Build Failure Analyzer

List of issues
JENKINS-74863JCasC support for local database failure causes
JENKINS-73218Add the ability to rescan all builds globally
JENKINS-72794Improve support for Markup Formatter in description field
JENKINS-72793Add option to allow multiple occurrences of causes
JENKINS-72434Add metrics for failure causes on builds
JENKINS-72243Field names with dollar sign($) or dot(.)
JENKINS-70424BFA floods the Jenkins log with messages about "command 'distinct' requires authentication"
JENKINS-69962Scan pipeline code/file
JENKINS-67987NullPointerException when using fallback category and matched cause contains zero categories
JENKINS-67783Add Support for Organization Folder
JENKINS-67253Set up an order of failure causes
JENKINS-67238Casc reload events seem to cause issues for this plugin.
JENKINS-67211BFA: Illegal argument exception on "scan all build"
JENKINS-66848Build failure analyzer not using Jenkins credentials for accessing MongoDB database
JENKINS-66098Newlines are not preserved in BFA failure cause descriptions on build summary page
JENKINS-66078Builds failure page says add a cause, but can't as there is no link.
JENKINS-65941bfa cannot connect to DocumentDB(mongodb) if tls is enabled
JENKINS-65876As a User of Build Failure Analyzer Plugin I want to have two new fields in it
JENKINS-65384Display list of (and link to) failed jobs per failure cause
JENKINS-65236Allow "count" threashold on the pattern.
JENKINS-64487BFA Prometheus Metrics
JENKINS-64380"Slack Channel" field does not recognize name of the channel
JENKINS-64321Multi-line build log indication stops matching after some number of characters
JENKINS-640942.27.0 version in maven is causing issues with dependabot
JENKINS-63793BFA plugin version suitable for MongoDb client 5
JENKINS-63773pls support Jenkins configuration as code in BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYER
JENKINS-63077Using BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYZER token in office365Connector results in no reasons
JENKINS-62848build-failure-analyzer may break with form tables-to-divs changes
JENKINS-62600BFA not matching all the cases
JENKINS-62399BFA Results Unavailable During Run
JENKINS-62162Build Failure Analyzer persist Incorrect master field details in Statistics collections
JENKINS-61912Clicking failure cause link on build page does not highlight location in console output
JENKINS-61652Add ability to show line number in log with the Failure cause description: ${1,1,L} maybe?
JENKINS-61143Match text fails when called from views
JENKINS-60708Only one cause is shown in list view
JENKINS-60578Support to export failure causes in excel
JENKINS-60520Unable to see Failure Scan Options
JENKINS-60487Build failure analyzer plugin failed to identify failure causes
JENKINS-60346Indication placeholder syntax does not show all groups
JENKINS-60315"Indication" drop-down raises exception in Javascript console
JENKINS-60314Git knowledge base
JENKINS-60241Dynamic messages in build failure causes
JENKINS-60169Multi-line build log indication of Build Failure Analyzer plugin is not matching text
JENKINS-60153NullPointerException in Build failure analyzer
JENKINS-60021Scan all builds only re-scans failed builds
JENKINS-59610Build failure causes are deleted when saving Jenkins global configuration.
JENKINS-59582build-failure-analyzer fails to load on startup, exception thrown.
JENKINS-59075Add ability to archive fixed causes
JENKINS-58214patterns with regex are detected once only
JENKINS-57729Add Failure Cause Indications to Jenkins REST API
JENKINS-56518Variable expansion for build description
JENKINS-56285Timestamp plugin compatability (Tiny css style change)
JENKINS-55125NPE in splitCauses
JENKINS-54283BuildFailureAnalyzer- donotscan=false not working if plugin is installed but not enabled to scan the build
JENKINS-53277Errors are hidden/swallowed when BFA runs on a pipeline with a syntax error
JENKINS-50955add ability to set "doNotScan" for the BFA plugin with Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-50163Match Text not working on BitBucket Project (possibly other multibranch projects as well)
JENKINS-50143BFA documents multi-line match example that does not work
JENKINS-49481MongoDB error when displaying graphs: "The 'cursor' option is required"
JENKINS-49475Ability to scan files other than the console output
JENKINS-49140Users need BFA to know how to connect to MongoDB replicaSets
JENKINS-48721I/O error writing PNG file
JENKINS-48404BFA plugin changes job configuration by adding the doNotScan=false to them.
JENKINS-47920build URL (to match) seems incorrect
JENKINS-47806Bad syntax! Illegal/unsupported escape sequence near index
JENKINS-47692BFA does not have a limit for max line length or max match length
JENKINS-47674java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not valid encoding '%u2'
JENKINS-47027"Not valid UTF8" when using umlauts in Failure cause management
JENKINS-46168How to use Build Failure Analyzer plugin in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-45768BFA should allow to display occurrences of a single failure
JENKINS-45397Links wont show the full matched line on Chrome/chomium
JENKINS-45396Allow defining a cutom color for highlighting matches
JENKINS-44890File timeout scanning for indication (Build Failure Analyzer Plugin)
JENKINS-44565confusing UI for: comment and description fields
JENKINS-44215Allow disabling of BFA based on job status
JENKINS-42793Report should show build display name as well
JENKINS-42237Add a label per indicator
JENKINS-41718Support Build Failure Analyzer with Blue Ocean
JENKINS-41366Implement INFO and WARN matches in addition to errors matching in BFA
JENKINS-40582Unable to use ${I,G} in a path string
JENKINS-40198allow scanning and retrieval of a pipeline job inside the pipeline
JENKINS-39431Support credentials rather than Secret Password
JENKINS-39284Ability to set build description to failure cause
JENKINS-38094NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor
JENKINS-37964Integrate with lucene-search plugin to be able to search build by failure.
JENKINS-37942Build Failure Analyzer: No info added to api/json output for build page
JENKINS-37891Build Failure Analyzer: output of tests not escaped on build results page
JENKINS-36440Build Failure Analyzer: consoleFull/contextMenu is invalid
JENKINS-35163Ability to sync failure fields to statistics for build failure analyzer plugin
JENKINS-34709Allow for "Fallback" Entries in BFA Knowlege Base
JENKINS-32686Limit Scan by Job Label, Job Type, Name Etc.
JENKINS-32685Faster Mult-Line Scanning
JENKINS-32615com.sonyericsson.jenkins.plugins.bfa.model.dbf.ParameterizedTriggerDBF uses wrong ClassLoader to detect hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildInfoExporterAction
JENKINS-32369Option to disabe build log scan output
JENKINS-32136Conditional Logic by Build Failure Analysis Plugin
JENKINS-32001Failure cause column not shown
JENKINS-31848Nested folder jobs reports view permission not available
JENKINS-31519Multi-Line Build Log Indication Pattern changes when it shouldn't
JENKINS-31265Report failure on absence of pattern
JENKINS-30659URL validator does not accept port number in URL path
JENKINS-29966Configuration value "Maximum number of Worker Threads" not persistent across restart
JENKINS-29024Support displaying all matching captures
JENKINS-29023Propagate results from subjobs from MultiJob plugin
JENKINS-28721Ability for a user to mark a build with a failure cause AFTER a build is completed
JENKINS-28273Failure explanation text not sanitized prior to issuing gerrit review command
JENKINS-28153Show analysis progress status
JENKINS-28128Support the cloudbees folders plugin
JENKINS-25798Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: org/jgrapht/DirectedGraph after upgrading Build Flow to 0.16
JENKINS-25751Add to build log indication if a known cause was found
JENKINS-25723Add the ability to rescan some specific builds
JENKINS-25441java null exception in ScanOnDemandBaseAction
JENKINS-25437Report failures by analyzing jenkins test report
JENKINS-25394Sort failure causes on management page
JENKINS-25115Recognize failures indicated by JUnit test result file
JENKINS-25109Navigating between indication
JENKINS-24225Provide a stats page to display data for a given set of job(s) and period: job, rate of failure, reason for failure, category of failure
JENKINS-24171BFA is blindly adding text to gzipped log
JENKINS-23978Build failure analysis cause ordering
JENKINS-23503Incorrect reporting of first failure
JENKINS-23358Integration with Promoted Builds Plugins
JENKINS-23284Get value of all parameters in the database
JENKINS-22935Only one line is highlighted per identifier.
JENKINS-22026Propagate failure causes from downstream builds
JENKINS-21767Add alert configuration for identified causes
JENKINS-17658Provide a token so that build failure causes can be included in build failure emails
JENKINS-17316navigating to failure-cause-management throws a 330 ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED
JENKINS-16963Job filter
JENKINS-15948Analyzer Icons aren't displayed if Jenkins isn't installed at root context.