
List of issues
JENKINS-75173From the jenkins version 2.479.1 artifactory plugin is not working as expected
JENKINS-75159artifactory plugin has a dropdown issue in Gradle-Artifactory Integration from retrieving repostitories
JENKINS-73793Build Retention does not delete artifacts for Artifactory versions > 7.68.14
JENKINS-73664Pipeline is running stages even though previous stage failed
JENKINS-73534Unable to download artifacts from Jfrog repository using rtDownload and artifactoryDownload
JENKINS-72737Method download returns before finishing complete download
JENKINS-72525Random NPE in Maven builds using Jenkins Artifactory Plugin
JENKINS-72499java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument count mismatch between
JENKINS-72471artifactory buildInfo file not found
JENKINS-72333Issue with Artifactory Jenkins Plugin while uploading artifacts to Jfrog
JENKINS-71973Encrypted passwords help uses a dead link
JENKINS-71906The Artifactory plug-in's pattern: (*), target: {1} wildcard syntax is not working with jFrog 7.39.4 rev 73904900
JENKINS-71745Jenkins build is throwing NPE with maven 3.9.3 using artifactory plugin
JENKINS-71708for every 2 to 3 builds gradle or maven artifactoryPublish gets hang post Task :artifactoryDeploy
JENKINS-70458Not authorized error when parent pom is only in artifactory.
JENKINS-70296rtUpload failed for jenkins inbound agent
JENKINS-70167BuildInfo Missing Target Repository
JENKINS-70159Download from Artifactory doesn't work if called from function
JENKINS-70156Artifactory Plugin: nevest version does not publish artifacts
JENKINS-69786Artifactory buildInfo.env.collect() Throws Null Pointer
JENKINS-69729rtDockerPush, error, Properties value cannot be empty
JENKINS-69520Artifactory plugin doesn't recognize the environment variables in the selected container
JENKINS-69216Unable to add Conan remote when custom CA cert is used in docker
JENKINS-68974Artifactory plugin from cloudbees failing with java.lang.NullPointerException
JENKINS-68945Conan build fails with default_package_id_mode=recipe_revision_mode
JENKINS-68753Support for pip/pypi download additionally to pip/pypi install
JENKINS-68671Loss track uploaded artifacts (parallel)
JENKINS-68153certificate error messages on Upload; Freestyle project fails
JENKINS-68131[ERROR] listener has failed:
JENKINS-68101Artifactory.mavenDescriptor is failing to read when we have multiple folders with multiple poms
JENKINS-68068Artifactory plugin: Default credentials do not show up in drowdown in setting
JENKINS-67872IOException Could not delete temp file
JENKINS-67775Artifactory Deployment fails during executing git command
JENKINS-67684Artifactory Deployment fails with last commit has URL-illegal character in the first line
JENKINS-67648JCASC Artifactory Jenkins plugin not loading credentials
JENKINS-67518publishBuildInfo failing for gradleBuild(Artifactory.newGradleBuild) with latest artifactory plugin - 3.15.0
JENKINS-67208Null Pointer exception thrown.
JENKINS-66676Allow maven resolver propagation into child JVM
JENKINS-66641Artifactory Jenkins plugin requires for rtGradleRun tool specification
JENKINS-66640Artifactory plugin doesn't use resolver for gradle pluginManagement
JENKINS-66522java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'boolean org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.endsWithAny(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])'
JENKINS-66119Publish buildinfo(Artifactory) error on Jenkins
JENKINS-66424Upload to Artifactory is broken
JENKINS-66016Artifactory Build Info link leads to 404 in Plugin version 3.11.4
JENKINS-66000Can't save Jenkins Config - Get Artifactory Error
JENKINS-65866deploy to artifactory got error "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:"
JENKINS-65687Artifactory plugin not working with JCasC
JENKINS-65488Gradle Artifactory plugin hangs in "run step" with Kubernetes Pipeline
JENKINS-65441artifactory-plugin: Add description to rtGradleRun arguments
JENKINS-65431artifactory-plugin: Add description to rtAddInteractivePromotion arguments
JENKINS-65424artifactory-plugin: Add description to MavenDescriptorStep arguments
JENKINS-65372artifactory-plugin: Add online help to plugin arguments
JENKINS-65320Jenkins configure system save button doesn't work after updating to 2.285
JENKINS-65296Cannot (re)deploy artifact after upgrading plugin to 3.10.6: 404 error with JSON response "mandatory properties do not match"
JENKINS-65216Daemonless Docker Build
JENKINS-64998descriptor.hasSnapshots method always return TRUE boolean value even if version does not have "SNAPSHOTS"
JENKINS-64546Artifactory breaks freestyle job saves with NullPointerException
JENKINS-64085Release plugin bug- processing failed due to a bug in the code
JENKINS-63626Missing Content-Length on download the build artifacts REST API
JENKINS-63352Promotion page broken - No valid crumb for Javascript method
JENKINS-63013Artifactory servers options are not loaded in the job configuration
JENKINS-62707In Jenkins 2.156 version not able to find the Artifactory feature to integrate with JFrog Repo
JENKINS-62693Deploy artifacts to artifactory through Jenkins fails
JENKINS-62107Provide a pipeline step to get the value of given properties assigned to specific artifact
JENKINS-60558Not able to upload / download artifacts Using Artifactory Plugin
JENKINS-60402java.lang.LinkageError when trying to use gitlab API in a pipeline library
JENKINS-59973rtUpload / rtDownload fail with HTTP 401 / 403
JENKINS-59111There is no way to manually promote an Artifactory artifact using jenkins pipeline
JENKINS-59108Artifactory plugin can't publish build info for Gradle builds
JENKINS-59049400 Message: Bad Request when downloading resource
JENKINS-58435Latest update fails with No Artifactory server configured for null; Duplicate upload server in config
JENKINS-58195Artifactory plugin does not support having multiple instances of the build wrapper in Web UI
JENKINS-57941Artifactory credentials default deployer credentials won't allow selection
JENKINS-57881Sometimes java.util.ConcurrentModificationException during artifact download
JENKINS-57384Artifactory Plugin Bug - Resolve Artifacts Not Consistant
JENKINS-57160How to download latest non-maven artifact from JFrog artifactory?
JENKINS-56835conan client does not allow local root CA
JENKINS-56762[Artifactory] - Build promotion with docker image is not working
JENKINS-56670Jenkins Artifactory Plugin version: 3.2.1 - Unable to extract archive *.tar.gz created on AIX platform
JENKINS-56512Add function for Artifactory Version to org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
JENKINS-56358pipeline-syntax/globals variables help is mostly not about variables
JENKINS-56220Artifactory Plugin not Publishing Build Information
JENKINS-55975Artifactory Plugin stuck on "artifactoryMavenBuild" in Pipeline after latest upgrade of plugin
JENKINS-55481Artifactory Plugin Pipeline Log Missing
JENKINS-55409VCS data not getting uploaded with Artifacts.
JENKINS-55407no output after this step in console "[Pipeline] newBuildInfo [Pipeline] artifactoryMavenBuild" while building and uploading artifacts
JENKINS-55267A failed Gradle task does not log any of the error details
JENKINS-53955Move Job NullPointerException jfrog artifactory
JENKINS-53942Jobs using Artifactory plugin are disappeared post the plugin upgrade
JENKINS-53620 Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class org.jfrog.hudson.action.ActionableHelper$1 rejected due to JEP-200
JENKINS-53483Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class org.jfrog.hudson.maven2.MavenDependenciesRecorder$1
JENKINS-53408Artifactory plugin: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hudson.matrix.MatrixRun
JENKINS-53178Unable to download artifacts
JENKINS-53031Failed to deserialize response to UserRequest:org.jfrog.hudson.generic.GenericArtifactsDeployer$FilesDeployerCallable
JENKINS-52930groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: server for class: WorkflowScript
JENKINS-52363Changing build number on buildInfo returned by mvn leads to publish problem
JENKINS-52176Allow creation of BuildInfoResultAction with a preexisting
JENKINS-51748Jackson-Databind needs to be upgraded to 2.9.4+ to address CVE-2018-5968
JENKINS-51467Successful download from Artifactory but file not found
JENKINS-50823Unable to download latest artifact from snapshot repository
JENKINS-50741NPE on git.exe rev-list
JENKINS-50637Pipeline Maven build deployer option evenIfUnstable not settable
JENKINS-50218Conan init fails when using Artifactory plugin
JENKINS-48441Artifactory plugin fails to read settings.xml
JENKINS-48316Support secret text credentials
JENKINS-48038"Could not find the history docker layer" when publishing build Info to artifactory
JENKINS-48011Calling buildInfo.env.collect after buildInfo.append(server.upload(uploadSpec)) causing NPE in
JENKINS-47614Artifactory Plugin fails in Pipeline after upgrade of plugin
JENKINS-47410Unable to view parameter used in Staging
JENKINS-47156rtMaven.deployer.deployArtifacts has not effect in deployments
JENKINS-46855On Jenkins upgrade - "Target releases repository" and "Target snapshot repository" values are blanked
JENKINS-46847artifactory-pipeline-gradle: multiple addexclusion implementation
JENKINS-46796Allow Token macro to be used in spec
JENKINS-46791Artifactory plugin uses last build's metadata to change versions during a release build
JENKINS-46767failed to set up artifactory using groovy script
JENKINS-46766Placeholder not replaced for uploads when files are symlinked
JENKINS-46506Jenkins slave ignores no_proxy or http.nonProxyHosts
JENKINS-46281Allow default setting for "Include dependencies", "Use copy" checkboxes
JENKINS-46188Expose ability to change "push to bintray" option via code
JENKINS-46171"Override build name" field does not support env variables
JENKINS-46037artifactory prints deployed artifacts twice after upgrade to 2.12.2
JENKINS-45867artifactoryPublish does not deploy .pom file from jenkinsfile pipeline code
JENKINS-45848Retention policy is kept after removing it
JENKINS-45645Artifactory plugin 2.12.* generic pipeline download does not work
JENKINS-45641Artifactory plugin bug - latest package error
JENKINS-45515Artifactory plugin 2.12.* Generic-Artifactory Integration configuration won't work if an authenticating proxy is set in jenkins
JENKINS-45439Can't use "props" in spec file with artifactory-plugin 2.12
JENKINS-45341Artifactory plugin 2.11 worked but 2.12 broke updating job location
JENKINS-45158Unable to create spec-based Artifactory publisher via Job DSL
JENKINS-45156Set sensible defaults for artifactory plugin in job DSL
JENKINS-44939Integrate the Artifactory Plugin with Docker Workflow plugin
JENKINS-44873UnsupportedOperationException - Refusing to marshal org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl
JENKINS-44683Cannot load CPSScript class during compileGroovy in Gradle
JENKINS-44652build info not honouring masked passwords
JENKINS-44418Deletion of productive m2.conf in maven installation during post build step
JENKINS-44355Gradle installation on Windows 7 not found with Artifactory Plugin 2.11
JENKINS-44045artifactory plugin workflow should work with withEnv
JENKINS-43680Plugin ignores jenkins no_proxy settings.
JENKINS-43544Artifactory Release Staging - Not uploading to correct repo
JENKINS-43514NullPointer exception in Artifactory Plugin when using publishers from other project
JENKINS-43493Upload failed with MissingMethodException when called from Pipeline Shared Library
JENKINS-43357Artifactory plugin unable to run
JENKINS-43165artifactory-plugin 2.9.2 throws exceptions and breaks our builds
JENKINS-42931Upload spec does not resolve placeholders in target path
JENKINS-42806dockerpushstep loop or abort with tag not found
JENKINS-42792Artifactory server configuration throwing 'loader constraint violation' error
JENKINS-42608connection still allocated
JENKINS-42526Add ability to restrict access to maven job's 'Artifactory Release Staging
JENKINS-42292Sort, limit results via AQL download spec
JENKINS-42255uploadSpec directory structure behaviour change
JENKINS-42094[Artifactory] Publishing Docker Build-Info requires
JENKINS-41990Jenkins artifactory-plugin and old version of Httpclient / Httpmime
JENKINS-41898Artifactory upload failing when Jenkins job is in a folder
JENKINS-41706"Override Git Credentials" Value Ignored During Release
JENKINS-41596artifactory release NPE on multi-module project
JENKINS-41564Artifactory Pro Release Staging fails on Docker slave
JENKINS-41468JobDSL of ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher failing due to missing customBuildName
JENKINS-41427artifactory buildinfo upload fails on upload
JENKINS-41277can't upload artifacts to artifactory
JENKINS-41097Time spent in {{artifactory.upload}} step is counted towards the previous step
JENKINS-41082Artifactory Plugin is overriding the specified GRADLE_USER_HOME environment variable
JENKINS-41059Exception in thread "LittleProxy-JVM-shutdown-hook" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
JENKINS-40500M2 Release artifacts are not uploading on Artifactory
JENKINS-40409When publishing a gradle project with ivy publications, the revision specified on the publication is ignored
JENKINS-40282JAVA_HOME from pipeline not respected in artifactory maven run
JENKINS-40276artifactory-plugin's Docker setup requires dedicated Jenkins machines
JENKINS-40257Artifactory plugin DSL generic uploader does not resolve credentialsId
JENKINS-40230redeploy artifact crashes job
JENKINS-40037Docker builds fail with "Build info capturing failed for docker image..." exception
JENKINS-40035Artifactory GradleBuild does not work within docker.inside
JENKINS-39943Artifactory gradle usage has wrong documentation for GradleDeployer.usesPlugin usage
JENKINS-39936Any AQL in Download Spec file causes NPE
JENKINS-39859License Control for Configuring Generic (Freestyle) Builds
JENKINS-39825Failure in post build SCM action on tagging with variable
JENKINS-39758Artifactory plugin does not publish simple gradle project
JENKINS-39755Gradle project does not deploy
JENKINS-39323ArtifactoryPluginTest#gradle_integration test is failing
JENKINS-39230Artifactory Maven build hides stdout in Pipeline
JENKINS-39139Artifactory Build Info Link shown twice
JENKINS-38745Data loss due to Artifactory plugin after upgrade
JENKINS-38703[INFO] Deploying artifact not workign with http forwarding proxy
JENKINS-38693MissingResourceException running Artifactory Release Staging
JENKINS-38553NPE in Maven build from pipeline Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-37470Add support for enviroment variables
JENKINS-36478Artifactory plugin gradle integration problem with groovy versions
JENKINS-36465Unable to determine Maven version
JENKINS-36362Jenkins Artifactory Plugin fails because the file it's looking for doesn't exist
JENKINS-36360Jenkins Artifactory plugin fails on running/debugging but complies fine
JENKINS-35532Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
JENKINS-35425Can't create job. NoClassDefFoundError: hudson/maven/MavenModuleSet
JENKINS-34576Test Connection fails - TLS SNI failure
JENKINS-34327No such settings file /usr/share/maven3 exists
JENKINS-34326Support for Multibranch Pipeline Builds
JENKINS-34160Getting ERROR: Failed to parse POMs while trying to build
JENKINS-33586Artifactory plugin does not create build artifacts from multiple gradle tasks
JENKINS-33547Create flag for deploying for builds with parameter
JENKINS-33032Enabling Resolve artifacts from Artifactory results in stack trace
JENKINS-32916Cannot run integration test.
JENKINS-32869Artifactory plugin creates directories instead of uploading files
JENKINS-32497Artifactory Release Promotion should be able to mark build as promoted
JENKINS-31620Plugin not creating/uploading maven-metadata.xml for Gradle-Artifactory Integration
JENKINS-31418artifactory plugin re-write the file and remove all comments.
JENKINS-31399ConversionException while loading saved Job configuration
JENKINS-31300Artifactory Plugin - Artifact resolution failed with a circular redirection exception
JENKINS-31249Temporary files used by the Artifactory plugin (with Gradle integration) are not cleaned up
JENKINS-31146add monitor/trigger capability to Jenkins Artifactory plugin
JENKINS-30400Deploying Build Info to Artifactory 4.0.2
JENKINS-29746Revision checkout trough jenkis is failed. IllegalStateException in Artifactory's buildEnvVars
JENKINS-29723Release Build should also update version in eclipse bundles
JENKINS-29570Artifactory Release Staging is not working on MultiJob project
JENKINS-29126Migrate to Publishers
JENKINS-28173Add support for empty "Git release branch name prefix"
JENKINS-27949"off switch" for Bintray feature
JENKINS-27724Artifactory global configuration panel not showing up.
JENKINS-27632A successful build ends with a Failure
JENKINS-27428Would be nice if one could publish artifacts to several reposiories
JENKINS-27221Artifactory-plugin destination path for .rpm, .deb
JENKINS-26967not running with Maven 3.0.5
JENKINS-26950Artifactory plugin - Maintaining Version Ranges for Trunk Pom
JENKINS-26817Matrix Param Style for Deb repository not supported
JENKINS-26720Artifactory plugin causes exception in project/configure page
JENKINS-26346Promotion Action list doesn't include "Deploy to Artifactory"
JENKINS-26189Could not find artifact org.activiti:activiti-root:pom:5.8 in central (http://port/artifactory/libs-release)
JENKINS-26161[originalname] not expanded in artifact pattern
JENKINS-26146Artifactory Release Staging failing
JENKINS-26144Artifactory Plugin causes Maven Release Plugin failure
JENKINS-25985maven-artifcatory deployment doesn't work
JENKINS-25557Dont dsicard old artifact from artifactory if DIDNT upload new one
JENKINS-25260Artifact and Artifact checksum deploy order required otherwise artifactory Error 404
JENKINS-25028Support for Jenkins Credentials
JENKINS-24949Artifactory plugin version 2.2.4 uses ivy-2.2.0.jar
JENKINS-24858Update scm tag in pom.xml when doing a Release Staging
JENKINS-24343ConcurrentModificationException while collecting BuildInfo
JENKINS-24111BuildInfoRecorder.sessionEnded() listener has failed: Log4JLogger' cannot be found or is not useable
JENKINS-24065I wiil be glad to get Daily status report on the various metrics, such as cyclomatic complexity (CCM) , number of errors (CPP), e.t.c.
JENKINS-23795error connecting jenkins to artifactory
JENKINS-23794Artifactory Plugin guava dependency problem
JENKINS-23650artifactoryPublish fails with Gradle 2.0
JENKINS-23584last successful artifacts not displaying in jenkins job page
JENKINS-22882Final push of new development (SNAPSHOT) version is not done when deployment to artifactory is not checked.
JENKINS-22881Git release breaks when no tag and no deployment specified
JENKINS-22341Failure to connect to artifactory server break configuration page
JENKINS-21832Can't fetch remote repositories nor deploy
JENKINS-21235Artifactory plugin is configured to run post-build, but actually runs pre-"Post-Steps"
JENKINS-20167Unable to commit release version on Git master branch from Artifactory Release Staging
JENKINS-19625add NuGet support to the Artifactory plugin
JENKINS-18625Artifactory Release: Mercurial SCM support
JENKINS-18392Support Matrix Projects in Jenkins Artifactory Plugin
JENKINS-18073Allow variables in Artifactory deployment include/exclude patterns
JENKINS-18052Make Artifactory respect Jenkins' artifact retention policy, if set
JENKINS-18034Gradle plugin does not handle spaces in Jenkins install location
JENKINS-18016Artifactory plugin adds arguments when editing a job configuration while the job is building
JENKINS-17967Generic-Artifactory Integration Resolved Artifacts doesn't attach an artifact dependency in artifactory when using Regex
JENKINS-17905how to create a maven projectto download files from maven repository.and also how to use POM.xml.
JENKINS-17593Artifactory Plugin Uses Incorrect Artifact Names
JENKINS-17407IllegalArgumentException: promotion when trying to configure chain of downstream promotions
JENKINS-16685Can't add Artifactory Plugin as post-build step
JENKINS-16603Gradle-Artifactory --init-script switch persisted if configuring while job is runnning
JENKINS-16148Promote gradle build without prior "release"
JENKINS-15112Injected Jenkins build env variables not resolved/forwarded
JENKINS-15076Jenkins Artifact saver to NOT mark job as failed if not Artifact found
JENKINS-14666Environment Variables in Generic-Artifactory Integration do not expand
JENKINS-14268I can't use artifactory with svn+ssh following the tutorial on youtube: Empower Jenkins with artifactory
JENKINS-13900Changing the artifactory server doesn't change the server used in jobs
JENKINS-13604On startup, Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hudson/ivy/AntIvyBuildWrapper
JENKINS-13437Gradle-Artifactory Integration should allow to specify separate repositories for release and snapshot deployment
JENKINS-12951Freestyle job 'Invoke Maven 3' build step can't find maven home for Maven installation installed from Apache Archives
JENKINS-12950pom.xml not deploying to Artifactory
JENKINS-12874Deploy a versioned SNAPSHOT to Artifactory fails with message "Archived artifact is missing"
JENKINS-11252Permission to access archived artifacts
JENKINS-10021Can't deploy artifact on Artifactory (2)
JENKINS-10009Gradle-Artifactory snapshot upload works only once after job is saved
JENKINS-9190deduplicating build artifacts
JENKINS-7183Error finding org.apache.ivy.Ivy from ArtifactoryIvySettingsConfigurator
JENKINS-6053error 500 when adding "artifactory" as a m2 post build step
JENKINS-5781Artifactory plugin - build fails when running mvn site goal against project using flexmojos for a build not even deploying artifacts
JENKINS-5555Release build show module dependencies to "SNAPSHOTS"