AWS Credentials

List of issues
#274Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.88 to 5.7
#273Error unable to load region checking credential
#272error while trying to add credentials
#268Bump from 3850.vb_c5319efa_e29 to 3944.v1a_e4f8b_452db_
#242docs: update README with code samples
#241Allow to create credentials without sending them to AWS services
#240Add global setting to disable credential checking against AWS
#236AWS Credentials Plugin
#235Added IamRoleRegion to Credential in order to set a custom sts region for sts Client
#231Support AWS IAM Roles Anywhere
#228How do you use this plugin?
#227chore: Parallelize Tests
#219unable to install CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin
#187Support OIDC
JENKINS-70126[AWS Credentials plugin] Implementation of a cache
#170Add Support for STS regional Endpoints
#160Add an mfaToken option to the credentials binding
#155The plugin cannot be disabled
#151Wrap a programmatically created eks token in a secret txt credentials
#143Rotating AWS Credentials
#122 Add option to customize the variable for session token
#121Add Support for STS Endpoints in AWS Non-Commercial (China / GovCloud) Partitions
#114Cannot access AWS ECS resources when using v1.32
#110Bad functionality with proxy, initialize ProxyAuthenticationMethods
#105Output of snippet generator is broken
#91Credentials are not available unless the job is run as SYSTEM
#90Configurable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env variable
#89Does not work in AWS Gov Cloud
#86Assume Role doesn't work as expected
JENKINS-65105Support for external ID
#84Support for External ID
JENKINS-64888specify the role ARN and role session name at runtime
#83Parameter Expression usage?
#82Could not find default region using SDK lookup.
JENKINS-63448When using assume Role with profile, temp credentials are cached indefinately
#79Allow override Display Name?
#74Support changing session token environment variable name
#72Incomplete signature on aws sts get-caller identity
JENKINS-60057sts:AssumeRole does not honour proxy settings
#70IAM Role credentials validation error
#68Getting "WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.awscredentials.AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding': keyIdVariable,secretVariable" from my pipeline
JENKINS-58842Error assuming IAM role in Jenkins (es_ES)
#66Issues with using IAM role with Jenkins.
#64Regions available in the dropdown is not up to date
#55upgrading to new version fails
JENKINS-57075AWS credentials should not require workspace
#52Make session token duration configurable in AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding
JENKINS-56174AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding within withEnv does not respect proxy settings
#44sts:AssumeRole does not honour proxy settings
#40Request for Access Across AWS multiple Accounts.
#38The plugins page has no example on how to use this
#37Wiki link broken
#35Cannot use AWS credentials plugin with AWS GovCloud
#34Create AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN variable
JENKINS-46284support profile-based AWS credentials in pipelines
#28Doesn't set role env variable when used with assume role.
#26Support for AssumeRole
#22How to use with declarative pipeline?
#16MFA required on assuming IAM role
#11example or documents please
JENKINS-38220Support for EC2 instance profile credentials
JENKINS-35528Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
#8Validation fails when using credentials for eu-west-1
#6cannot get HTTP Connection, when Master is behind a Proxy