Azure VM Agents

List of issues
#634VMs getting terminated mid-build after exactly 2 hours
#633Fleet with shutdownOnIdle and inbound launcher fails to scale out due to the preserved temporaryOffline state of stopped agents
#632VM provisioning fail using JCasC (`agentWorkspace` missing)
#626Unable to set VM Resolution
#614Add max jobs a vm agent template can run before terminating/taking offline the VM
#588Azure VMs get stuck in offline after a job, but not deprovisioning
#582Add AgentLimit to the Template builder
#581Support agent limit in AzureVMTemplateBuilder
#561Verify template fails with RequestUrlInvalid when using advanced image
#528After last update, the plugin does not start new machines (or seems to be doing anything at all)
#522Disk Encryption with Customer Managed Keys
#484Deployment timeout less than 1200 accepted w/o warning\error but then no agents are spawned
#425pool-retention can't cleanup when node is not idle but retention time is above the set limit
#393Executors are not valued when call api url
#386Dependency Dashboard
#373AzureVMAgentCleanUpTask MUST NOT run more than one cleanup at a time
#355Windows Docker marketplace image deprecated
#350Unable to access mapped network drives
#349Add support for ephemeral disk placements
#330Windows VMs silently deallocate with pool retention and idle retention time set to 0
#323Spot VM evictions are not reported to Jenkins, so builds hang and status not reported
#319There is no option to join domain while spinning up the VM's dynamically.
#287Can't add/create an UltraSSD_LRS in the VM
#286newly storage account does not support https only mode
#273start provisioning when agents availability falls below certain threshold
#198Azure VM Agents are sometime deleted for "Unknown reason"
#182Adds support for adding VMs into a load balancer's backend pool
#221Create VMs in specific range of Public IPs
#248Add support for data disks
#252Allow for passing of secrets to startup scripts