JENKINS-72952 | create blue ocean view from parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin | | |
JENKINS-71540 | pipeline build failed even though shouldNotFailBuild-Option set to true when triggering remote job | | |
JENKINS-71359 | remoteJenkinsUrl is not overidding https port in Parameterized Remote Trigger plugin | | |
JENKINS-70796 | abortTriggeredJob option in Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin is not working | | |
JENKINS-70289 | Job DSL Can not generate ParameterizedRemoteTrigger parameters correctly | | |
JENKINS-69844 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin return null on readJsonFileFromBuildArchive | | |
JENKINS-69176 | The handle.updateBuildStatusBlocking() does not let Jenkins restart | | |
JENKINS-69169 | Pipeline snippetgenerator shows "HTTP GET/POST read timeout" fields, but traditional job configuration does not | | |
JENKINS-69008 | Handling of session id for work with CSRF in Parameterzied Remote Trigger resets after restart of Jenkins | | |
JENKINS-68898 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin does not support multi line parameters anymore | | |
JENKINS-68773 | The child/remote job is caused with incorrect parameters | | |
JENKINS-67905 | Methods to get job parameters always return value of 'name' parameter | | |
JENKINS-67472 | Parameterized Remote Trigger report "Connection to remote server failed [401]" | | |
JENKINS-67279 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin configuration is failing with "Address looks good, but a connection could not be established" | | |
JENKINS-67019 | Sleep interrupted when triggering two jobs in parallel | | |
JENKINS-66741 | build-token-root-plugin support lost | | |
JENKINS-66607 | Remote Trigger Plugin returns 405 error | | |
JENKINS-63858 | Piece of log output lost on failed remote build | | |
JENKINS-63393 | Showing user-friendly variable name to user while asking for build parameters | | |
JENKINS-61273 | parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin fails token evaluation on credentials with special characters | | |
JENKINS-60877 | Parameterized Remote Trigger plugin falsely reports retry limit exceeding hiding cause of true issue | | |
JENKINS-60366 | Incomplete remote output after streaming improvement | | |
JENKINS-59967 | getting 403 for invalid crumb on trigger remote job | | |
JENKINS-58335 | Parameterized Remote Trigger plugin print too much logs in Console Output | | |
JENKINS-56550 | Credentials fail if password has dollar sign ($) in it | | |
JENKINS-55830 | Parameterized remote trigger gives configuration error as "Address looks good, but a connection cannot be established" | | |
JENKINS-55684 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin | | |
JENKINS-55038 | `Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin` sometimes fails with poll interval value more than 5 minutes | | |
JENKINS-54201 | Allow the tigger to work without any "node" wrappers | | |
JENKINS-54161 | remote job being triggered twice | | |
JENKINS-53813 | Jenkins parameterized remote trigger plugin shows null pointer exception | | |
JENKINS-52810 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin is not triggering job in remote jenkins | | |
JENKINS-51874 | Parameterized Remote Trigger does not use URL for Build Token Root Plugin | | |
JENKINS-48425 | Null Pointer Exception in Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin during concurrent builds | | |
JENKINS-47185 | quiet period does not working when job trigger by upstream | | |
JENKINS-45027 | Getting exception while using Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin | | |
JENKINS-44737 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Configuration is failing to connect to remote server after upgrading jenkins to 2.63 | | |
JENKINS-42889 | Enable triggering of remote jobs in parallel | | |
JENKINS-36459 | Inconsistency in Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin options via UI & DSL API | | |
JENKINS-33570 | Make parameterized-trigger available as a post build action | | |
JENKINS-32217 | parambuild should use the type of parameter | | |
JENKINS-31170 | Credentials aren't filtered based on entered remote server address (and port) | | |
JENKINS-30866 | Getting a HTTP 411 Length required trying to trigger a build on remote jenkins server | | |
JENKINS-30571 | Add support for https | | |
JENKINS-30078 | plugin should wait, as long as the triggered remote-job is waiting for an free build processor | | |
JENKINS-29222 | Plugin detects the wrong build as triggered occasionally | | |
JENKINS-29220 | User cannot cancel build if "Do not fail if remote fails" is set. | | |
JENKINS-29219 | Log and output error messages during address validation | | |
JENKINS-28991 | Allowing defaults to be used in remote parameterized job | | |
JENKINS-28958 | Parameters from file not passed to downstream job | | |
JENKINS-28637 | Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in | | |
JENKINS-28252 | Max number of connection retries have been exeeded. | | |
JENKINS-28244 | Parameterized Remote Trigger Plug-In Not Allowing Remote Server To Be Configured | | |
JENKINS-28185 | Parameterized Remote Trigger fails when calling a job with Matrix Combination parameter | | |
JENKINS-27249 | Quiet period is not considered when triggering remotely | | |
JENKINS-26562 | Allow connectionRetryLimit to be changed | | |
JENKINS-26047 | Add parameter to parameterized trigger parameters to allow selection of configured remote hosts | | |
JENKINS-25265 | Create option to show Console Output from remote build | | |
JENKINS-24731 | Using Remote Trigger Plugin and properties files can get job into a weird state where it cannot be aborted | | |
JENKINS-24240 | Add support for folders plugin | | |
JENKINS-23895 | does not respect http_proxy variables | | |
JENKINS-23861 | Parameterized remote trigger should allow setting parent build status based on downstream build status | | |
JENKINS-23747 | "Remote Job Name" should have typeahead, with the actual jobs present in the remote host | | |
JENKINS-23745 | Create links to the running/executed remote job | | |
JENKINS-22384 | Add EnvironmentVar feature to allow people access to Remote job | | |
JENKINS-22231 | Allow parameterized remote trigger to be a post-build action | | |