AWS Elastic Beanstalk Publisher

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-73646Update AWS Elastic Beanstalk Publisher plugin to use AWS SDK for Java 2.x
#114Bump plugin from 4.48 to 4.55
#113Bump aws-java-sdk-minimal from 1.12.287-357.vf82d85a_6eefd to 1.12.406-370.v8f993c987059
#112Bump aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk from 1.12.287-357.vf82d85a_6eefd to 1.12.406-370.v8f993c987059
#111Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.4 to 1.6
#106Bump bom-2.332.x from 1670.v7f165fc7a_079 to 1763.v092b_8980a_f5e
#55Region eu-south-1 is missing
#54Credentials stored in plain text
#53Region eu-west-3 missing
JENKINS-60600java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: AWSEB
#46When environment is unset, ALL environments are updated
#45how can I use this plugin in post build Actions
#41AWS credential not populating
#40Aws Credential is not showing in dropdown
JENKINS-47050AWSEB Deployment Plugin - Zero-Downtime fails
JENKINS-46477Jenkins Elastic beanStalk Jobs posts as successful, even though the Deployment fails in AWS EB.
JENKINS-44984missing regions
#38Support for Pipeline
#35Skip version creation if version exists
#34Deployment fails when bucket region is not set
JENKINS-31705Unable to hide the secret key of AWS in AWS elastic beanstalk plugin
#7Check for Green Health status