Ansible Tower

List of issues
JENKINS-73377Issue with Ansible event log id exceed max value of Integer
JENKINS-72664utf8 values not supported
JENKINS-69378wrong URL for workflow templates
JENKINS-67708To pass extra vars field for ansible tower plugin through jenkins
JENKINS-67704Unable to pass extra vars field for ansible tower plugin through jenkins
JENKINS-67092Unable to pass yml file at extra vars field for ansible tower plugin
JENKINS-65013Ansible Tower Plugin - Have access to User credentials
JENKINS-63369ansible plugin - importTowerLogs
JENKINS-63142Sliced job template in workflow causes jenkins pipeline failure
JENKINS-62838Ansible Tower Project Sync does not override Credentials in freestyle Job
JENKINS-62525Add some reconnection mechanism to Ansible Tower job monitoring
JENKINS-62428Unable to use an env. variable for SCM_BRANCH configuration
JENKINS-55247Make Ansible Tower Plugin import the output from a sliced job template
JENKINS-55246Add credential button is not working on Ansible Tower Plugin configuration
JENKINS-54366Ansible tower 3.3 with plugins 0.9 have issue in workflow extra variables passing