeline's "Project headers" is obscured | | |
JENKINS-30813 | Build pipeline plugin view display no job boxes at all | | |
JENKINS-30365 | I'm getting an error message when opening Jenkins | | |
JENKINS-30272 | Build Pipeline Manual Trigger job is running automatically used with flexible-publish | | |
JENKINS-30225 | pipeline plugin doesn't handle the case of job history having inconsistent build numbers | | |
JENKINS-30198 | Pipeline Jobs start even after previous job fails | | |
JENKINS-28929 | Clicking on the console icon to open the console dialog results in console error jQuery.fancybox is not a function | | |
JENKINS-28739 | Remote triggering job could also be shown in pipeline | | |
JENKINS-28560 | Java Script error when opening pop up for job parameters | | |
JENKINS-28482 | Stack trace in jelly when trying to view all | | |
JENKINS-28406 | Json with build-pipeline-plugin | | |
JENKINS-28358 | Console Window doesn't show | | |
JENKINS-28180 | Build Pipeline background layout does not extend full width of pipeline | | |
JENKINS-28103 | Build pipeline plugin again refuses to start a build with parameters | | |
JENKINS-28068 | Build Pipeline Dashboard View destroys layout of jenkins | | |
JENKINS-27878 | Failure with jenkins jenkins-core-1.593 and build pipeline plugin 1.4.3 views | | |
JENKINS-27615 | Stack trace displayed on build pages | | |
JENKINS-27239 | Overriding parameters passed from upstream | | |
JENKINS-27238 | Inject parameters on manual build trigger | | |
JENKINS-27001 | On Windows installations if the pipeline view is set to show more than 200 jobs CPU is pushed to 100% causing the system to freeze | | |
JENKINS-26882 | Memory leak in build pipeline plugin | | |
JENKINS-26804 | Current build parameters are passed on to downstream on manual step even if not requested | | |
JENKINS-26653 | Build Pipeline Dashboard fails with ServletException: <st:include> No page found 'noJob.jelly' | | |
JENKINS-25666 | Wrong view for build pipeline plugin | | |
JENKINS-25638 | Cannot prevent concurrent build pipelines | | |
JENKINS-25551 | Add % build complete to page title so it shows in browser tab | | |
JENKINS-25483 | Build Pipeline version could be created after Environment Variables variables were injected | | |
JENKINS-25311 | Should show promotions in pipeline | | |
JENKINS-24744 | Build Pipeline view refreshes DOM for the entire page when a build finishes | | |
JENKINS-24220 | Pipeline without init jobs not migrated correctly. Jobs can not be renamed. | | |
JENKINS-23828 | Build Pipeline View doesn't show build user id on Downstream Projects | | |
JENKINS-23671 | "Hide jobs" option would be very useful for Build Pipeline plugin | | |
JENKINS-23524 | Build Pipeline does not discover downstream promoted jobs? | | |
JENKINS-23323 | build triggered even when no trigger is active | | |
JENKINS-23170 | Build Pipeline Plugin: Create View Using Json API | | |
JENKINS-22800 | Downstream build does not wait for upstream build to complete | | |
JENKINS-22353 | Pipeline view shows wrong hierarchy | | |
JENKINS-22234 | Build pipeline doesn't handle permissions very well | | |
JENKINS-22203 | Build Pipeline Plugin - Jobs activated by "Promoted Builds" are not visible | | |
JENKINS-22184 | Javascript performance of build pipeline plugin is poor | | |
JENKINS-22113 | Unable to manually trigger build in the Build Pipeline View | | |
JENKINS-21422 | Jenkins crashing due to out of memory when rebuilding jobs | | |
JENKINS-21181 | Build pipeline creating stack trace after logging on as non-admin user | | |
JENKINS-21157 | handling dynamically used jobs | | |
JENKINS-20672 | Different priorities from different build type | | |
JENKINS-20485 | Manual trigger cannot handle 'join' after fork, i.e. several upstream dependencies | | |
JENKINS-20321 | Chaining Jobs via REST Callback | | |
JENKINS-19983 | Feature: Inverted pipelines | | |
JENKINS-19967 | The build pipeline plugin doesn't obey the 'Always allow manual trigger on pipeline steps' setting | | |
JENKINS-19913 | Trigger button does not appear in pipeline view until you refresh the page | | |
JENKINS-19402 | Build pipeline plugin has issues with the schdule button in Jenkins version 1.529 | | |
JENKINS-19121 | Build pipeline plugin no longer prompts for parameters of parameterised job | | |
JENKINS-18789 | Search/Filter Capability? | | |
JENKINS-18509 | Build Pipeline Does Not Auto-Update | | |
JENKINS-18464 | Build Pipeline and Join plugin do not play nicely together | | |
JENKINS-18162 | Parameterized downstream project is missing upstream-set parameters when used by mutliple upstream projects | | |
JENKINS-18092 | Option "Restrict trigger to the most recent build" showing trigger for all successful builds not only the most recent | | |
JENKINS-17952 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: hudson.model.AbstractProject.doBuild(Lorg/kohsuke/stapler/StaplerRequest;Lorg/kohsuke/stapler/StaplerResponse;) | | |
JENKINS-17951 | Skipping a non-existent field displayProgressBar | | |
JENKINS-17939 | Failed Loading plugin build-pipeline-plugin Dependency jquery (1.7.2-1) doesn't exist. | | |
JENKINS-17938 | Read the wrong inject parameters | | |
JENKINS-17483 | Skinnable build pipeline | | |
JENKINS-16961 | memory leak in Build Pipeline plugin (BuildForm) | | |
JENKINS-16812 | Optionally filter list of jobs based on promotion-Plugin | | |
JENKINS-16811 | step-specific information, job-description | | |
JENKINS-16748 | Build Pipeline Plugin views are not filtered | | |
JENKINS-16473 | Build Pipeline View stops working after upgrading to Jenkins 1.499 | | |
JENKINS-16436 | Build -> Prerequisites Check | | |
JENKINS-16098 | Nested View Plugin shows FAIL build staus whenever Build Pipeline Plugin is used as a Nested View | | |
JENKINS-15542 | Show whole Job name in Pipeline View | | |
JENKINS-15400 | pipeline plugin shows global passwords from 'EnvInject' plugin on build card as common env | | |
JENKINS-14427 | Wrong down/upstream jobs relationship | | |
JENKINS-12110 | Build Queue scheduler strategies | | |
JENKINS-11853 | Duplicate build numbers in the Build History | | |