Active Directory

List of issues
JENKINS-75237Saving the security configuration form changes the Active Directory password in config.xml
JENKINS-75186Active Directory plugin v2.38 Breaks insecure connections
JENKINS-75161[active-directory-plugin] Configurable Domain Bind Password length limits
JENKINS-75010SecurityRealm Redirect URI issue azure-ad
JENKINS-74774Noisy log messages in active-directory-plugin after JENKINS-42687
JENKINS-73847[active-directory-plugin] Missing Test Domain button in Windows
JENKINS-73364Credential exception trying to authenticate against XX domain: Empty password
JENKINS-73264Issue with adding AD information
JENKINS-73055User is unable to have read access after using AD group as an authentication
JENKINS-72472Anonymous auth not configurable using jenkins.yaml
JENKINS-72440New API token returns 401
JENKINS-71954Allow to disable DNS resolution for Jenkins AD plugin
JENKINS-71930failed to compute /manage/ad-health/ because .getDomains() is null
JENKINS-71872The AD authentication process is very slow
JENKINS-71593Failed to login from Users In-Trust Domain
JENKINS-71395Failed to test the validity of the user name on all security matrices since upgrade
JENKINS-71170The user we are looking for might exist javax.naming.PartialResultException
JENKINS-70272LDAPS with Active Directory not working
JENKINS-70270Active Directory plugin 2.29 some users cannot login or be displayed
JENKINS-69726AD Plugin 2.6 broken authentication
JENKINS-69683Active directory 'Test Domain' does not take into account changes in the `Require TLS` checkbox.
JENKINS-69556Active Directory failover problems
JENKINS-69533Active Directory plugin is trying to login randoml in 15 seconds
JENKINS-69506Unable to Intgregate Ldap
JENKINS-69497Multiple domain controller issue.
JENKINS-69303Active Directory - Matrix Based User/Group Authentication Error
JENKINS-69280After switching service accounts Jenkins crashes on restart due to ActiveDirectory
JENKINS-68853Missing English localizations in Administrative monitors configuration
JENKINS-68813Not able to connect with Active directory
JENKINS-68091Error using API tokens with AD
JENKINS-67865AD Plugin 2.25.1 - Use Jenkins Internal Database Broken
JENKINS-67712unable to resolve users from trusted domain of AWS managed AD
JENKINS-67580 startTLS failure leaves connection unencrypted
JENKINS-66847AD plugin doesn't use Jenkins credentials for bind dn and password
JENKINS-66612After Upgrading of jenkins from 2.254 to 2.289.3 Security details amd other settings were over written
JENKINS-64921Recursive group lookup strategy does not work for nested groups with a mix of distribution/security groups
JENKINS-64674unable to login when AD controller certificate hostname does not match.
JENKINS-64673can not set TLS option when running on windows
JENKINS-64451Active directory plugin giving error
JENKINS-64111AD Authentication Does not Work for Jenkins Login
JENKINS-63924Unable to automate password update in config.xml
JENKINS-63645Improve AD/LDAP caching with an ObjectChangeListener
JENKINS-63411ActiveDirectory plugin fails with LDAPS where LDAP plugin works
JENKINS-63323Active Directory with "Trust all certificates" allows silent fallback to plain-text LDAP
JENKINS-63303AD plugin should use tokenGroups by default
JENKINS-63007TFS creates user incorrectly
JENKINS-62474CannotResolveClassException: hudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm
JENKINS-61978AD user not able to login using Active Directory plugin
JENKINS-61976OAuth2 Active Directory Access token does not work with Rest API
JENKINS-61710Active Directory plugin - Group name change/mapping
JENKINS-61124Active directory integration with Jenkins
JENKINS-60728Two active directory domains and same usernames
JENKINS-60598Facing intermittent AD login issue with Jenkins
JENKINS-60206When using Fall-back user confuration for Active Directory plugin crashes
JENKINS-59689Active directory 2.16 no test button when setting AD config
JENKINS-59639LDAP tries to connect to DomainDNSZones, instead of connecting to the specified controller
JENKINS-59448Distinct jenkins userids for same AD user
JENKINS-59286Does not allow connection to the active directory Novell
JENKINS-58957trap and report login failure; no stack trace
JENKINS-58940ActiveDirectory.updateUserCache uncaughtException
JENKINS-58843Error 404 resource not found
JENKINS-58806Root exception is
JENKINS-58772Fall-back user for Active Directory plugin does not work
JENKINS-58235AuthenticationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 8 - 00002028: LdapErr: DSID-0C090256
JENKINS-58231Job build failed when one of domain in Active Directory unreachable
JENKINS-57635Can not log in after upgrade to 2.15 from 2.14
JENKINS-57629Login to some users isn't possible with AD plugin 2.15
JENKINS-57607Can't log in after plugin update
JENKINS-56843Active Directory Health Status non-functional, NPE in logs
JENKINS-56841Fall-back User missing from Active Directory plugin v2.13
JENKINS-56649Web interface hangs on retrieve users from ldap
JENKINS-56338ActiveDirectory plugin, Unable to login after updating from 2.10 to 2.12
JENKINS-56332ActiveDirectory plugin, problem with search when enabling fallback "Use Jenkins Internal Database"
JENKINS-56224TLS Configuration dropdown disappeared on Windows master
JENKINS-56134ActiveDirectory Crash During Reconfiguration
JENKINS-56124If fetching user by "userPrincipalName" failed, search for "sAMAccountName" will not be executed
JENKINS-55947Active Directory Plugin 2.11 :: JDK TrustStore
JENKINS-55180Active Directory Plugin - "Use Jenkins Internal Database" option hidden
JENKINS-54892java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171\bin\java.exe
JENKINS-52999Error on active directory configaration: Domain Controller is reachable but the service on the specified port is not reachable
JENKINS-51285Active Directory plugin does not work with scandic usernames
JENKINS-49146Active Directory Plugin Reports Invalid Domain - version 2.6
JENKINS-49049Git committer with non-matching parens causes error
JENKINS-48889Login via DOMAIN\username doesn't work with a forest
JENKINS-48759"Failed to test the validity of the user name" on all security matrices using groups after switch to HTTPS
JENKINS-48683User accounts created with $005c in name causes /me links not to work
JENKINS-48513AD Plugin creates partial configuration if error connecting
JENKINS-48511Active Directory seems to always trust any certificate
JENKINS-48002Create an option in the login process to reduce the search of users in a subset of groups
JENKINS-47133Anonymous binding doesn't retrieve the user groups
JENKINS-46943Default port preventing users to login
JENKINS-46884ActiveDirectory plugin advanced configuration not available without specifying custom domain name
JENKINS-46646Active Directory Auth: Logging in with both username and email creates two separate accounts.
JENKINS-46228The help button for Domain does not correctly explain how to add multiple-domains
JENKINS-46227Unnecessary LDAP searches for the user object
JENKINS-46226Wrong building of principalname and sAMAccountName
JENKINS-45176Allow user lookup by userPrincipalName (instead of sAMAccountName)
JENKINS-44822bindName and bindPassword not being displayed when created via Groovy
JENKINS-44531Bind passwd in AD setting changed when saving Matrix-based security setting
JENKINS-43967Compatibility issue with AWS Simple Directory Service
JENKINS-43965AD groups not visible without Overall Administer permission (matrix security)
JENKINS-43237Can't login without clearing cookies
JENKINS-41452[AD plugin]Ability to retrieve fields from user AD profile (such as phone number)
JENKINS-40007Active Directory Plugin: Security Config saves 3268 port by default when LDAPS flag is activated
JENKINS-39902Add User search filter to restrict login username used
JENKINS-39320AD module not working as expected with trust relationship
JENKINS-38560Could not login to Jenkins with user account having restrictions for workstations
JENKINS-38488Active Directory Log in Timeout but with "Success" in the test
JENKINS-38295Let users know that displayedName should be used with several domains
JENKINS-38225TokenGroups-lookup is filtered/limited to user-domain (in Forest/Multi-Domain AD)
JENKINS-37737Intermittent login failures with Active Directory / Matrix-based security
JENKINS-36647Active Directory Plugin Fails with No SRV record found message
JENKINS-36449Does not work with samba above 4.1
JENKINS-36448Configured port is not used for connection
JENKINS-36157recurisve group lookup is missing groups.
JENKINS-36040allow configuration of context parameters.
JENKINS-35249Security update 1.651.2 breaks LDAP/AD look up
JENKINS-34968Domain in login is not taken into account
JENKINS-34940Active Directory exception
JENKINS-34435REST API returns error when attempting to check lock status
JENKINS-34426Changing project-based settings for AD-Groups shows error
JENKINS-34253Add "Require encrypted authentication" option for StartTLS
JENKINS-33550Active Directory Plugin adding user name as Bind DN
JENKINS-33422Provide a way to get back into Jenkins when active directory bind password expire
JENKINS-33313Authentication against more than one active directory fails
JENKINS-33134Jenkins 1.649 / Active Directory 1.41
JENKINS-32710Configure AD Authorization with Groovy
JENKINS-31880Active Directory plugin 1.41 throws exception for every list view / build pipeline view load.
JENKINS-29280Chrome browser username autofill adds username as bindName in LDAP
JENKINS-28858More aggressive group membership caching
JENKINS-28856ADSI fails to find recursive groups
JENKINS-28664LDAPS Authorization not possible
JENKINS-28605User account with dashes '-' in the user name fails
JENKINS-28203unable to login via jenkins cli with active directory
JENKINS-27756Rework ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm config UI
JENKINS-27139Active Directory plugin doesn't work, in attempt to be connected to the domain controler on the Internet
JENKINS-26717Build hangs while retrieving user email from active directory
JENKINS-26337User which is restricted to worksattions can not login to jenkins
JENKINS-24960Active directory Logon Timeout
JENKINS-24958UsernameNotFoundException when ActiveDirectory used for API and token authentication
JENKINS-24067Handling partial anonymous bind failures gracefully
JENKINS-23781ActiveDirectory plugin 'test' button doesn't support ipv6
JENKINS-22759NullPointerException when trying to modify/add user
JENKINS-22745ActiveDirectory Plugin, problem with logon
JENKINS-22727AD plugin times out for large user/group membership
JENKINS-22669login failed (timed out) after upgrade to 1.37 from 1.36
JENKINS-22616Active Directory Plugin not working with project based authorization matrix
JENKINS-22358Jenkins 1.556 gives 'Error 404 Not Found'
JENKINS-22063Jenkins CLI login does not work
JENKINS-21073Fix forceLdaps system property
JENKINS-20733SASL authentication with Active Directory
JENKINS-20644jenkins-cli failed to run disable/enable job with correct active directory username and password
JENKINS-17740configureSecurity securityRealm test tool gives 404 error
JENKINS-17581Using the API Token beyond 496 causes intermittent 500 errors
JENKINS-17477Active Directory plugin not working with SSL connections
JENKINS-16243Active Directory SSL/TLS authentication does not work with Active Directory Plugin
JENKINS-15671User inside a AD group with name with "slash" can´t login or be added in admin or project member
JENKINS-15073Active directory authentication failed when no ssl is used
JENKINS-14057With Active Directory Plugin, the user/group validation in authorization strategy of configuration screen fails
JENKINS-13750Failed to retrieve tokenGroups
JENKINS-13677Active Direcoty Plugin not encrypted - FINE: Failed to start TLS. Authentication will be done via plain-text LDAP
JENKINS-13507javax.naming.NotContextException after Updating Active Directory Plugin from 1.16 to 1.26
JENKINS-12607Active directory user names should not be case sensitive.
JENKINS-11990After updating Active Directory plugin the Jenkins People database is experiencing massive performance issues synching because it is trying to authenticate users that are no longer in company Active Directory but are part of the Jenkins Database
JENKINS-11820Show name of user not logged in at Jenkins server (e.g. user name from SCM changelog)
JENKINS-11355CLI stops working. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
JENKINS-10341Active Directory plugin produces excessive Logon Audit records in domain controller
JENKINS-10305when using Active Directory Authentication, all CLI commands can only be run as Annonymous
JENKINS-8461-Dhudson.plugins.active_directory.ActiveDirectorySecurityRealm.domainControllers=<my host>:389 fails
JENKINS-8313Hudson barf's the ldap tree to the console and returns http err 500
JENKINS-8287Append domain name to the username
JENKINS-7470hudson-cli.jar login does not work with ActiveDirectory authentication
JENKINS-5854AD Login Remember Me functionailty inactive
JENKINS-5773User name related to SVN
JENKINS-5392com4j.ComException: 8000500d (Unknown error) when using "remember me" login option
JENKINS-4948I have configured for ldap connectivity in hudson . login it gets hung up and after few minutes it get logged in.
JENKINS-3356DNS lookup failed - Active Directory lookup broken
JENKINS-2708Hudson fails when restarted with Active Directory enabled.